He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,722 1 Everything is possible

When the members of the trial team present heard what Zhang Xun said, they couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although this training mission is very important for both individuals and their sect, no one wants to lose their lives on the battlefield for this!

Life is gone, no matter how much cultivation resources you earn, it will be in vain.

At this time, Wang Le, who was indifferent and had a calm face, looked at Zhang Xun with a hint of interest, obviously his curiosity was aroused.

He would like to see what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of this disciple of Tian Dao Yaozhong?

At this time, Zhang Xun, under the watchful eyes of all members of the trial team, continued: "When the war with vampires begins, no matter in the initial stage of head-to-head confrontation or in the attack stage, those heaven-level seniors at the upper level will not You send them to the battlefield as cannon fodder."

At this moment, Wang Le in the crowd truly breathed a sigh of relief, because among all the members of the trial team present, he was the only one who fully understood what Zhang Xun said about how terrifying the casualty rate in these two stages was. It was simply taking human lives. Go and fill it in, a veritable harvester of life.

"Those heaven-level old monsters finally have some humanity and don't do everything right, otherwise they will make me anxious and stop serving them." Wang Le hummed and thought in his heart.

Just when Wang Le was thinking about it, a member of the trial team in the crowd suddenly asked Zhang: "Senior Zhang, if this is what you said, when can we go to the battlefield to hunt vampires. "

Zhang Xun chuckled and responded: "The higher-ups will naturally make arrangements by then. I believe the risks you encounter on the battlefield will be controlled within a certain range."

After a pause, Zhang Xun showed a look that you know, and further said: "You are all the proud sons of your respective sects and the mainstays of the future. I believe that those heaven-level seniors will never make random decisions that harm you. "

Of course, all the members of the trial team present at this time understood what Zhang Wen said.

Because except for Wu Nantian and Yaozhong, who were in charge of this training mission, and Fengxue gunman Bao Chong, the upper-level sky-level old monsters were all powerful figures in their respective sects who were members of the trial team present.

For example, Fatty Huang's master is now guarding the alliance army camp, as is Zheng Ge's elders, not to mention other members of the trial team.

Of course, Wang Le is an anomaly. Joining the alliance trial team halfway was completely unplanned.

In addition, Nanhua Temple was invited by the martial arts alliance because of the cold water.

He went to the secular world to guard the Forty-Nine City, so there were no disciples to join the coalition fighting against the vampire army.

All of this resulted in Wang Le being isolated and helpless.

Fortunately, he had a good relationship with Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge. Otherwise, without the restraint of the sect behind them, Wang Le believed that many secret arrows would be shot at him.

After all, it is easy to hide from open guns, but difficult to prevent hidden arrows. Wang Leke cannot guarantee that he can achieve good results in the training mission while being distracted to deal with these hidden arrows.

Back to the topic, just when everyone lost their previous solemn expressions and began to relax, Zhang Xun changed the topic again and warned in a deep voice: "Although those heaven-level seniors at the top try their best to reduce the dangers you encounter on the battlefield. It’s dangerous, but after all, you have to hunt vampires on the battlefield and engage in life-and-death fights again and again, so you can’t be careless at all times, otherwise, the price you pay will definitely be your own life!”

Having said this, Zhang Xun glanced at the members of the trial team standing opposite with a serious face, and continued to say in a deep voice: "I hope you will not disappoint the good intentions of the heaven-level seniors at the top of the army, so that you can take care of yourself!"

At this time, Wang Le, who was standing behind the crowd, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and said to himself: "Those old guys really have good intentions, while minimizing the risks, they can also allow the members of the trial team to obtain more information on the battlefield. Enough life and death training.”

Because only by constantly engaging in actual combat and experiencing the test of life and death can one better transform one's own cultivation into real combat power. Otherwise, it will always be just strength on paper and cannot be taken seriously.

Among them, Wang Le is the best example. In addition to his unique martial arts path, he also has experienced countless life and death experiences, which ultimately made his combat power stronger and stood out from his peers and became a leader!

Seeing that everyone's faces became serious, Zhang Wen nodded lightly with satisfaction, and then said: "Now that Zhang has said everything he should say, the last thing I must remind you is that you must abide by the rules of the game, otherwise there will be consequences conceited!"

"Uh!" All the trial members, including Wang Le, showed disapproval at this time. Some members of the trial team even looked at Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan intentionally or unintentionally.

Because these two guys are the best examples, why don't we stand here with everyone and continue to participate in the experience of hunting vampires?

Of course, these two people also paid a price, that is, they had to earn thirty combat merit points before they could compete with other trial team members on the merit rankings.

However, after one night, the members of the trial team present also came to realize that the punishment Tiandao Yaozhong gave to Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan was nothing at all.

Because on the battlefield, everything is lacking but vampires. Thirty combat points are equivalent to thirty marquis vampires, or three duke vampires.

And on a battlefield with tens of thousands of vampires, these thirty marquis vampires or three duke vampires are like a drizzle!

What's more, once on the chaotic battlefield, Wang Le has enough reasons to believe that Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan will continue to break the rules of the game.

As the saying goes, a perverted cat can never change his behavior, and Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan are just two perverted cats in Wang Le's eyes.

When the time comes, Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan ask their respective sects to send strong reinforcements, and they can make up for the seemingly large hole of thirty combat merit points by casually hunting three Duke vampires.

If the help sent by Qing Palace and Wu Sheng Palace to the two of them is strong enough, they can directly hunt down the Lord Vampire worth one hundred combat merit points. Not only will they make up for thirty combat merit points, but they can also rely on the other seventy gained. 1 battle merit points and jumped to the top of the battle merit rankings.

All in all, as long as you have the guts to turn a deaf ear to Zhang Xun's warning and last night's warning from Heaven's Blade, then anything is possible.

In this case, Wang Le's current position at the top of the combat merit rankings does not seem to be as solid and reliable as imagined!

And this is the fundamental reason why Wang Le wants to eliminate Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan quickly.

Because only by destroying these two guys from the ground can the threat be completely eliminated!

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