He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,723 The two best ways for a man to die

Zhang Xun was not blind, so of course he saw the disapproving expressions on the faces of the trial team members present.

It is even more clear that this is the sequelae caused by Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan, who broke the rules of the game, and now they are able to return to the alliance trial team and continue to participate in the experience missions after losing their qualifications to participate in the training missions.

To put it simply, the manor and Yin Liaoyuan did not receive the punishment they deserved, which completely dealt a serious blow to the prestige of Tiandao Yaozhong who hosted this training mission.

Zhang Xun also felt deeply powerless about this and couldn't come up with a good solution at all, so he could only sigh.

Immediately, Zhang Xun put away the messy thoughts in his heart and did not warn the members of the trial team in front of him. Instead, he smiled and said: "In the following days, if you have any inconvenience in your life, you can always come to me." I."

As soon as he finished speaking, a member of the trial team in the crowd asked loudly: "Senior Zhang, I won't talk about anything else. We just want to know where to go if this person is hungry?"

At this time, other members of the trial team nodded in agreement. After entering the camp last night, in order to fill their stomachs, they ate cold dry food stored in the storage stone and did not even drink hot water.

I saw Zhang Wen cast an apologetic look, and then said: "Now the army is in a state of intense preparation for war, and the logistics department can't spare any manpower for a while. I will arrange for a chef to come over as soon as possible to solve the food problem for you."

After a pause, Zhang Xun further explained to everyone: "Because of your special status, you are not considered members of the alliance army, so you must try to avoid too much contact with other warriors."

Wang Le, who was standing behind the crowd, twitched unconsciously when he heard Zhang Xun's explanation. At the same time, he thought in his heart: "When we first arrived at the border and entered the alliance army camp, there was no such thing. How long did it take? , why has it changed now?”

Just when Wang Le was thinking about it, Zhang Xun continued: "You are going to the battlefield to hunt vampires for your training mission, while the alliance army is fighting to drive away the vampires that have invaded the martial arts world. The nature of the two is fundamentally different. It’s different.”

"Now that the morale of the army is at its peak, and when we are united as one, those heaven-level seniors in the upper echelons of the alliance army are afraid that your appearance will affect the morale of the army."

"Uh!" A look of surprise flashed across Wang Le's eyes, the root of his love came from here!

At this time, Wang Le couldn't help but feel relieved in his heart, and thought quite understandingly: "It seems that those heaven-level old monsters in the upper echelons of the alliance army are really afraid that the special treatment received by the members of the trial team will affect the morale of the army. After all, they are the most dangerous on the battlefield. In the stage of fighting the vampire desperately, when the risk is reduced,

When it became relatively safe, letting these members of the trial team go to the battlefield to pick peaches really hurt morale. "

The other trial members present were confused at first, but now that they heard Zhang Xun speak so straightforwardly, if they still don’t understand, they would be really confused.

However, this also made the members of the trial team lose face. Of course, Wang Le, as a veteran, didn't care about face.

When it comes to the safety of one's own life, the so-called face is a joke and worthless.

From the beginning to the end, Zhang Xun had a panoramic view of the changes in the expressions of the trial team members present.

This also caused Wang Le's performance to attract Zhang Xun's attention, because this guy was so calm, like an outsider watching indifferently, and had nothing to do with the training mission.

Zhang Xun took a deep look at Wang Le and sighed secretly in his heart: "No wonder this boy can occupy the top position in the military merit rankings, and can also make the master who has a higher eye look at him with admiration. He is indeed a man who can change in any situation. As a dragon, your future is limitless!"

Feeling Zhang Xun's attention to him at this time, Wang Le had long been accustomed to it, because he had been stared at by others too many times, and this time was no different.

After the two sides looked at each other calmly for a few seconds, they both consciously moved their gazes to other places.

Immediately, Zhang Xun pointed to a newly built white tent in the open space not far behind him, and then said to everyone: "Next, Zhang will live with everyone, and will continue until the end of the war."

Having said this, Zhang Xun moved, walked slowly towards his tent, and turned his back to the members of the trial team and said: "You can go back and recharge your batteries. If you need help, you can come to the tent where you are staying. in."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xun just walked to the camp where he was staying. At this time, he saw another member of the trial team in the crowd asking loudly: "Senior Zhang, when will our alliance army officially start the war with the vampire army!"

Zhang Xun paused, then turned to look at the other person, smiled and shook his head and replied: "This question is not easy to answer, because no one knows when the war will start except God."

Then Zhang Xun opened the curtain at the entrance of the camp and walked in. At the same time, he turned his back to the members of the trial team and continued to smile and said: "Maybe tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow, maybe the war will suddenly break out in the next quarter of an hour."

After finishing speaking, the white curtains of the camp were lowered again, and Zhang Xun disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant. Then a member of the trial team muttered: "Even if the war breaks out now, those heaven-level old monsters will not be the first." Time sends everyone to the battlefield, so there is no need to ask when the war will start. The only thing we can do is wait, and there is nothing else!"

Everyone was convinced of this idea and started to discuss it in unison.

"Yes, keep your spirits up while waiting to go to the battlefield, so that you can hunt more vampires!"

"Hey, those heaven-level seniors really take good care of everyone! I wanted to rush to the battlefield with the alliance army as soon as possible, but it's a pity that I can't do that, alas!"

"While waiting, keep yourself in peak condition. This is the most important thing!"


Amid the discussion, everyone went back to their homes to look for their mothers and dispersed.

When Wang Le, accompanied by Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge, walked towards the tent where he lived, he suddenly said: "I once heard an old man say in the secular world that there are two best ways for a man to die. Only if they have enough practice."

"Oh?" Fatty Huang and Zheng Ge looked at Wang Le with curiosity. Zheng Ge smiled and said, "There is such a saying. Third brother can talk about it."

Wang Le stopped and looked up at the rising sun with slightly squinted eyes, and then said softly: "The first is to die in your own bed, and the second is to die on the battlefield wrapped in horse leather."

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