He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,751 The high altitude is my battlefield

Of course Wang Le is not crazy.

Because in his opinion, the most dangerous time has passed. Such a large-scale war will then enter a delicate state of balance. Then it will be up to who can invest more vitality to break this balance and determine the final outcome. .

Therefore, before both sides have used their winning hand, no matter how the situation on the battlefield changes, there will be no danger.

Of course, this is only compared to the horrific death rate of 30% of the troops in the initial stage.

To put it simply, the first one to rush to the battlefield, although they did not become cannon fodder at the beginning, but after such a long time, the physical strength and innate power are consumed a lot, and the chance of death will be greatly increased.

If you go to the battlefield now, although there is a risk of death, in this confrontation of a deadlocked and balanced situation, if you be careful, your life can still be saved.

Tian Dao Yaozhong raised his head and glanced at the sky. Seeing that Wang Le never showed his true identity, he knew that this boy was afraid that Bao Chong would make a sudden move.

Therefore, Tiandao Yaozhong did not criticize him and responded directly: "Don't blame Yao for not reminding you, now is not a good time to enter the battlefield."

As soon as he finished speaking, the invisible Wang Le chuckled and replied: "Young man, you have your own sense of proportion."

Although the strength of Tiandao Yaozhong can directly crush Wang Le, when it comes to judging the situation on the battlefield, it is far inferior to the veteran Wang Le who has been tempered by countless battles.

At this time, the strange color on Tian Dao Yaozhong's face flashed away, and then he nodded in agreement: "Since you want to go to the battlefield earlier to hunt vampires to gain merit points, then Yao has nothing to say, all the consequences conceited."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bao Chong, who was standing next to Tiandao Yaozhong, had a cold face and said meaningfully: "Ignorant boy, if you die in battle, I will have your body collected and sent back to Nanhua Temple."

Everyone present, as long as they were not fools, could tell that Bao Chong's words were full of threats, not to mention the targeted Wang Le, who felt Bao Chong's murderous intent even more.

Then Wang Le, who was invisible, responded calmly: "I don't dare to trouble Senior Bao, so I will survive the battlefield intact."

Before Bao Chong could open his mouth to refute, the invisible Wang Le laughed and said: "Without further ado, junior, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, the invisible Wang Le suddenly flapped his wings and rushed straight towards the battlefield from above everyone's heads.

At this moment, the members of the trial team present, even if they hate Wang Le and want to get rid of him quickly, they have to admire this guy's courage.

Facing the killing battlefield that looked like the end of the world, the trial team members present were already frightened into fighting. The only ones who could give them a sense of security were the guardians behind them.

And Wang Le took the initiative to go to the battlefield even though there were no guardians to protect him. This kind of courageous concept without fear of life and death made all the members of the trial team have to accept it, and even gave birth to a spirit that will never be compared. Shang Wangle's severe frustration.

"This guy can achieve today's martial arts achievements not only because of his extraordinary talent, but also because he has crazy energy that the rest of us don't have."

"Who among us doesn't have martial arts talent? But we can't keep up with that guy, because he has a strong Taoist heart that is not afraid of all challenges, and we just lack this!"

"We are all inferior to him! Now I finally understand why this guy can always occupy the top position in the combat merit rankings, alas!"


Amidst the sighs, Fatty Huang, who was standing in the crowd, suddenly sighed and said softly to Zheng Ge: "I really don't understand what I am thinking. I have to go to the battlefield alone. How about we all act together?" There is someone to take care of you."

Zheng Ge shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Let's act together? It's enough for us to hold him back."

"Uh!" Fatty Huang was stunned immediately, and muttered to himself: "It seems like he is really holding him back."

"That's right, so you and I should not worry about it." Zheng Ge said with a helpless smile.

Two flowers bloomed, one on each side. After the invisible Wang Le took the initiative to leave the trial team, he quickly passed through the airspace of the alliance army and appeared above the plain battlefield while flying in the air.

At this time, both the alliance army and the vampire army were basically fighting on the plains, because no one wanted to make themselves a living target.

But high in the sky, there are still many fierce fights.

The invisible Wang Le could see through the Delusion-breaking Eye that Guo Shaoqiu, who was like a god of war, was fighting fiercely with the prince-level vampire. The killing was so dark that the surrounding clouds had long been dispersed and cleared away, and no one dared to get close. , unless you don’t want to live anymore.

In addition, scattered in other places high in the sky are life-and-death confrontations between earth-level powerhouses and vampires of comparable strength.

All in all, the high altitude is the battlefield for the top experts on both sides, and will also determine the final outcome of this large-scale war.

The invisible Wang Le was suspended in the sky over the plain. He did not immediately fall to the ground and follow the alliance army to hunt vampires. Instead, he kept carefully observing the battle groups in the sky through the Deception Eye.

In Wang Le's eyes, hunting down those low-level vampires on the ground has long been unable to satisfy his current appetite.

In addition, the battlefield situation on the ground is too chaotic. Hundreds of thousands of alliance troops and vampire legions are crowded to fight on this narrow plain. Once Wang Le falls into it, God knows when he will be stabbed. A knife, a stick, it's simply difficult to avoid.

Even if Wang Le is confident that he can save his life, there is no guarantee that he will be unscathed. He will definitely be injured by then.

Instead of working hard on the ground and only getting dozens or hundreds of merit points, it would be better to go to the sky thousands of feet high and take the opportunity to sneak attack the dukes and elder vampires who are equivalent to the earth-level cultivation.

Wang Le believes that as long as you are lucky, you can turn your bicycle into a motorcycle, and earning hundreds or even thousands of combat points will not be a problem at all.

What's more, he is already qualified to join this top battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, various thoughts flashed through Wang Le's mind, and then he made a decision without hesitation.

Then he saw the invisible Wang Le squinting his eyes and looking up at the extremely bright and roaring battle groups. He couldn't help but think in his heart: "The sky thousands of feet high is my battlefield!"

With his mind wandering, Wang Le, who was invisible, no longer hesitated, activated the innate power in his dantian, flapped the wings on his back crazily, and flew towards the ten thousand feet high in the sky without fear.

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