He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1,752 Too Hasty (1)

For this epic large-scale war, Wang Le, who was single-handedly involved, was like a moth to a flame.

Of course, Wang Le definitely doesn't want to be that moth who overestimates his capabilities. He still wants to live and escape safely from this war that will go down in history forever.

However, the premise of all this is to obtain enough combat merit points, so as to leave behind the trial team members behind him in the combat merit rankings and completely consolidate his position at the top of the combat merit rankings.

And this is Wang Le's ultimate goal in participating in this war.

If this goal is not accomplished, then everything is meaningless.

In order to accomplish this goal, in addition to obtaining a large number of battle merit points, if conditions permit, Wang Le would not mind taking advantage of the rapidly changing chaotic situation on the battlefield to eliminate the two most important troubles, Qing Gong Zhuang Yu and Martial God Temple Yin Liaoyuan. , let them return their bodies covered with horse leather and sacrifice their lives gloriously in this just war against aggression.

Well, let these two guys leave their names in history.

The reason why it is said that there are conditions is because in this crowded battlefield with hundreds of thousands of people, trying to accurately find these two guys, Qing Gong Zhuang Yu and Martial God God Yin Liaoyuan, is no less than finding a needle in a haystack. It is really too much. It’s slim.

But that doesn't mean Wang Le has given up. After all, being able to get rid of these two guys on the battlefield will save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Wang Le didn't want to be chased by the two top forces in the martial arts world, Qing Palace and Martial Arts Hall, immediately after killing Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan.

It would be better to just give up on getting rid of Zhuang Yu and Yin Liaoyuan.

"I hope I can catch them on the battlefield so that I don't have to worry about it in the future."

Wang Le, who waved a pair of wings on his back and reached the sky thousands of feet high, thought silently in his heart.

At the same time, Wang Le, who was still in the invisible state, carefully observed the battle groups everywhere in his field of vision through the power of the Eye of Deception.

Of course, Wang Le would not hesitate to exclude a life-and-death battle group like Guo Shaoqiu and the prince-level vampires from taking a second look.

Unless he, Wang Le, didn't want to live anymore, he would think of sneak attacking the prince-level vampire.

The saying that everyone below the heavenly level is just an ant is not something I say lightly.

I have personally witnessed the head-to-head confrontation between heaven-level experts.

In addition, Wang Le, who has personally experienced the power of heaven-level experts, is even more convinced of this.

What's more, hunting prince-level vampires and elder-level vampires equivalent to late-level earth-level cultivation will not earn merit points at all.

And this is why Wu Nantian and others who presided over the training mission, in order to prevent members of the trial team from cheating, only formulated the corresponding combat points for hunting three levels of vampires: marquis, duke and lord, which are one combat point and ten combat points respectively. and one hundred combat points.

Because in the eyes of Wu Nantian and other sky-level old monsters, it was unbelievable that members of the trial team with Xuan-level cultivation could transcend levels and hunt Duke vampires who were equivalent to the early earth-level.

As for hunting down the lord vampires who are equivalent to the mid-level earth class, they can only rely on luck.

If anyone could hunt down a vampire equivalent to the late Earth level, it would definitely be breaking the rules of the game and inviting experts from the sect to do it.

This is why Wu Nantian and others who presided over the training mission never expected that there would be such a strange person as Wang Le. Otherwise, it would definitely be a different game rule.

This shows how deep Wang Le has hidden himself, which makes Wu Nantian and Tian Dao Yao a middle-level old monster. Although they know that Wang Le has the strength to cross levels and kill earth-level strong men, they don’t know that Wang Le now How terrifying is Le Zai after his strength increases greatly.

In the final analysis, it is because Wang Le's cultivation speed has long exceeded the normal range, which makes it impossible for outsiders to guess Wang Le's true combat power.

Closer to home, as time goes by, whether it is hundreds of thousands of soldiers competing for supremacy on the plains, or the battle of top experts in the sky, it has begun to enter a fierce stage.

After a long battle on the battlefield, the muscles and nerves all over the body are in a tight state, which also makes fatigue invade the body and mind of every warrior, warrior and vampire on the battlefield, but the weapons in their hands are still waving. With.

Because as long as you slow down a beat, you may fall on the battlefield, so you can only grit your teeth and persevere.

Even the top battlefield located thousands of feet high in the sky is no exception.

Wang Le, who had been hiding in the dark and never made a move, was waiting for this opportunity.

Just as the invisible Wang Le seized the opportunity to cover up a nearby battle group, he suddenly heard the sound of war drums in the direction of the Alliance army. It suddenly became denser and swept across the entire battlefield like a storm.

Wang Le, who was suspended tens of thousands of feet in the sky, paused, looked down through the Delusion Dharma Eye, and looked directly towards the ground.

At this time, they saw five heaven-level old monsters including White Robe Jade Sword Ye Jintian, each guarding one, and a total of nearly 10,000 true alliance elites finally moved under the urging of intensive drumbeats.

At the same time, Wang Le glanced at the mountain peak where the trial team was located. At this time, only Tiandao Yaozhong and Fengxue Ecstasy Spear Bao Chong were still standing there. Fatty Huang, Zheng Ge and other members of the trial team had already Disappeared, I don’t know when I went to the battlefield.

As for the guardians who had been suspended high in the sky, none of them were left behind, and they followed the members of the trial team into the battlefield.

The invisible Wang Le watched the elite alliance army divided into five groups, led by Ye Jintian and other five heaven-level old monsters, charging into the battlefield almost indiscriminately. He couldn't help but be confused, and couldn't help thinking silently in his heart: "Although both sides The stalemate on the battlefield has been going on for some time, but is it too hasty to throw out the winner now?"

Because in Wang Le's view, this kind of large-scale war involving hundreds of thousands of people and the stalemate of mutual attacks will definitely last for a long time, but from the current situation, it is obviously not the case.

Wang Lecai did not believe that Wu Nantian, who was recognized by the martial arts world as an unparalleled wise man, would make such a hasty and low-level mistake.

"Is it possible that Senior Nan Tian has another agenda?" Wang Le, who was invisible, touched his chin out of habit and speculated thoughtfully in his heart.

At this time, Wang Le couldn't help but recall the situation in the past when there were many heaven-level old monsters who quietly mingled among ordinary soldiers.

It is impossible to say that there is some ulterior relationship and purpose in this.

Thinking of this, the invisible Wang Le shook his head, smiled silently, and thought in his heart: "The old monsters at the heaven level are responsible for this kind of marching formation on the battlefield. I am really a dog meddling in other people's business. Typical There’s nothing to do but worry about eating!”

Just when Wang Le was laughing at himself, the vampire army saw that the alliance army was injecting new troops into the battlefield, and then sent all the remaining vampire army into the battlefield.

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