He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1876 Taoist Treasure

Weng Yuan's violent outburst not only affected Wang Le, but also the other guests in the hall on the second floor were stunned, with faces full of shock and surprise. Tian'lai's novel www'w.'2

No one expected that Weng Yuan would be so bold as to kill the law enforcement team members of the City Lord's Mansion, and also in a public place like Yipinju.

What's more, Weng Yuan still knows that there is a heaven-level old monster in the city lord's mansion!

"This man named Weng is really crazy. He must have killed the six Qing Palace disciples in the Chengnan Inn."

"That's right. If you don't even dare to go to the City Lord's Mansion, you must be guilty of being a thief."

"Weng Yuan first killed six disciples of the Qing Palace, and now he has killed three law enforcement members of the City Lord's Mansion. From now on, there is no place for him in this martial arts world, and he will have no choice but to flee the world."

"On the run? Hey, he's lucky if he survives to see the sun tomorrow."


After the guests who witnessed Weng Yuan's violent murderous act recovered from the shock, they couldn't help but started talking about it.

Wang Le, who believed that doing more was better than doing less, was about to leave. When he saw that the entrance to the hall on the second floor was blocked by the corpses of the three law enforcement team members who were in different places, and the ground was covered with blood, he hesitated in his heart.

The guests who followed Wang Le and appeared here had no intention of leaving at all. A hint of surprise flashed in their eyes, and they couldn't help but think in their hearts: "It would be best to stay here and wait for the people from the City Lord's Mansion to come over. If we leave now, On the contrary, it will arouse unnecessary suspicion.”

Just when Wang Le had just made his decision, the curtain at the entrance to the hall on the second floor was opened by a short and fat old man who looked like a short winter melon.

I saw that the old man in brocade robe had no intention of coming in, and said to everyone in the hall with an apologetic face: "I'm really sorry, everyone, no one expected that such an unfortunate thing would happen in my first-grade residence. "

After a pause, the short winter melon old man further said: "Now I can only ask you to stay at the scene for the time being. I deeply apologize for the inconvenience this has caused."

At the end, the short winter melon old man did not forget to express to everyone: "Today, all your expenses at my Yipinju are free of charge."

At this time, I saw a customer in the hall smiling and saying to the old man, "The shopkeeper is so polite."

Then two more guests thanked the shopkeeper of Yipinju.

As for Wang Le and the other guests, they stood there with expressionless expressions, filled with joy and anger, and had no intention of paying any attention to the old man.

After all, it was impossible for Yipinju not to feel depressed when he was involved in such a life-threatening incident for no reason. It was already a big honor for him that he didn't give the old shopkeeper a bad look.

The old man who is the shopkeeper is also a good man, and he disappears from everyone's sight very wisely.

For a moment, the entire hall on the second floor fell into an audible silence. Everyone, including Wang Le, sat back at their tables one after another.

While waiting for someone to come from the City Lord's Mansion, strange invisible consciousness entered the hall on the second floor from time to time.

These invisible consciousnesses that entered the hall on the second floor from time to time were strong or weak, and some of them were the tyrannical consciousnesses of heaven-level experts, and there were quite a few of them, which made Wang Le secretly frightened.

"Is it possible that these heaven-level old monsters are all here for the Laoshizi Ten Thousand Beasts Flower?" Wang Le couldn't help but speculate in his heart.

Thinking of this, Wang Le became more and more curious about the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower. He made up his mind to finish dealing with the mess in front of him and make sure to ask the young man about the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower in private later.

Wang Le believed that the young man who worked in a place like Yipinju, where information was widely available, must know a lot of information about the Ten Thousand Beasts Flower.

Time passed slowly in this boring waiting, and gradually, the invisible consciousness that entered the hall on the second floor to visit disappeared.

Suddenly, the curtain at the entrance seemed to be opened by a pair of invisible hands, and the eyes of Wang Le and others sitting in the hall were blurred.

When everyone in the hall saw clearly, they saw a tall, thin man in his fifties, wearing a black hat and gray robe, appearing very suddenly in the middle of the hall, where the two beautiful women had already eclipsed their beauty. beside.

At this time, a guest quickly stood up and bowed his hands to the visitor, saying in a deep voice, "The Lord of the City is finally here."

Wang Le narrowed his eyes and looked at the tall, thin man wearing a black hat in front of him calmly. At the same time, he thought in his heart: "So this is the pilgrimage city that I heard about from others when I was shopping during the day. City Lord Luo Yiheng."

At this time, I saw the city lord of the pilgrimage city who existed in the late stage of the martial arts earth level. He glanced around the people in the hall coldly, and then said in a deep voice: "Now that Weng Yuan has been chased by the heaven level seniors, you can leave. ”

After finishing speaking, Luo Yiheng turned around and walked slowly to the bodies of the three law enforcement team members, then turned his back to everyone and waved his sleeves.

In the room of lightning and flint, the headless corpses and heads on the ground, as well as the blood on the ground, all disappeared out of thin air after Luo Yiheng waved his sleeve, leaving no trace on the floor.

Immediately, Luo Yiheng walked slowly to the entrance without looking back, and continued to say with his back to everyone: "In these troubled times, it is best for you to be self-aware, otherwise, you will end up burying your bones and pilgrimage to the Holy City."

After finishing speaking, Luo Yiheng disappeared from the entrance, but a voice still reached everyone's ears and said: "The Ten Thousand Beast Flower is not something you and I are qualified to peep at. It is a Taoist treasure that heaven-level beings compete for!"

"Everyone below the heavenly level is just an ant. I'm going to say this. I hope you all can take care of yourself..."

In the lingering sound, the Lord of the Holy City drifted away, leaving behind a group of people waiting thoughtfully.

Young Master Wang curled up the corner of his mouth and complained in his heart with disdain: "Everyone can say these beautiful words, and everyone understands the truth, but greed is the original sin. The bustle in the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle in the world is for profit. All living beings That’s all true.”

"If everyone can see through it, then the world will really be at peace, and there will be no chaos in the martial arts world."

But complaints are complaints, Wang Le was more interested in Luo Yiheng calling the Beast Flower a Taoist treasure.

"Hey, what is there to say about this Taoist treasure? I haven't heard my grandpa and senior Qingyangzi mention it before." Wang Leru thought.

As his mind wandered, Wang Le was too lazy to stay in the lobby on the second floor and walked straight towards the entrance.

As for whether Luo Yiheng's words would affect other guests in the hall, Wang Le dared to guarantee that it would be useless. After all, everyone was not a rookie, let alone a three-year-old child.

What's more, as a strong martial artist, if you don't dare to meet the challenge, your martial arts achievements in this life will be nothing more than this, let alone reaching the peak of martial arts.

From Wang Le's observation, these martial arts masters in the hall are all ruthless characters.

Since they dare to come to this pilgrimage city, they will never shrink back because of Luo Yiheng's words.

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