He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1877: Questioning in the House

When Wang Le walked out of the entrance of the hall and walked down the stairs to the lobby on the first floor, he saw the young waiter waiting here. The other guests in the lobby on the second floor followed suit and filed out and walked down the stairs. Novel of nature.2

After all, with such a bloody life-threatening lawsuit, no one has the appetite to continue enjoying food and drinks at the scene of the incident.

Wang Le glanced at the guests coming down from upstairs and paid no attention to them. Then he looked at the young waiter who greeted him with a respectful face and said lightly: "Take me to where I live!"

The young waiter hurriedly responded with a respectful response: "Senior is shocked. The shopkeeper has already given instructions. Your stay at our Yipinju will be free of charge this time."

Wang Le raised his brows, shook his head with a smile and said, "Forget it! I just encountered an unknown thing like seeing blood upstairs. It's natural to eat and drink for free, but if I live in vain again, then... It’s unreasonable.”

Before the young man could open his mouth to persuade me again, Wang Le, with a firm look on his face, said stiffly: "That's the end of this topic. All you have to do now is take me to where I live."

The young waiter smiled helplessly, and then said to Wang Le more respectfully: "Senior, please follow me."

After finishing speaking, the young man led the way and led Wang Le, who was following behind, to a corridor leading to the depths next to the hall...

After a while, Wang Le followed the young man walking in front and walked along the corridor out of the lobby on the first floor, and then passed through a group of well-proportioned wooden buildings, pavilions and other quaint buildings.

Faintly, waves of melodious string and bamboo playing sounds came from these buildings, falling one by one on the ears of Wang Le who was passing by.

According to the introduction of the young man, these are the private rooms of Yipinju Restaurant.

Passing through the elegant room of the wooden building, under the bright moonlight and starry night, a quiet garden with blooming flowers suddenly came into view. This made Wang Le couldn't help but have the illusion that it was midsummer, and it seemed that it was not in the same winter world as Yipinjuwai. time and space.

After entering the huge garden, the young man led Wang Le into one of the cobblestone paths and continued walking deeper.

On the way through the garden, Wang Le could vaguely see other guests walking on other paths in the garden.

Wang Le's heart was moved, and he opened his eyes to see through the surrounding area without moving his expression, and roughly observed the architectural plan of this residence.

In addition to the wooden buildings and elegant rooms that we passed just now, in the opposite direction after passing through the garden, there are two-story wooden buildings with small courtyards.

Moreover, the distance between these small courtyards is very large, obviously to better protect the residents**.

In addition, there is a four-story wooden building on both sides of the building. Each floor is divided into many ordinary guest rooms. At this time, many guests and waiters are coming in and out.

Seeing this, Wang Le stopped looking any further, and while putting away his Dharma Eyes, he thought silently in his heart: "Since I entered the martial arts world, I have never encountered such a good restaurant and inn. This hotel is worthy of my reputation." A thousand-year-old store.”

As for the cost of accommodation, it will definitely not be cheap, especially if the young man is taking Wang Le to stay in the wooden building courtyard, the price must be high.

But Wang Le is quite satisfied with the environment of his residence, so he doesn't have any objections.

What's more, Wang Le is not short of accommodation expenses for these few Origin Stones.

Soon, under the guidance of the young waiter, the two of them walked out of the huge garden that separated the restaurant and accommodation, and came to a small independent courtyard not far away.

Open the door and enter the hospital.

The yard is not big, but it is elegant and quiet without any noise.

The young waiter led Wang Le through the small courtyard and up the stone steps to the door of the wooden building. He pushed open the door with hollow carvings of flowers, plants, insects and birds.

"Senior, please come in." The young man stopped in front of the gate and said respectfully to Wang Le, who was following him.

Wang Le, who had his hands behind his back, hummed in a leisurely manner, then stepped forward and crossed the threshold into the house.

At this time, they saw that the young man did not follow Wang Le in, but stood directly outside the door and said respectfully: "It's not too late, senior, go to bed early."

Wang Le, who had just entered the room, turned to look at the young man standing outside the threshold and said, "There's no need to leave in a hurry, I have something to ask."

Before the words were spoken, Wang Le had already taken out a low-grade Origin Stone and threw it into the arms of the young man outside the door.

The young man's eyes suddenly lit up, and he nimbly took the low-grade Origin Stone thrown by Wang Le, and quickly stuffed it into his arms, as if he was afraid that someone would snatch it.

At the same time, the young man hurriedly crossed the threshold and entered the house, and closed the door with a wink.

Wang Le nodded with satisfaction upon seeing this, and then found a random chair in the room to sit down.

When the waiter who had closed the door turned around and came to Wang Le, Mr. Wang placed three more low-grade Origin Stones on the table next to him.

Then Wang Le, who was sitting in the chair, looked at the young man with a fiery look in his eyes, who was able to hide it well, and then said in a calm and calm tone: "If your next answer satisfies me, then on the table The source stones will be yours."

As soon as he finished speaking, the young man replied without hesitation: "You must know everything and talk about it!"

"Okay!" Wang Le nodded with satisfaction, and then asked straight to the point: "While eating just now, I heard from other guests that many martial arts masters have come to the Holy City recently, and the purpose is for the Ten Thousand Beast Flowers, so what about this? What is the Beast Flower?"

"Uh!" The young man was stunned for a moment, and with a look of surprise on his face, he blurted out in surprise: "Senior doesn't know about the legendary Ten Thousand Beasts Flower. I thought that senior came to our pilgrimage city for this purpose. Where’s the Flower of All Beasts!”

Wang Le frowned, looked at the young man with displeasure in his eyes, and scolded him with a very dissatisfied look: "Just answer my questions properly, don't talk so much nonsense! Is it possible that you don't want the Source Stone on the table?" Do you want it?"

"Papa!" The young man immediately slapped himself twice, and then said: "You deserve to die, senior, please forgive me."

Wang Le snorted, then softened his tone, and then asked further: "Those guests called this Ten Thousand Beasts Flower a Taoist treasure, and what is this Taoist treasure?"

For the three low-grade Origin Stones on the table, when faced with Wang Le's continuous questioning, the young man did not rush to answer immediately. Instead, he pondered and organized the thoughts in his mind before answering: "I'm talking about all the beasts." Before spending time, seniors should know the past and present life of this pilgrimage city."

"Oh?" Wang Le looked at the young man with interest and said, "Tell me about it first."

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