He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2158: Being beaten passively

When Wang Le rushed to Wan Zhongtian and punched out with both fists, the opponent had no time to dodge or release other killer moves.

In the blink of an eye, the two sides fought together again without opening the defensive shield!

Boom boom boom——

Bang bang bang——

Boom boom boom——


The collisions and roars in the mask suddenly began to sound dense and continuous, just like a volcano that had been sleeping for thousands of years suddenly erupted, as if it was going to completely destroy this world!

"Boom" a loud noise!

The yellow hurricane formed by the combined force of the ten thousand angels and their nine slashes suddenly expanded several times, abruptly bursting the colorful mask of light.

This left Wang Le, who was determined to stop it, helpless. His plan to trap himself could only be aborted. After all, the nameless formation was arranged by Wan Zhongtian himself.

But this also allowed Wang Le to regain the space to display the magical power of the Eye Dragon.

But this also shows that Wan Zhongtian no longer has the certainty and determination to kill Wang Le.

As for Wang Le, no matter whether this nameless formation can trap Wan Zhongtian, he vows to kill him!

You know, after this mission in Puguang City is over, he will leave the martial arts world and return to the mortal world.

If Wan Zhongtian is not killed here today, then a time bomb has been planted for Nanhua Temple.

God knows when it will explode with a loud bang.

Because of this, Wang Le had no intention of giving up and running away. He would rather pay the price of serious injuries and let Wan Zhongtian die in Puguang City today!

With his mind wandering, Wang Le attacked Wan Zhongtian with all his killing moves.

This made it impossible for Wan Zhongtian to escape from Wang Le who was entangled in him.

Soon, the aftermath of the two men's attacks on each other destroyed some of the walls and buildings of Puguang City on the ground nearby.

Fortunately, the two people who were entangled in a ball quickly moved the battlefield and went higher into the clouds. Otherwise, the entire Puguang City would have been completely destroyed by the aftermath of the two people's battle in no time.

But this did not stop the enthusiasm of the many warriors who were watching.

Among them, the strong men who had achieved the earth level of martial arts, as well as the old monsters who were hiding in the sky level, flew into the sky one after another, releasing their powerful spiritual consciousness to continue to watch the two people who entered the depths of the clouds and fought until they went crazy.

After all, this kind of life-and-death battle between late-stage heaven-level warriors is completely rare.

What's more, Wan Zhongtian is not an ordinary late-stage heaven-level powerhouse, but a late-level heaven-level powerhouse who has been inherited by the top power Qinggong. He is far from comparable to ordinary late-level heaven-level powerhouses.

Not to mention Wang Le, who is simply a monster reborn. Even he doesn't know where his own limits are.

If you miss this kind of life-and-death fight between characters, there will be no second chance.

Just as the martial arts experts who were watching on the ground rose into the sky one after another, the battlefield deep in the clouds also reached a fever pitch.

After fighting until the crazy Wang Le was covered in blood,

He launched attacks against Wan Zhongtian one after another, gradually suppressing the opponent's offensive, and gained a real advantage for the first time!

Facing the frenzy of offensive attacks launched by Wang Le, Wan Zhongtian was under increasing pressure, and felt a deep sense of crisis that he had never felt before.

However, as Wang Le's attacks became more and more sharp, Wan Zhongtian's space for counterattack was compressed to the limit, and he was completely passive and beaten.

As time went by, Wang Le's offensive frenzy launched without reservation, seemed to have no stopping momentum at all, but became more and more fierce.

This made Wan Zhongtian feel fear from the bottom of his heart, because he had fought countless battles in his life, but he had never seen his opponent have such long endurance in a fight.

To put it more simply, the magic power in Wang Le's body was so strong and long-lasting that Wan Zhongtian found it incredible.

But now is obviously not the time to be panic-stricken. Wan Zhongtian, who is extremely experienced in combat, clearly knows that if he does not change the status quo and allows this situation to continue, he will be killed by Wang Le.

By then, it will really be a dead end.

At this moment, Wan Zhongtian had no intention of continuing to fight, and for the first time he had the intention of retreating.

As for the idea of ​​killing Wang Le, Wan Zhongtian has long thrown it out of the horizon, so it is better to escape first.

Anyway, if you live to his age, you certainly understand that you can keep the green hills without worrying about having firewood. As long as you survive, you will still have the opportunity to avenge today.

If he died in Puguang City, everything would be over.

In an instant, all kinds of thoughts flashed through Wan Zhongtian's mind, and he began to think of a safe escape in his eyes.

What Wan Zhongtian was thinking, Wang Le was not a roundworm in his stomach, so of course he didn't know.

But at this moment, Wang Le, who was fighting with all his strength, was sure that with his current strength, he could completely suppress the Queen of Ten Thousand Levels, and thus knew where his limit was.

Therefore, Wang Le decided to fight quickly and not continue the fierce battle.

What's more, Wang Le is not sure how many trump cards Wan Zhongtian still has in his hand. If the opponent slips away from him in the end, it will be really bad.

Thinking of this, Wang Le's heart stirred. The moment the Dragon's hidden power of Breaking the Illusion was activated, the entire figure disappeared from the original place without a trace.

But Wang Le's offensive against Wan Zhongtian did not stop at all, but became even more weird and unpredictable.

If Wang Le's previous offensive killer move was the endless flow of rivers, the offensive launched by Wang Le, who is now invisible, is like pouring rain everywhere, followed by lightning and thunder, extremely fierce. The blow hit Wan Zhongtian, making it impossible for the opponent to hide.

After a while, Wan Zhongtian had more and more wounds on his body, including those left by special military spurs, and those left by heavy fists and iron palms, etc.

Facing the elusive Wang Le, who had no idea where his true identity was, Wan Zhongtian had no chance of turning defeat into victory except being passively beaten.

The only option is to withdraw from this battle!

Immediately, Wan Zhongtian was seen taking two blows from Wang Le regardless of his strength, and then he turned into an afterimage and was about to run away.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!"

The invisible Wang Le sneered secretly, of course he would not give up the fat meat that was about to be eaten in his mouth.

Even if Wan Zhongtian escapes to the ends of the earth, he will hunt him down to the end!

Immediately, he saw a bright yellow light escaping from thousands of feet high in the sky, flying towards the end of the sky.

When the onlookers saw this, they all looked shocked, and then there was an uproar!

"Oh my God! What did I see? Wan Zhongtian, the giant of the Qing Palace, escaped!"

"What a fool! That Wang Le was so fierce, he actually beat Wan Zhongtian, a late-stage Heaven-level powerhouse, to the point where he escaped!"

"It seems that Wan Zhongtian is having a hard time at this level. If there are no exceptions, Wang Le is chasing after him in an invisible state."


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