He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2159: 1 Heart, 2 Uses

? For a time, countless martial arts masters poured out of Puguang City, and colorful flying rays of light rose into the sky one after another. From a distance, they looked like a meteor shower, appearing under the blue sky and white sun, extremely bright.

But soon, Wan Zhongtian, who was covered in bright yellow light, fled and almost disappeared at the end of the sky. Only the sky-level old monsters who were hiding in the dark and watching could barely keep up. The other earth-level strongmen simply couldn't catch up. If you don't, you can only do nothing.

But at this moment, Wan Zhongtian, who was about to escape without a trace, suddenly stopped and fell from the sky to the ground.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but let out one after another exclamations. Just when everyone thought that Wan Zhongtian was seriously injured and unable to fly, they saw that Wan Zhongtian stabilized his body and continued to fly towards the end of the horizon.

However, its flight speed is obviously slower than before.

There is no doubt that this was Wang Le who was pursuing invisibly and sneakily attacked Wan Zhongtian, aggravating the opponent's injuries.

This also boosted the spirits of many warriors who had originally planned to give up the pursuit and watch onlookers, and they once again rushed in the direction of Wan Zhongtian's escape.

After all, being able to witness the death of a late-stage heaven-level powerhouse who has been famous for many years is really something that only happens once in a thousand years.

What's more, this late-stage heaven-level powerhouse comes from the top power Qing Palace, not to mention his influence.

If you miss this time, it will be an irreparable regret in your life!

While countless onlookers were chasing after him, Wang Le, who had just dealt a heavy blow to Wan Zhongtian, felt doubly regretful.

"The old monsters from the top forces in the late stage of heaven are really difficult to kill!" Wang Le, who was invisible, sighed secretly.

If Wan Zhongtian hadn't used the secret technique at the moment he faced the attack, otherwise, it would have fallen to the ground long ago, and there would be no way it could fly.

But regrets are regrets. Since he is determined to kill Wan Zhongtian, no matter how many life-saving tricks and trump cards the other party has, Wang Le will not change his mind.

Anyway, after finishing this job, I will leave the martial arts world and return to the mortal world.

I don’t know what year or month it will be next time I come to the martial arts world.

Just like that, in the following time, the invisible Wang Le was like a poisonous snake good at hiding.

From time to time, he would give the fleeing Wan Zhongtian a blow, causing him to be in a state of bleeding without even having time to catch his breath.

Wan Zhongtian certainly knows that if this continues, he will die on the way to escape sooner or later, but it is not easy to change his situation of being passively beaten. !

Wan Zhongtian has fought countless battles in his life and has rich combat experience, but facing the slippery Wang Le, he simply has no way of making a move.

As time went by, the injuries became more and more serious, and Wan Zhongtian gradually felt despair deep in his heart.

This feeling of despair made Wan Zhongtian very unwilling.

When he failed to reach the peak of martial arts, he didn't even lose his life. Wan Zhongtian was very unwilling to die in the hands of a junior.

"I won't die! I want to escape!"

Wan Zhongtian roared to himself deep in his heart, and stabilized his figure at high altitude as he suddenly stopped flying.

The next second, Wan Zhongtian's entire body began to swell, and with a "squeak" sound, the clothes he was wearing instantly turned into shreds.

When Wang Le, who was pursuing in stealth mode, saw this, he felt bad in his heart. Because his whole body was swollen, his skin turned dark red, and the aura emanating from him looked even more sinister and strange. He couldn't help but thought to himself: "What the hell is this guy doing again?" ?”

Although he didn't know what secret technique Wan Zhongtian was using, Wang Le's instinct told him that if he didn't stop it in time, the next situation would be very bad.

As his mind wandered, Wang Le, who was invisible, no longer hesitated, opened his mouth, and the flying sword, a rarely used magic weapon stored in his dantian, flew out quickly, rising in the wind and blooming with a dazzling purple-gold sword light.

Because the natal magic weapon Flying Sword was suspended in the air and did not come into contact with Wang Le's body parts, Wan Zhongtian and the onlookers chasing after him could see clearly.

At the moment when everyone looked surprised and had not fully reacted, the invisible Wang Le held the sword secret in his hand and controlled the flying sword, his natal magic weapon, through his own consciousness. According to the sword inheritance of Nanhua Temple, he swung six swords one after another. The purple-gold sword light struck various vital parts of Wan Zhongtian's body.

At this moment, Wang Le himself rushed towards Wan Zhongtian behind the sword light.

This means that Wang Le is in an invisible state. Otherwise, everyone, including Wan Zhongtian, will be shocked and unbelievable.

Because in this martial arts world, no one has ever truly managed to do two things in a fight!

To put it simply, when a warrior activates his natal magic weapon to fight the enemy, he can only control it remotely, and he can no longer fight the enemy up close.

This is why warriors can only cultivate one natal magic weapon, instead of two, three or more.

It is precisely because of this that all the large and small forces and individuals in the entire martial arts world have always been extremely jealous of the inheritance in the tomb of the First Emperor Ying Zheng.

Because the first emperor Yingzheng's natal magic weapon was the Twelve Bronze Men, which means that he had twelve natal magic weapons in his life.

What's even more terrifying is that Ying Zheng can activate these twelve natal magic weapons at the same time to form a killing array of twelve bronze men, which is simply terrifying to think about!

Looking at the entire martial arts world, the achievements of the First Emperor Ying Zheng in this area are completely shocking, and no one can surpass him.

This kind of strong heritage that only exists in one store and has no other branches would make anyone jealous.

The topic has gone a bit far. Let’s get back to the topic. Wang Le’s ability to multi-task is of course not an inheritance, but an innate talent that existed before the Dragon Tattoo mutated.

Normally, Wang Le would only use this dual-tasking talent in his daily practice.

But today, Wang Le was really pressed by Wan Zhongtian, so he used it in order to successfully kill the opponent.

It can be said that Wang Le's sudden move made Wan Zhongtian completely unprepared. While Wang Le used his natal magic weapon to attack, he himself also took the opportunity to follow behind and kill him.

Because Wan Zhongtian never thought that in today's world, someone could do two things in a life-and-death fight.

And unfortunately, just today, he was hit by Wan Zhongtian.

It can only be said that it is fate, and even the heavens cannot hide from it.

So after the swollen Wan Zhongtian dealt with the six purple-gold sword rays that came one after another, the moment he subconsciously relaxed, the invisible Wang Le held the special military thorn tightly in his hand, and silently, he gathered up his strength and fired out fiercely. It stabbed into a vital part of the waist.

? ?ps: There is another chapter that will be updated very late, you can read it tomorrow morning.

? ? ? I came back from Shanghai today. It was already dark when I got home. I will start making up for what I owe these days chapter by chapter tomorrow.



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