He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2467 Milky White Aperture

Although it was thousands of feet high in the sky, for Wang Le, who was in the late stage of Jindan, it was only a matter of a blink of an eye for Wang Le to fly quickly in anger and arrive at Zhenxing City on the ground.

When Wang Le once again came to the sky above the long-destroyed City Lord's Mansion, the surrounding area had long since dissipated, and there were no living creatures at all, let alone the warriors in the city.

Most of them had the good sense to escape, either leaving Zhenxing City or hiding on the edge of the city so that they could escape at any time if the situation went wrong.

Closer to home, although Wang Le arrived at Zhenxing City from a height of ten thousand feet at an extremely fast speed, by the time he arrived, the roars that had just come from the city had stopped.

Therefore, for a while, Wang Le couldn't tell where the sound source was located in the city.

"Hmph! You're quite clever."

Wang Le's eyes flashed with murderous intent and he sneered coldly, but instead of being angry and disturbing his reason, he became calmer.

For someone who dares to use Wang Le as a pawn, the best way to get revenge is to kill this guy immediately to calm down the anger in your heart!

Just when Wang Le opened his Delusion-Destroying Dharma Eye to accurately conduct a clairvoyant search of the entire Zhenxing City, Ruo Susuo raised his head and looked up.

At this moment, Master Ye and Yuhuan, two martial arts masters from Cihang Jingzhai, were seen descending from the high altitude with two rays of light, one purple and one white, flying straight towards the Yongye Tower.

Wang Le couldn't help but a strange look flashed in his eyes, and he thought to himself: "It's not surprising that the jade ring didn't go away, but this Uncle Ye who seems to cherish his life didn't go either."

This means that Wang Le didn't hear the conversation between the two girls after he left. Otherwise, he would have looked at Master Ye with admiration.

Just when Wang Le was thinking about it, the two women, one after the other, had arrived at the sky above the Yongye Tower from a height of ten thousand feet.

When Wang Le saw this, he immediately gave up the X-ray search of the entire Zhenxing City.

Because even with his knees, he knew that the place where the roar just came out was undoubtedly the Yongye Tower where Yuhuan and Uncle Ye were now.

"It seems that the lost star core is still in the Eternal Night Tower!"

Wang Le couldn't help but secretly speculate in his heart with surprise on his face.

As his mind wandered, Wang Le stopped thinking about it. Anyway, following the two girls, the truth about the star core would naturally be revealed.

Of course, the top priority is to kill the guy who is hiding in the dark and wants to reap the benefits.

As for the star core, we have to take it one step at a time and act according to the circumstances.

No matter who encounters a heaven-defying treasure like the Star Core, they will covet it, and Wang Le is certainly no exception.

But Wang Le, who has received many heaven-defying opportunities along the way, clearly understands that the process of obtaining heaven-defying opportunities is often full of dangers. One bad thing is that he will fall on the spot and lose his life.

It is precisely because of this that while Wang Le covets it, he is also extremely wary of this star core!

After all, this heaven-defying opportunity is a good one. Anyone would want to take it as their own, but the prerequisite is that they have the destiny to enjoy it.

Just like that, Wang Le, who was suspended above the city lord's palace, disappeared in a flash, penetrated the void, and appeared in the void near the Yongye Tower in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Uncle Ye and Yuhuan, who fell from high altitude to the ground and were about to enter the tower, saw Wang Le appearing not far away. Their expressions sank in unison, but neither of them said anything. They just glanced at it and hurriedly entered the tower. Disappeared inside the Night Tower.

Then, a dazzling milky white light burst out from the opened tower door, and then dimmed instantly.

Wang Le's eyes flashed, and he landed directly on the steps in front of the tower door from high altitude without hesitation.

The tower door is very small, a little over one meter wide and less than two and a half meters high.

From the outside, the space inside the tower is very small, but when Wang Le walked into the tower door, his eyes immediately lit up. The entire space on the first floor was not only empty, but also magnificent. The surrounding walls and top were covered with colorful murals.

It’s dizzying.

If there were no important matters at hand, Wang Le would really appreciate it.

But now was obviously not the time to stop and admire the murals. Wang Le's eyes naturally fell on a milky-white aperture not far in front of him.

This was not the first time that Wang Le traveled between the mortal world and the martial arts world, and he immediately realized that this was a passage connecting the two spaces.

Where it leads is unknown. But what is certain is that the two martial arts masters from Cihang Jingzhai, as well as the guys who are hiding in the dark and want to reap the benefits, must be at the other end of the passage.

At this time, seeing the milky white aperture, Wang Le immediately understood that the roaring sounds just made were undoubtedly the huge movement caused by the opening of the safe passage.

Fortunately, this was the case, otherwise, the three people who were fighting in the sky at that time would have been taken advantage of without knowing it.

This also reminded Wang Le of his experience when he accidentally entered a ruins space at the bottom of a lake when he was fighting vampires at the border, and finally obtained Zhu Jiuyin's blood essence.

When he entered the ruins space at the bottom of the lake, Wang Le walked through a huge arch that appeared out of thin air, which was similar to the milky white halo in front of him.

While Wang Le was thinking about it, he walked slowly to the milky-white aperture, and then thought in his heart: "Now that we have encountered it, there is no reason to avoid it. As for the danger inside, with my strength, I really can't." I’m afraid.”

As the saying goes, the timid will be starved to death and the bold will be starved to death. Then Wang Le dived into the milky white aperture and disappeared instantly.

The moment Wang Le entered the milky white aperture, his eyes were spinning and his head sank.

Just when Wang Le bit the tip of his tongue to force himself to wake up so as not to lose consciousness, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the chaos around him had undergone earth-shaking changes.

When Wang Le took a closer look, he found that he was already standing outside the milky white circle, but he was no longer in the Yongye Tower, but in a completely unfamiliar space.

Looking around, the sky and the earth are gray and endless, with no end in sight.

Looking at the bare land, there is no vegetation at all, let alone other living creatures.

This reminded Wang Le again of the ruins space at the bottom of the lake where Zhu Jiuyin was buried.

As for Master Ye and Yuhuan, who were at the top of Cihang Jingzhai martial arts, who came in first, they had already disappeared without leaving any traces or clues.

Not to mention the warrior who was the first to enter when the passage was opened.

Wang Le saw that the strange space in front of him was lifeless, and was somewhat similar to the lake bottom ruins space on the border. He couldn't help but murmured to himself: "I'm sorry, isn't there an ancient mythical beast buried here?"

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