He Has a Dragon

Chapter 2468 Man-made

While Wang Le looked at this strange space with vigilance, he speculated in his heart: "No matter what, if the star core on the Yongye Tower is not lost and has always been in Zhenxing City, then there is a possibility that** It’s hidden in this space.”

As for whether there were tombs of ancient mythical beasts here, Wang Le just whispered casually. He didn't believe it from the bottom of his heart.

After all, the ancient mythical beasts are not just existences on the streets, but terrifying existences that stand at the top of the food chain, and there are only a handful of them!

Earlier, the unexpected chance of encountering the ancient divine beast Zhu Jiuyin in the lake bottom ruins space on the border was already the smoke coming out of the family's ancestral tomb.

What's more, Wang Le is what he is today because of this real dragon tattoo on his body.

It can be said that Wang Le has formed a connection with two ancient mythical beasts.

It would be hell if he bumped into another ancient beast.

Getting back to the subject, Wang Le, who was standing near the milky-white aperture, did not stay there forever. He quickly got up from the ground and then flew away in a random direction.

However, during this extremely fast flight, Wang Le did not forget to use his spiritual consciousness to perform some tricks and leave marks along the way to avoid getting lost when he came back.

After all, this unfamiliar space is completely bare at first glance, and it's easy to get lost.

Just when Wang Le, who was transformed into a purple-gold escaping light, was flying in this space, thinking that the scenery remained unchanged, he suddenly saw an extremely wide riverbed on the distant land appearing in his sight, winding all the way to the far end of the world. , like a giant dragon falling on the earth, with no end in sight.

Although the river bed has been dry for countless years, Wang Le can still imagine the spectacular sight of the river swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger when it is filled with water.

Water is the source of all things.

Where there is water, there is life.

Obviously, this lifeless and strange space in front of us was not like this a long time ago.

It was only later that something unexpected happened, leading to such an apocalyptic scene.

Now that you see the dry riverbed on the ground, there is no reason to fly randomly.

Then Wang Le was seen flying away in the direction of the river bed without hesitation.

Along the way, Wang Le did not forget to open his clairvoyant eyes to conduct a clairvoyant search, hoping to find traces of Uncle Ye, Yuhuan, and the warriors who first entered this space.

It's a pity that this space is too big. Once you are in it, it is like a drop in the ocean, it is too small.

Even searching through the clairvoyance power of the Desolation Dharma Eye is like finding a needle in a haystack, which is really difficult.

Although no trace of his opponent was found, during the perspective search, Wang Le found more and more dead vegetation along both sides of the river bed.

This made Wang Le have to think about his experience in the ruins space at the bottom of the lake again.

That is, Zhu Jiuyin's tomb is located in a forest.

However, this forest sea has long since died, and at a glance there are dead trees that have lost their lives long ago.

Now that a similar situation occurred in this unfamiliar space, Wang Le had to further increase his vigilance.

You must know that in the ruins space at the bottom of the lake, although I got the incredible opportunity of Zhu Jiuyin's blood essence, the whole process was a narrow escape. Even now, every time I think about it, I still have lingering fear, and the shadow left is really too deep.

However, Wang Le's strength and cultivation are no longer what they used to be.

Therefore, Wang Le, who was wary, did not feel afraid of this, so he had the intention of retreating.

After a while, Wang Le, who was flying at high speed in the air, suddenly paused and then plummeted to the ground.

Then he saw Wang Leluo on the very sparse grass.

And the grass on this meadow is not the usual green, but gray.

However, although the gray grass looked ordinary, Wang Le, who was still high in the sky just now, noticed through the Deliang Dharma Eye that the gray grass had bright lights flashing from time to time.

Looking down from a high altitude, this gray grassland is filled with a little bit of light, even if the Dharma Eye for Deception is not turned on.

It can also be easily discovered.

And the light shining from this gray grass made Wang Le couldn't help but think of the starry sky after nightfall!

Unconsciously, Wang Le, who was standing on the grass, felt a sense of intimacy with him.

Because his body has been trained and polished by the stars and moonlight for many years to become so strong!

Immediately, Wang Le stopped looking at the gray grass on the ground, and then did not fly to the sky again, but continued to move forward along the river bed from the ground.

Then, as time gradually passed, the grass beneath our feet became more and more lush. At a glance, both sides of the dry river bed were covered with this kind of starry gray grass.

If the grassland in front of him was green, Wang Le would have thought he was in the grassland of Inner Mongolia.

In this situation, Wang Le couldn't help but speculate in his heart: "The gray grass here is full of starlight. Could it be that the star core is nearby?"

As his mind wandered, Wang Le couldn't help but glance at the dry riverbed across this gray grassland.

Because along the way, the starry gray grass on both sides of the river grew more lush and no longer sparse, but this extremely wide dry river bed was still barren of grass.

Faced with such a strange situation, Wang Le used his clairvoyance power to carefully examine it.

As a result, I discovered that the river bed was faintly emitting an evil spirit.

This can't help but surprise Wang Le.

"Is the drying up of the river bed caused by man?" Wang Le couldn't help but speculate in his heart.

This is because in Wang Le's impression, the formation of evil spirits often comes from the conquests and battles between warriors the day after tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Wang Le couldn't help but have a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"After so long, the evil spirit has not disappeared yet. The two sides fighting here are really terrifying." Wang Le couldn't help but think in his heart.

At this time, Wang Le was no longer sure that the two sides fighting were warriors, and they might also be the demon clan that had not disappeared back then.

However, the wind is always blown away by the rain and the wind. Today, in the changing world, only a dry riverbed that has become a dead place with no water source and no living creatures is left.

At this moment, Wang Le couldn't help feeling a little sad deep in his heart, but he was also shocked by the cultivation strength of both sides.

Although Wang Le's invincible will has become stronger and more determined after successively winning the peak divine battles, facing the ruins in front of him that are most likely left by warriors or monster clans, that is, this dry river bed, he can't help but feel a wave of anger. Indescribable frustration.

"There really are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the world! Such a being must have shattered the void and gone to the other side of the world long ago." Wang Le, who was filled with emotion, couldn't help but think to himself.

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