He Has a Dragon

Chapter 944: Although I understand, I never agree

Wang Le did not stay at Private Club No. 1993. Although Mu Xihu tried to persuade him to stay, he still left early without hesitation. www.geiliwx.com

After coming out of the office and leaving the club, Wang Le drove his burgundy Hummer toward the courtyard in the suburbs of Beijing.

But just when the car left the city, Wang Le suddenly turned the steering wheel, turned around and drove back to the return road.

Because Wang Le suddenly thought that the courtyard in the suburbs of Beijing was arranged by Li Mubai. Maybe the fat hunchback also knew about the existence of this place and would try to get there. Therefore, it was best not to stay there to heal his injuries during the period of caution.

At night in the capital city, the bright moon hung high and the stars shone brightly. Wang Le drove a Hummer and wandered aimlessly on the streets, unable to think of a better place to go.

After a while, Wang Le, who had no other choice, accidentally spotted a hotel called the Rubber Tree Holiday Inn at the intersection in front of him. He couldn't help but feel moved, and then he drove the car to a dark alley between nearby buildings, then opened the door and walked out. , and then put the Hummer into the Fayan space. Anyway, after the Powang Fayan was upgraded, its Fayan space was much larger than before, enough to accommodate two cars.

The reason why Wang Le did this was mainly because of Jia Shaoxiang's status. Since the last banquet at the Private Club No. 1993, he has successively presented four unique and priceless treasures. They have become famous in the upper circles of the Forty-Nine Cities, or more. At least it has aroused some people's concern.

And this capital city is not big, but it is not small. If you park your Hummer in front of the hotel, you might be discovered. After all, Mr. Wang is not very confident in his luck. He can even drink water. The chance of filling the gap between teeth is very high...very high.

You know, Jia Shaoxiang's identity has been revealed by others, such as Chen Xiangxue and Mike Zhao.

So just in case, and to avoid unnecessary trouble, Wang Le simply put the car into the Dharma Eye Space.

Back to the subject, after doing all this, Wang Le walked out of the darkness, walked for a while, and soon walked into the lobby of the Rubber Tree Holiday Inn. He came to the counter and took out Jia Shaoxiang's ID card that Xiao Yuanfang had specially prepared, and then Pay the deposit and go through the check-in procedures.

Under the guidance of the hotel's beautiful waiter, Wang Le took the elevator to the 1607 luxury room on the 16th floor of the five-star hotel.

"There is no need for the housekeeper to come in and clean the room every day without my instructions, do you understand?"

Opening the guest room door, Wang Le, who was about to enter the room, suddenly turned his head and warned the beautiful waiter.

"Okay sir,

If you need anything, please feel free to ask. "The beautiful waiter showed a professional smile and responded respectfully.

Wang Le nodded, walked into the guest room without saying anything more, and closed the door tightly.

"I have to spend the next few days here." Wang Le looked at the guest room environment, nodded with satisfaction and said to himself.

Immediately, Wang Le did not put on the pajamas hanging in the customer service closet. Instead, he directly took out a change of clothes from his Dharma Eye Space, went into the bathroom and took a refreshing shower.

After coming out of the bathroom feeling fresh and refreshed, Wang Le didn't go online or watch TV. He just threw himself on the bed and fell asleep.

As mentioned earlier, deep sleep at night is the best way for Wang Le to heal.

When Wang Le fell into a deep sleep, the starlight and moonlight penetrated the void and arrived as expected, wrapping the entire body, beginning to repair the injuries in the body, and nourishing...


Unknowingly, three days flew by.

"Hey, the pretty boy disappeared again?"

"What's going on with this guy now? Why does he disappear every now and then? It would be someone else who owed money and ran away, or someone who offended someone he couldn't afford to offend. But with his background and his own strength, Is it necessary to strengthen our strength?"

"I heard the news from the people inside the Red Wall. This time it was the mysterious Ouchi masters who wanted to cause trouble for the pretty boy, so they scared him into disappearing again."

"Good boy, Longlidong. Looking at the entire Forty-Nine City, no one can match this little pretty boy's ability to cause trouble. He just had a fight with the Hong family of the United States, and he had not lived a stable life for a few days. He was at the Triumph Senior Club again. I beat up the prodigal son Chen Huazhang of the Chen family, and also beat up two masters in the family, but this also provoked even more powerful guys to come out."

After the news of Wang Le's missing again came out, various rumors about why this happened suddenly started flying in the upper circles, attracting everyone's attention and becoming a hot topic after dinner.

Gradually, intentionally or unintentionally, more information inside the red wall was released, and everyone finally determined that Wang Le had hidden away like last time because he had offended those mysterious Ouchi masters.

As for what Young Master Wang is hiding in, apart from himself and Mu Xihu who knows the inside story, only God knows.

This morning, Jiang Chao, Li Mubai, and Zhuang Ruixiong had nothing to do since it was not their turn to be on duty, so they sat around the stone table under the shade of the trees in the yard, brewed tea, and set up the Dragon Gate Formation.

"Wang Le is hiding as expected. It seems that Mu Bai really knows this kid very well." Jiang Chao said speechlessly after drinking the hot tea in the tea cup.

Li Mubai shook his head and said, "I don't know him very well. It can be said that no one knows what this kid is thinking in his heart."

After a pause, Li Mubai continued: "The reason why we can infer that he would hide in the dark is because this kid was injured and had no choice because the fat hunchback's martial arts cultivation was almost the same as his. All I can do is hide."

At this time, Zhuang Ruixiong followed with a hint of gloating: "The fat hunchback was so angry when he found out that Wang Le was missing. He didn't even think that a young guy would be beaten to death. In addition, with his advanced martial arts skills, he should be a proud and arrogant person. Who would have thought that this kid is so flexible and flexible that he hid without hesitation after getting wind of it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Chao shook his head and sighed: "Actually, my thoughts are not much different from those of the fat hunchback. The main reason is that the talented people like Wang Le in the martial arts world are arrogant and have high self-esteem. They would rather I would rather die standing than live on my knees, but the result for Wang Le is very different..."

When it comes to the latter part, Jiang Chao is too lazy to talk about it. As a martial artist, although he understands Wang Le's shy behavior, he never agrees with it because it goes against the integrity of a martial artist.

Li Mubai, who had just finished a sip of tea, put down the tea cup in his hand, then glanced at Jiang Chao and Zhuang Ruixiong in front of him, and said: "At that time, I went to report to Wang Letong, and the other party became furious after hearing what he said, and showed such murderous intent. It still gives me lingering fear!”

"Uh!" Jiang Chao and Zhuang Ruixiong paused and looked at Li Mubai seriously, waiting for the other party to continue. 9261314tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

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