He Has a Dragon

Chapter 945: Drink and have fun

Under the gaze of Jiang Chao and Zhuang Ruixiong, Li Mubai's eyelids twitched twice, and a strong look of fear flashed in his eyes. He opened his mouth and said faintly: "Only through my own experience can I understand the extent of Wang Le's murderous intention and ferocity at that time. How heavy, I can only say that the fat hunchback had better take care of the existence of Nanhua Temple and the little master uncle, and don't act recklessly and disgust Wang Le, otherwise in the end, he will only blame himself and no one else when he dies!"

The three people in the room fell into silence. After a while, Jiang Chao played with the tea cup in his hand and said: "If it is according to what Mu Bai said, Wang Le disappeared and hid during this period, I I think the fat hunchback despised this boy even more, and more or less relaxed his vigilance in his heart. [First published on Wu Ruo Novel Network]"

After a pause, Jiang Chao poured tea into his empty tea cup, and then continued: "If this is the case, it is very likely that the fat hunchback will capsize in the gutter. To take a step back, Wang Le's martial arts cultivation is inherently better than He is tall, so if nothing unexpected happens, the final outcome is already determined."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Mubai followed softly: "In this ending, the fat hunchback was seriously injured at first, but at the worst, his life was not lost in the martial arts world, but ended up being lost in the mortal world where everyone is an ant."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhuang Ruixiong, who was sitting opposite Li Mubai and had always been taciturn, suddenly asked: "You said that Wang Lewan's disappearance was not only due to his unrecovered injury, but also is there a possibility that it was him? The purpose of all this is to make the fat hunchback relax his vigilance and invisibly breed the mentality of underestimating the enemy."

"Uh!" Jiang Chao and Li Mubai were both stunned. It was obvious that they had never thought of this. They were all attracted by the fact that Wang Le was injured.

"Hiss!" Jiang Chao, who had never seen Wang Le's face before and knew the least about him, couldn't help but gasped, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

"If it is true as Junior Brother Zhuang speculated, then in order to defeat the fat hunchback, this boy has already acted pervasively before the duel even started. First of all, this psychologically made the fat hunchback want to underestimate the enemy!" Jiang Chao murmured to himself As he spoke, his tone was full of doubt.

Then Jiang Chao, who looked suspicious, and Zhuang Ruixiong, who made such speculations, all involuntarily looked at Li Mubai again, waiting for what the other party would say.

Li Mubai showed a wry smile and replied helplessly: "I have said before that no one knows what is going on in that boy's heart. His scheming is as deep as the sea, and he has a maturity and poise that is rare among young people. Therefore, the speculation made by Brother Zhuang is not impossible, and it is at least one of the reasons why Wang Le hides in the dark."

After a pause, Li Mubai went further: "Maybe Wang Le is not injured, he will hide in the dark, and first find out the details of the fat hunchback before taking any action.

After all, this kid is too cautious, especially when facing enemies who want to kill him! "

After listening to Li Mubai's insights, Jiang Chao was about to speak when he suddenly paused and looked outside as if aware.

Zhuang Ruixiong and Li Mubai realized it later, looked puzzled, and followed Jiang Chao's line of sight and looked towards the door together.

At this moment, I saw a fat hunchback like a mountain of meat, playing with a pair of iron balls in his hands. While clattering, he crossed the threshold with his thick legs, walked into the yard, and went to the three people sitting around the stone table. People came over.

"Hey, you three are quite elegant. A long way away, I can smell the fragrance of tea blowing in the wind." The fat hunchback sat down on the vacant stone bench in front of the stone table without anyone noticing. , and at the same time stopped moving the pair of shiny iron balls in his hands.

Zhuang Ruixiong stood up without changing his expression and ironed a tea cup for the fat hunchback, then filled it with tea and politely placed it on the stone table in front of him.

"Fat hunchback, the sun is out in the west today. Why do you, the great Bodhisattva, want to come to my small temple?" Jiang Chao looked at the fat hunchback holding the tea cup with a stiff face, neither cold nor hot. He opened his mouth and asked.

Seeing that the fat hunchback didn't seem to hear the unwelcomeness in Jiang Chao's words, he drank the hot tea in the cup, closed his eyes, and enjoyed himself leisurely.

At this time, the atmosphere in the courtyard began to become dull, and Li Mubai's face became even more ugly. He didn't even bother to glance at the fat hunchback. After all, this old guy relied on his own martial arts skills to deceive him. Li Mubai's martial arts skills were low, thus destroying Nanhua. Guan and Jiyangzi didn't take it seriously, and even wanted to make trouble for Wang Le unscrupulously.

Now in Li Mubai's eyes, Wang Le is no longer just a grandson of his junior uncle, but more importantly, Wang Le is extremely talented and plays a vital role in the future rise of Nanhua View. In fact, Li Mubai has already brought all the people together. All hopes were placed on Wang Le.

"No matter what you do, come to the Three Treasures Palace. If you have anything to say, just say it. Don't drag mom around like a bitch, otherwise Mr. Jiang will see you off."

Jiang Chao saw that the fat hunchback didn't look anxious at all, and after he finished speaking impatiently, Jiang Chao stood up.

"Slow down!" The fat hunchback put down the tea cup in his hand, the smile on his face faded as quickly as possible, and he shouted coldly.

"Then tell me!" Jiang Chao sat upright again and said coldly.

The fat hunchback glanced at the three of them, and finally stared at Li Mubai's face, asking in a cold voice: "Where did Wang Le go?"

"Uh!" Li Mubai's face froze, then he regained his composure, shrugged his shoulders and responded: "Ask me, I'll ask which one to go to. Besides, these legs are on Wang Le's body, how could I possibly know him? Where have you gone?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the fat hunchback snorted coldly and said, "I heard that you went to see Wang Le before he disappeared."

Li Mubai was not surprised that the fat hunchback knew about it, so he nodded calmly and said, "Yes, I went to see Wang Le and told you the news about dealing with him."

There was a pause, and before the fat hunchback could get angry, Li Mubai continued: "Wang Le is the grandson of my junior uncle, and he will be a disciple of Nanhua Temple in the future. I will tell him the news so that he can be prepared. It is reasonable and reasonable. , as for the fact that he went missing later on, I can only blame you, the fat hunchback, for being too slow, and I, Li Mubai, can’t be blamed.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Chao showed a mocking look and said in a mocking tone: "That's right, if you fat hunchback were faster than Mu Bai, then Wang Le wouldn't be able to escape even if he wanted to, so he can only blame him. I have grown too fat and walk very slowly, so it seems it’s time to lose weight.”

"You!" The fat hunchback's fat face suddenly turned red with anger. He pointed at Jiang Chao and couldn't say a word for a long time!

ps: I participated in a writer training course and got drunk with the website editor at night. I drank until the sky was dark, so I will update less. Next, Gucheng will work hard to update four times. Please forgive me, brothers and sisters, and please bear with me! ! ! !


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