He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1003: The tricks that cannot be seen in the light

Qingyangzi finally figured out the most important reason why Wang Le was able to escape from the mysterious army. It was because this boy's martial arts talent was so amazing. The old guy didn't want the other party to lose control of his desire to kill and become a murderer without humanity. Machine, it is a pity for this innate martial arts talent.

To put it simply, it means that Wang Le's martial arts cultivation level cannot keep up with his own understanding of martial arts, resulting in conflict. In layman's terms, it means that he will go crazy.

If Wang Le had continued to stay in the mysterious force, the final outcome would have been to either go crazy and become a killing machine, or to be slapped to death by the old guy, to avoid more unstable variables.

All in all, for Wang Le, it was a complete tragedy.

Fortunately, Wang Le's talent is like a demon. Looking at the aces of the mysterious army throughout the generations, no one can compare with him. In the end, the stubborn old guy with his own way of dealing with the world relented for once.

Of course, there was Xiao Yuanfang interceding for Wang Le, otherwise, the possibility of escaping unscathed was extremely low.

Just when Qingyangzi showed a look of surprise and was once again shocked by the martial arts understanding and talent of the boy in front of him, Wang Le changed the topic and returned to the previous question, saying: "Senior, even if there are so many large and small sects hidden, In the mountains, although there are few people around, there are always people there, why haven’t they been discovered?”

After a pause, Wang Le added: "If there are many sects, it is inevitable that there will be artificial development. No matter what, there will be trouble, and it is impossible not to be discovered."

I saw Qingyangzi suppressing the ups and downs of thoughts in his heart, and then replied: "This problem will involve the mustard seed and Sumeru method in the formation. Simply put, one sand, one world, one leaf, one bodhi. As for the concept The more detailed principles involved will naturally come to you when you are introduced to Nanhua Temple, and you will have the opportunity to slowly understand and learn them."

"A mustard seed contains Sumeru, one leaf is a world, and a leaf is a bodhi." Wang Le played with the tea bowl in his hand and stared at it intently, but he thought in his heart that his Dharma Eye Space was exactly like this.

When Wang Le first obtained the Dharma Eye, there was a Dharma Eye space in each of Wang Le's left and right eyes. Later, with the upgrade of the Dharma Eye, the two Dharma Eye spaces merged into one, and finally a unique Dharma Eye space was formed on the acupuncture point between the eyebrows. Dharma Eye Space, and with each upgrade, its scope is getting larger and larger.

Although so far, the only function of Fayan Space for Wang Le is to carry a warehouse with him, but Wang Le vaguely knows that Fayan Space is far from that simple.

Then the next step is to continue to upgrade the Dharma Eye and develop new functions of the Dharma Eye space.

The latest upgrade of the Delusion-Destroying Dharma Eye has an impact on the Dharma Eye space in that the scope has become larger.

The original transparent walls on all four sides of the space collapsed into chaos.

This also makes Wang Le look forward to how the Dharma Eye Space will change after the chaos is broken.

Of course, Wang Le did not intend to tell anyone about all the superpowers of the Desolation Dharma Eye, let alone Qingyangzi in front of him.

As his mind wandered, Wang Le stopped dwelling on this topic, and instead asked in a different direction: "Senior, next you have to use the connections at your disposal to find out how many people those enemies have sent into this world. I wonder how difficult this is?"

Qingyangzi smiled softly and said: "This difficulty is neither big nor small. I will pay some price when the time comes. If nothing happens, I believe it can be solved."

After a pause, Qingyangzi glanced at Wang Le and continued: "Don't think that the various sects in the martial arts world are scattered. In fact, they are controlled by a major alliance composed of top sects. Because of this, there are very few martial arts circles. The masters enter the secular world."

"Oh?" Wang Le was startled. This was the first time he heard such a statement. Grandpa Jiyang and Li Mubai had never told them about the martial arts alliance before, but they didn't expect to hear it from Qingyangzi today. arrive.

It is precisely because of this that Wang Le gradually has a general outline of the martial arts world in his mind. As for the more detailed aspects, such as martial arts training, refining natal magical weapons, formations, etc., of course he can only wait until he goes there. After visiting Nanhua, you will have ample opportunity to understand and become familiar with it.

Thinking of this, Wang Le couldn't help but feel fascinated, and couldn't help but ask Qingyangzi: "Senior, can you take this kid into the martial arts world to open his eyes?"

At this time, Qingyangzi shook his head and replied without hesitation: "Your future belongs to Nanhua Temple. When the time comes, your grandfather will take you in. According to the rules of the martial arts world, you should accept disciples from the secular world. This sect is here to guide you, so I can’t do anything unless you want to enter Gui Xu temple.”

After a pause, Qingyangzi chuckled and said: "It's a pity that the master of the temple is wandering away. Otherwise, how could he let a boy like you, who is as talented as a demon in martial arts, go to Nanhua to watch."

"Uh!" Wang Le touched his nose and was speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Then Qingyangzi smiled and shook his head and sighed: "Even if I take you into Guixu Guan, Jiyang Master will definitely not let me go by then. The friendship we have had for many years will be completely ruined."

Wang Le silently picked up the tea bowl and filled himself with wine, and then drank it down. He pretended that he had just asked without asking, because it was obvious that he could not go to the martial arts world. It seemed that he could only wait until his grandfather Ji Yang came out of seclusion before he could make the trip. .

Although Wang Le was disappointed that he could not immediately go to the martial arts world to have a good experience, he quickly adjusted his emotions and did not think too much about it. After all, the most important thing at the moment was the crisis that the mysterious army was about to face. .

Thinking of this, Wang Le suddenly felt something in his heart. The person Hong Burang came to mind, and he couldn't help but thought to himself: "Is it possible that this kid didn't return to the United States because he went to the martial arts world?"

When this idea flashed through Wang Le's mind, he became more and more certain. However, the only doubt was that Hong Burang was an exiled person in the martial arts world. What could he do there? At that time, it is impossible to say that he did not lose his life at the hands of Wang Le, but instead lost his life to the martial arts world.

"It seems that there must be something fishy here that cannot see the light." Wang Le couldn't help but murmured to himself when he thought of the strangeness.

At this time, Qingyangzi, who was sitting opposite, saw that Wang Le was a little distracted, and thought that Wang Le was disappointed because he could not go to the martial arts world, so he couldn't help comforting him: "Xiao Le, you will definitely go to the martial arts world, it's just a matter of time, so No need to worry too much.”

Wang Le quickly put away his distracted thoughts, showed an apologetic smile, and then poured wine to apologize to Qingyangzi...

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