He Has a Dragon

Chapter 1004 Confrontation

While the wine was flowing, Wang Le finally looked at Qingyangzi after pondering for a while, and said, "I want to investigate a person, and I hope that my senior can help me with this little favor when I use my connections in the martial arts world."

"Oh?" Qingyangzi raised his eyebrows and looked at Wang Le. Instead of agreeing immediately, he asked instead: "Your enemy?"

Wang Le snorted and responded: "This person is from the United States, and his name is Hong Burang. I once heard a disciple from Nanhua Temple say that Hong Burang is a descendant of someone who was exiled from the martial arts world."

"Huh?" Qingyangzi's raised eyebrows immediately wrinkled and he said, "How can an exiled person enter the martial arts world?"

Then Qingyangzi asked and answered to himself in a thoughtful voice: "Unless this person wants to go back to his old place in the martial arts world to find something that he couldn't take away back then."

Wang Le shrugged his shoulders. He just wanted to find out where Hong Burang was now, but he had no interest in other aspects.

"Hey, you are really brave. Even if the exiled people sneaked back to China back then, they dared to enter the martial arts world. It is true that the longevity star hanged himself because he thought his life was too long." Qingyangzi couldn't help but show a hint of murderous intent on his face, and sneered. road.

"Uh!" A look of doubt flashed in Wang Le's heart. Qingyangzi and Hong Burang had never met each other before, so why did they have murderous intentions?

The so-called exile in the martial arts world was a matter of hundreds of years ago. Qingyangzi didn't even know where his mother was at that time! Why did you become enemies with the exile group in the martial arts world?

Qingyangzi obviously also guessed that Wang Le was puzzled, so he simply explained: "The exile back then was a bad deal. There is no right or wrong in it. There is only the principle that strength comes first, and the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit. However, those exiled people have formed a life-and-death feud with me at Guixu Guan!"

Wang Le suddenly realized that this was the root cause. No wonder Qingyangzi had murderous intentions after knowing that Hong Burang was an exiled person.

"Xiao Le, now that I know the other party's background, I will try my best to find out his whereabouts, but you have to roughly tell the whole story of the grudge between you and him."

Qingyangzi promised to look for Hong Burang but also made a request. Wang Le did not hesitate and calmly told the ins and outs of the enmity between himself and Hong Burang, thus giving Qingyangzi a way to find Hong Burang next. Let this person make the most appropriate judgment and decision.

In this way, time flew by quickly, and we drank wine from noon to around three o'clock in the afternoon. During this period, Qingyangzi, who had always been with Lone Deng, rarely had guests come to visit, so he took five or six jars of old wine from the wine cellar. After drinking, we dispersed happily.

Wang Le, as a guest,

While he was cooking at noon, Qingyangzi prepared the guest room for him early.

After Qingyangzi left, Wang Le shook his head and felt the world spinning. He couldn't help but secretly said: "The wine brewed by senior Qingyangzi is really powerful. It can actually make martial arts people drunk. This This is really my first time encountering it.”

Then Wang Le fell down on the bed, covered himself with a quilt, and then fell asleep...


What Wang Le didn't expect was that when he woke up from his sleep, it was already around six o'clock the next morning.

After getting water from the well, Wang Le walked out of the Taoist temple after a simple wash. He saw Qingyangzi wearing a gray wide Taoist robe that had turned a little white after washing. At this time, he was doing a simple set of boxing skills under the ancient trees in the yard. There was no sluggishness in the process, it seemed smooth and flowing, and the master's atmosphere was fully revealed.

Standing on the steps in front of the Taoist temple, Wang Le put his hands behind his back and looked thoughtfully at Qingyangzi who was boxing without making a sound to disturb him.

After about ten minutes, Qingyangzi put away his posture and took a deep breath of essence towards the rising sun, and then breathed it out gently before turning to look at Wang Le.

"The wine yesterday was not bad, was it?" Qingyangzi said with a smile to Wang Le who was standing on the steps.

Wang Le showed a strange expression, then touched his nose and replied: "I didn't expect that the ordinary rice wine has such great stamina. This is the first time that the boy has been drunk since his debut, which is really rare. "

Without waiting for Qingyangzi to answer, Wang Le changed the subject and asked: "Senior, your martial arts cultivation is extremely advanced, how come you can't do such flashy routines like the grandparents in the park in the secular world?"

While talking, Wang Le walked down the steps and came to Qingyangzi.

At this moment, Qing Yangzi avoided answering, looked at Wang Le with a half-smile and said, "How about we have a fight?"

After a pause, Qingyangzi added: "I will use this routine to fight Xiao Le."

"Uh!" Wang Le narrowed his eyes, because he has always been advocating for simple and simple killing techniques, which emphasize killing with one move. The so-called routines are at best what he did to lay a good foundation in martial arts when he first started. Just training.

But at this moment, Wang Le put away his contempt for this routine, because he knew that Qingyangzi would not make a mistake, so he immediately became cautious.

However, Qingyangzi had already said this. As a junior, Wang Le certainly couldn't refuse, so he smiled and said: "Senior, my skills are far worse than yours."

I saw Qingyangzi smiling and replying indifferently: "Let's just stop ordering, there's no need to be serious."

After finishing speaking, Qingyangzi did not wait for Wang Le to be more humble, turned around and walked towards the empty space in the courtyard. When Wang Le saw this, of course he did not dare to neglect, and followed him quickly.

Soon the two of them stood face to face with a distance of two meters apart. Then Qingyangzi made a gesture of invitation. Wang Le slid his feet forward without any nonsense, instantly closing the distance between them, and then waved a wave. The fist went straight to Qingyangzi's chest.

In the midst of the lightning and flint, Qingyangzi reached out his hand to cover his chest to block Wang Le's fist. At the same time, he followed with his other hand and punched Wang Le's belly without giving in. Abdomen.

At this time, Wang Le's punch blocked by Qingyangzi quickly opened up and turned into an eagle's claw, which he thrust towards the opponent's wrist. At the same time, he waved another palm to meet Qingyangzi's powerful punch.

Just when Wang Le tried to hold Qingyangzi's wrist, their other fists and palms also collided.


Like the collision of gold and stone, there was a sharp sound that cut through the silence of the mountain in the early morning. At this moment, Wang Le's palm was like a sky-shielding curtain covering Qingyangzi's fist, preventing the opponent from withdrawing his attack!

Of course, Qingyangzi didn't want to be passive. He opened his fist and raised two sharp fingers to meet Wang Le's iron palm, pointing at the palm!

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