He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2018: Give me peace

In November, after two autumn rains, Haicheng is getting colder and colder. Mu Mian's classes are going well. She is really talented in directing. Her aesthetics and artistic attainments are very popular with professional teachers.

And that Liu Xin scoffed at it.

Mu Mian didn't pay attention to him at all. Recently, she plans to try the water to direct a campus short, a one-hour stage play.

She has learned a lot of experience from Director Su, and she also has experience in filming. Overall, she is quite confident in herself.

Mu Mian studies on campus during the day, and will go to the auditorium to rehearse the actors at four or five o'clock in the afternoon, and go home at about seven or eight in the evening.

Life is very fulfilling.

On this day, after she finished rehearsing the play, it was already eight o'clock in the evening, and she put on her coat and walked out of the auditorium.

It was already cold outside, and she wrapped her coat tightly and walked out.

The car usually waits for her at the school gate. Tang Ji'an would come to pick her up at the school some time ago, but now, in the second half of the year, the Finance Department is very busy, and he manages everything all day, so he really can't take care of picking her up.

Wearing high heels, Mu Mian walked down the path, flanked by plane trees whose leaves had fallen out, and the street lights were dimly lit. Sometimes students hurried to the dormitory with a few books.

Suddenly, a car light came on behind her. She was somewhat alert. After looking back, she didn't take it seriously after seeing the license plate number.

Because of this car, she knew it was a van used for food delivery in the school cafeteria.

She continued to walk forward. The van drove to her side and stopped. Mu Mian looked back again. The car lights were very dazzling. She vaguely saw the driver wearing a mask.

Instinctively, she felt that something was wrong, so she quickened her pace, but heard the sound of the car door opening...

She looked back in horror, and a tall man followed.

She looked around, but no one was seen.

She was about to run, but saw the man behind her arm around her waist, she screamed, and the man covered her mouth.

The opponent moved cleanly and directly captured her into the car.

The car is indeed the car that transports vegetables, but the person... shouldn't be the vegetable dealer.

She forced herself to remain calm and looked at the two men in the front seat: "What do you want to do?"

The man stepped on the accelerator and the car slowly drove back.

The man next to her **** her hands and feet, and then took another roll of tape to her mouth. The voice of the negative test sounded in his ear: "If you dare to bark, be careful that I am on your face. Make a cut."

The car drove to the guard, and the two men in front were wearing hats and took off their masks...

From their conversation with the guard, Mu Mian learned that they came in under the guise of a vegetable dealer.

The real vegetable dealers should have been **** by them, and they were able to drive this car into the campus.

Obviously it was carefully planned, the purpose is to tie her.

who is it?

Who wants to tie her?

She could see her car parked outside the school gate. The driver was sitting in the car, probably listening to the radio. He looked up at the van.

Mu Mian whimpered with excitement, "Uuuuuu..."

Two cars passed by...

The man beside her slapped her sharply, "Give me peace of mind."

Mu Mian's quilt fan became dizzy and his brain buzzed.

The car has left the school gate, there is no hope.

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