He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2019: Police force out of the city

Soon, she was also put on a black hood. She knew that this group did not want her to know where she was taken.

The car galloped all the way, and she really didn't know where she was taken.

When it was nine o'clock, the driver felt a little strange. Mu Mian would usually go home a little after eight o'clock at the latest, but it was nine o'clock today, and she hadn't come out yet, and the driver was a little worried.

As soon as he got out of the car, a black car drove behind him. The windows of the car slowly dropped, and Tang Ji'an's face appeared in his field of vision.

Mu Mian's driver Zhang Shu hurriedly got out of the car and walked over: "Tang Deputy Hall, you are here..."

Tang Ji'an chins first: "Why hasn't she finished school yet?"

Uncle Zhang touched his head: "I don't know, I haven't seen her come out, maybe something has delayed it."

Tang Ji'an said solemnly: "Uncle Six, drive in and have a look at the auditorium."

As the car drove to the auditorium of the Hai Opera, all the actors in the auditorium had already dispersed, and only a few logistics staff were left to sort out the props.

Tang Ji'an asked someone casually, but that person said that Director Mu had left the auditorium at early eight o'clock.

Hearing this, Tang Ji'an's face suddenly sank, he had a bad feeling.

Mu Mian left the school without going through the front door? Can't get in your own car?

Or is she somewhere else in the school?

He asked Uncle Zhang to quickly call the security department to search for Mu Mian throughout the school.

Uncle Zhang realized the seriousness of the situation and immediately ran to the Security Division.

In less than twenty minutes, Uncle Zhang led the head of the Security Department and ran over, saying that all corners of the school had been found, but no trace of Mu Mian was found.

Tang Ji'an's heart sank straight down, this matter was more serious than he thought.

For the first time in 30 years of his life, he really felt panic.

He stabilized his mind and went to the guard's office with a few others.

Mu Mian left the auditorium just after eight o'clock, but Uncle Zhang and the guards did not see her coming out, but she was not in school, indicating that she was taken out by a car.

What car can enter the campus?

Except for military vehicles, government vehicles, school faculty and school vehicles, other vehicles are forbidden to enter.

From early eight o'clock to nine o'clock, this period of time, the vehicles entering and exiting the front and back doors should still be well checked.

After asking a little, the guard replied: "Today... there is one thing that is different from usual."

Tang Ji'an pinched out the cigarette butt, frowned and said, "What is it?"

"Our school cafeteria used to be supplied by a vegetable farmer named Chen Jinquan nearby. It was not Chen Jinquan who came to deliver the food today, but the car was still his car. The man said he was Chen Jinquan’s cousin and that Chen Jinquan was unwell today. Let him go, and I see that the car is right, so I let him in."

"What does a man look like?"

"Square mouth and wide ears, eyebrows pressed, eyes are uncomfortable, I wear a thread cap on his head, and there is a man next to him who also wears a thread cap."

Tang Ji'an glanced at the phone on the desk, and said in a deep voice, "Borrow the phone."

"You use it, you use it."

Tang Ji'an called directly to the home of the director of the Public Security Department: "My wife was tied up."

The head of the Public Security Department sat down immediately, "What?"

This is a big deal, and he dare not neglect it.

"You let the policemen patrolling the streets in the city pay attention to a silver van named Hai A85978 with my wife in it. Maybe they will change cars and let them take precautions."

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