He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2988: Xiaobailian

But this Xu Lianda even continued to harass Guan Ling afterwards, and Guan Ling was very annoying.

She didn't want to tell Xu Yan that she was afraid that Xu Yan would be impulsive, but would hurt himself. After all, Xu Lianda had a profound identity and background, and Xu Yan's relationship with her family broke again. She had to consider Xu Yan.

When eating at noon, she confided to Gu Nian sadly.

Gu Nian said: "It's time to solve this scourge."

Guan Ling's eyes brightened: "How to solve it?"

Gu Nian smiled and looked at him: "What punishment do you want him to receive?"

"There is no day that I don't want him to be punished by law. I hope he can go to jail."

Gu Nian nodded: "You think Xu Lianda really needs to investigate deeply. The guilt on him is enough for him to sit in prison."

Guan Ling squeezed the chopsticks in his hand: "But he didn't, not only didn't, but he's still at large, because he has a senior official dad."

Gu Nian smiled: "If we immediately notify the Republicans when he commits a crime, you say, can his dad protect him?"

Guan Ling's eyes were firm: "Judging from the incompatible situation of the Republican Party and the Democratic Party, it must be impossible."

Gu Nian nodded: "Definitely not. I'll ask Xu Lianda to investigate. He wants to make a mistake, and we don't even need to set up a bureau, so we just sit and wait."

Guan Ling's eyes were determined: "Do I need to do anything?"

Gu Nian patted the back of her hand: "No, beauties? We don't want to take advantage of that grandson."

Xu Lianda usually lived a life of singing and dancing. His mother was an actor in his early years, and later in business, his family was rich and powerful, plus his mother was good-looking, he inherited a **** skin, and he looked good.

Let's do it this way, the suitor is simply a successor. Although he is in his early twenties, he can't count the love that can be discussed with one hand, and there are all types.

But he always feels empty, this kind of singing and dancing, life in the wine pond meat forest, he seems to have had enough.

I just wanted to find some excitement, so I only went to Guan Ling last time. People without background can handle it even if he gets stronger.

It's a pity that a **** thought came out halfway, and the road was one foot taller than the devil.

Eh? Is there such a beautification?

His group of alcoholic friends asked him to go to the bar for a drink on Friday night, saying that there are many pure girls over there.

He sneered: "Anything pure is pretended to be disguised by those female college students who want to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix."

He is also considered a veteran in love, and now, he really has a passion for Guan Ling.

At least, she didn't pretend that being poor is really poor, and pure is also really pure, and she really dismissed him.

The more unavailable, the better.

Men are cheap.

But because of the emptiness of life, on Friday night, he went to the bar opened by his friend as scheduled.

After a drink, a girl in a high school uniform entered the private room.

His appearance was pure, his voice was charming, but his movements were bold and unrestrained. He sat directly on his lap. Xu Lianda glanced at his buddies and sneered: "Is this what you found?"

"Yeah, don't you like innocence? Look at her harmless face, tusk, little white lotus."

Xu Lianda pushed away the woman on her lap: "Get out of my way."

The girl was frightened and hurried out.

Xu Lianda was annoyed: "This kind of stuff, don't let her appear in front of me in the future."

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