He Is Warmer Than Time

Chapter 2989: Drunk driving

His brother hurriedly agreed: "Go and go, drink and drink."

Xu Lianda drank a lot of alcohol. When he went out of the bar, he didn't ask for a driver, so he opened the door and got on the car.

He drinks well, and used to drink and drive a lot. With such a small amount of alcohol, there is no problem at all. When he sees his license plate, the traffic police will not even check his car.

Wait until the car drives out.

Secretary He Zhang received a text message, "Vice President's son Xu Lianda drove a Porsche 911, driving on Zhongshan section, while driving under the influence."

The secretary didn't dare to neglect the message and immediately reported it to He Zhang. He Zhang was eager to call his brother back, thinking that Xie Muchao's people had investigated Xu Lianda, so he received this message.

"Notify the reporter immediately to contain him."

"Yes, sir."

Xu Lianda drove a Porsche 911. On urban roads, he went as fast as 100 per hour and grabbed a yellow light at an intersection on Zhongshan South Road.

With a bang, his car hit a pedestrian.

The police arrived almost immediately.

Xu Lianda didn't panic. He just stopped the car impatiently, opened the window, looked at the traffic police in front of him, and rolled his eyes: "Is there anything wrong, Sir?"

"You hit a pedestrian and the pedestrian was seriously injured. Please get out of the car and cooperate with the investigation."

"It's him who ran the red light. What does it have to do with me?"

The traffic police glanced at him, with a cold expression: "Please blow at the machine. We are going to test drunk driving."

Xu Lianda's face was darkened: "Do you know who I am?"

Suddenly, three cars came up from behind, and from the cars came countless reporters and photographers with long guns and short cannons.

Xu Lianda suddenly panicked and wanted to press the car window, but was forcibly blocked by a reporter with a long-tube camera.

The drunk driving test equipment in the hands of the police was also stretched out in front of him: "Sir, please cooperate with our police work."

Xu Lianda became angry from embarrassment: "You all get out of me."

All his words and deeds were recorded by the camera, his unreasonable making trouble, his anger and frustration, his anger turned into anger, and his turmoil.

No matter how stupid Xu Lianda was, he knew that he was being watched, and the other party knew that he was drinking.

He didn't dare to test. These people, if they were Republicans, his father couldn't protect him. Republicans have always wanted to find their party's handle. This time they finally found them. How could they give up?

With overwhelming flashing lights, the car door was opened in the chaos, and the drunk driving equipment was also stuffed into his mouth.

At that moment, he only hoped that it was only drunk driving, not drunk driving.

He not only drank and drove, but he also ran into someone, who was taken to the hospital and his life or death was uncertain.

This time, he seemed to be in serious trouble.

The policeman held the instrument in his hand with a solemn expression: "The alcohol content is 140mg/ml, which is higher than the standard of 80mg/ml for drunk driving, sir, you are drunk driving."

The penalty for drunk driving is less severe than for drunk driving.

Xu Lianda suddenly felt a bit weak in his legs, drunk driving, and hitting someone, and there are so many reporters, I am afraid that his crime has been spread at this moment.

His father wanted to save people, but the people all over the country refused to agree.

Is he really going to jail?

In the chaos, the cold handcuffs of the police fell on his hands, and he was pressed into the police car by the traffic police. The reporters were shooting crazy again, and Xu Lianda could only raise his hand to cover his face.

He is going to finish.

Guan Ling’s house, Xu Yan went to M country on a business trip. Gu Nian and Guan Ling were sitting on the sofa in the living room. Guan Ling was a little nervous, but Gu Nian was calm: “Don’t worry, Xu Lianda drinks so much alcohol. He must be driving drunk. Someone informed He Zhang’s secretary anonymously, and He Zhang could not let go of this opportunity."

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