He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1009 Features, transistors!

"How about you, want to travel with us?"

Xiao Zhi slowly approached Reggie Eleki and asked softly.

"Beep beep~?"

However, the latter was just jumping left and right on the ground, with dot matrix marks flashing, as if he didn't understand Xiaozhi's meaning at all.

A body made entirely of electronic crystals turned Reggie Eleki's head into an electronic head...

Similar to Brother Chi.

And after being sealed by the ancient humans, the memory was completely formatted. At this moment, it is like a completely newborn baby, unable to understand too profound things.

"In that case..."

Xiaozhi looked at the insulating ball in his hand, and immediately had a solution.


He just threw the elf ball in his hand high and waved his hand at the same time.

"Pikachu, use the electric ball!!"

Pikachu understood, and flipped back on the spot, and at the same time, threw an electric energy ball in the direction of the poke ball.

It's all about spending money.

Zizizi! !

The electric ball hits the insulating ball, and the electric current bursts out immediately.


This scene also caused Reggie Eleki to flicker the dot matrix imprint frantically. If there was a mouth on his face, his saliva would already flow out.

sizzle! !

The figure even bounced high in an instant.

It's obviously just an ordinary physical movement...but the speed is astonishingly fast, as if it really turned into a bolt of lightning that is hard to catch with the naked eye.

Xiaozhi secretly estimated that this speed is no less than that of Pikachu in the flashing state.

Reggie Eleck even slammed his head into the insulating ball.


In the next moment, the entire electric pillar and Pikachu's electric ball were sucked into the insulating ball.

Da da...!

After shaking the insulating ball three times on the ground, it regained its calm.

"Have you successfully subdued it...!"

Unable to suppress the joy in his heart, Xiaozhi stepped forward and grabbed the insulating ball in his hand, as if he had found a treasure.


The Pikachu on the shoulder also has the same expression, and it can finally have a younger brother with the same attributes!

Tie Xuan: "..."

He who witnessed this subduing process was silent for a while.

Hell, why is this process of subjugation so similar to when he played Frisbee with his electric dog? !

But this Lightning Divine Pillar is really quite different from other divine pillars.

"The legendary three divine pillars are Pokémon made by the king of the pillars using special clay according to their own appearance..."

Tie Xuan couldn't help thinking of a secret record he had seen before.

"Later, the God Pillar King got tired and gave up pinching the pillars with his palms... Instead, he inserted rattan sticks into the clay and flung them towards the sky to form new pillars. This also caused some pillars to look like the three god pillars. differ greatly."

The three of Xiaozhi: "?"

Is this telling a fairy tale? Why is the smell so strong?


Putting Reggie Eleki into his own ball, at this moment the illustration book has also completed a physical inspection of the Electric God Pillar, Xiao Zhi quickly pressed the broadcast button.

The illustrated book is related to his Poké Ball.

In the same way, Dr. Damu, who was far away in Zhenxin Town, also knew that Xiaozhi had tamed a new divine pillar that did not belong to the three divine pillars.

"Didi. Reggie Eleki, nicknamed: Two Pillars, is an electric-type Pokémon."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was taken aback, who picked it up, why does he still have a nickname?

Or the original name?

And this name, why does it feel very dishonest and has the urge to beat me up after hearing this name?

Regardless of these, the illustrated book will continue to broadcast the report:

"Didi, the characteristic is tentatively set as: Transistor."

It was the first time for everyone to hear about this feature, and they quickly raised their ears to listen.

"Didi. Transistor, Pokémon with this characteristic, when using electric moves, the power will increase by 50%."

The voice of the illustration book fell, and the expressions of several people changed suddenly.

You should know that props like charcoal and magnets only increase the power of attribute moves by 20%.

What is the concept of 50%...

It is basically equivalent to using a wave of surfing. The characteristics of the transistor can directly increase the power of surfing to a big water spray at full stamina!

If you use water spray, the power has even reached the 200 stage!

This is definitely a very scary feature.

"But it can only improve moves with electric attributes..."

Xiaozhi clenched the insulating ball in his hand. Anyway, this is a powerful Pokémon that can't be met.

And just the speed I saw just now is terrifying...

However, it looks like it will take some time to practice well.



The matter at Zijin Gym came to an end, and it was getting late, Xiaozhi and the three planned to leave.

"Haha~ Originally, I could have entertained you for a few more days, but you all know that I'm going to be busy~"

Tie Xuan rubbed his head and laughed.

The next new purple violet will take him a long time to take care of.

"Next time you go back to Viola City, maybe the new Viola has opened haha~! Be sure to come to this dream city to play~!"

Tie Xuan just laughed out loud.

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other. Although the Purple Cordyce Gymnasium had come to an end, they could rest in this city for a few days, and they were not in a hurry to go on to the next gymnasium city.

There is still some time before the Fangyuan Alliance Conference begins...

"If you need a fun place, there is a commercial street in the center of Zijin City, which is very suitable for tourists from other places~"

Before parting, Tie Xuan introduced:

"Especially one of the places called Battle Food Pavilion, the stronger the trainer, the more top-notch delicacies he can eat~"

The double label of food + fighting made Xiaozhi's eyes light up instantly.

"How about it, let's go to the Battle Food Court tomorrow!"

Xiaozhi looked at the two friends next to him and said eagerly.

"Is the combination of food and battles interesting..."

Xiao Gang rubbed his chin, showing interest. "If it's for food, I won't let it go~!"

Xiaolan wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, she is a veteran foodie.

As it was getting late, the three of them did not go directly to the commercial street, but went to the Elf Center in Zijin City to rest for the night...



next morning.

Xiaozhi was on the balcony early in the morning, doing a set of military boxing exercises.

Conquering the gymnasium and subduing a legendary Pokémon made him so excited that he didn't sleep all night.

"Xiaozhi, the talented trainer I value the most, is the pride of the new town, hurry up and pass this electric pillar over here!!"

Dr. Damu, who was far away in Zhenxin Town, also stayed up all night and kept sending harassing text messages to Xiaozhi.

The divine pillar that is independent of the three divine pillars... This is an incredible and huge discovery!

Xiaozhi replied politely, and did not agree to Dr. Oki's request.

"Next time."

At this moment, there is not much difference between Reggie Eleki and the Pokémon that just hatched from the egg... Let's stay in your own hands for a while now.

And didn't you just pass back the sealed Huayan monster!

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