He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1010 Fighting Food Pavilion

Battle Food Court...

In fact, this is not an attic, or any store, but a huge square.

Following the guidance of the map, the three of Xiaozhi thought they were in the wrong place for a while, but they didn't enter until they saw the signboard hanging above.

This is a table surrounded by tables, and various shops open on the edge... and in the middle, there is an open-air rectangular square platform.

“Welcome to Zijin Food Court~”

A big sister of the waiter guided the three of them to sit on one side, where they could just see the whole square.

It is the peak tourist season at this moment, and it is obviously early in the morning, but it is full of people, basically all the tables are full of tourists.

Zijin City has the custom of drinking morning tea, usually from morning to afternoon, sitting for most of the day.

"Um, this is not like a place to eat, it's more like a boxing ring..."

Xiaolan couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

"Hehe, this is the trend here~"

The waiter just said with a smile, and handed the menu cards to the three of them.

Most of the above are some special delicacies, and they don’t look special...except for the top of the menu, which looks like an award-winning ladder, with three kinds of food drawn respectively.

Three crowns of gold, silver and copper are also marked on it.

"Other foods can be ordered at will, there is no limit~ But if you want to eat the above three foods, you can only qualify through the battle."

The elder sister of the waiter introduced with a smile.

These three seem to be trainers...

It's just that the trainer in the Hezhong area in the middle has weird eyes?

"Is this the top food that Mr. Tie Xuan said?"

Xiaozhi looked at the three kinds of food. The bronze medal was a sandwich, and the silver medal was a magnetoyaki... He had eaten Koi Kingyaki.

And Golden Delicious is a pasta...

The three kinds of food are all covered with golden holy light, which looks amazing.

"For example, if you want to order the Copper Crown's village sandwich combination...you need to defeat five diners in a row in the central square to get the chance to serve, but it will be free at that time~"

The waiter introduced the rules enthusiastically.

"Silver Crown's Magneto Burn is a 10-game winning streak, and the Golden Crown's Viola Assorted Noodles is a 15-game winning streak~!"

"Of course, the challenge is for life, as long as you complete a challenge, you can bypass the challenge in the future, enjoy it~!"

Well, but of course it is free only for the first time, and you have to pay for it afterward.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi nodded, the rules of fighting against the food court are simple and rude.

It's just a rule of fighting with wheels.

Xiaogang and Xiaolan ordered some other things casually, intending to check the level of ordinary food first.

It is still early in the morning, and there are currently no diner trainers in the central square to attack and defend on the stage.

"Well, I want a bowl of top-notch assorted purple violet noodles!"

Xiaozhi was also polite, and directly ordered the Golden Delicious Food.

Without waiting for the waiter to say anything, he turned over and landed directly on the side of the central square, waiting for the challenger to come forward.

"What a brave trainer~"

The eldest sister of the waiter wrote down the menu for the three of them, and then walked towards the shop.

The taste of these three signature dishes is really top...

But in fact, it is not enough to make people eat and ascend to heaven.

It's just that I worked hard to defend the competition, and I was rewarded with delicious food. The taste is naturally added by the filter.

But for their store... Such a gimmick marketing has attracted a large number of tourists to try to find out.

Belongs to both parties.


Although Xiaozhi didn't know how many v battles it was, he didn't know if he wanted a Pokémon and won 15 games in a row.


But Xiaozhi just folded his hands on his chest, looking confident.

"Hey, Pikachu, didn't you go?"

Xiaogang looked at Pikachu who was still on the dining table, drinking tea leisurely, and couldn't help asking.


Pikachu just sat down on the dining table, waving his little finger, indicating that today is a rest day.

Moreover, he already has a younger brother at this moment, so he has to appear on the stage to solve everything he doesn't need.

"Boy, you seem very arrogant!"

Seeing someone standing on the stage to defend the ring, soon, a motorcycle gangster with the shape of an airplane head stepped up to the ring to challenge.

Near Zijin City, there are many motorcycle gangsters gathering.

15 consecutive rounds can get the crown food...

The same goes for 15 consecutive attacks.

I saw this motorbike gangster throwing his palm, and the next moment, a black and white swallow appeared in front of him.

"Oh~ Proud Swallow?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he immediately took out the insulating ball that he got yesterday from his waist...

boom! !

A red light flashed, and an electric god column with a blue-yellow crystal body appeared in front of everyone.

Duang~! Duang~!

The current's lower limbs bounced repeatedly, making it like a flexible flea.

Now that he has obtained a new Pokémon, Xiaozhi naturally sent him to join the battle immediately.

"What kind of Pokémon is this?!"

"Never seen it before?!"

"Cute pinch...?"

Reggie Eleki's appearance caused many passers-by to clamor.

But they didn't think of it in the direction of the legendary Pokémon, but regarded it as a Pokémon from other regions.

It's just at a certain table among the countless diners watching.

A blond woman in a lavender lady's long dress slowly raised her head.

He has a graceful and luxurious temperament, wearing a large white sun hat, pressed down low, like a celebrity who is afraid of being recognized by passers-by around him.

"This Pokémon..."

The fair and gorgeous face changed slightly after seeing Reggie Eleki's figure.

But soon, the blond lady showed a smile, propped her chin, and looked curiously at the boy on the stage.


Soon, the defending battle officially began.

"Hmph, what a gaudy Pokémon... Proud Swallow, we use Lightning Blink!!"

The gangster at the head of the plane attacked first.

As soon as the words fell, Ao Gu Yan's body transformed into a sharp arrow of white light and shot out suddenly.

"Reggie Eleki, use the shock wave!!"

Xiaozhi also attacked.

sizzle! !

I saw dot marks on Reggie Eleki's face flickering for a while, and in the next moment, a beam of electric shock shot out like this.

Like a yellow laser, the speed is so fast that it is suffocating.

Xiaozhi: "!?"

Even he himself was taken aback.

It was obviously an ordinary electric move, but its speed surpassed the lightning flash of the preemptive move.

Zizi bang! !

A powerful electric shock wave directly blasted Ao Gu Yan out, and she fell to the ground with her body scorched black on the spot, unable to fight.

The electric shock waves in the state of transistors cannot be stopped by five proud swallows.

"Trainer who defends the ring, wins in a row~!"

Over the square, there was a crisp broadcast sound, which seemed to be the voice of the big sister of the waiter just now.

The diners who have finished defending the competition are counted as her achievements.

Seeing Xiaozhi's strength and this powerful Pokémon she had never seen before, her tone became much more cheerful.

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