He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1012 Xiaozhi vs Tetsuya!

"Reggie Eleki, use the shock wave!!"

Xiaozhi still chose to use electric shock waves without thinking.

sizzle! !

The thunder and lightning laser shot, which made Tetsuya raise his eyebrows.

When I looked at it from below, I felt that it was ridiculously fast... Now that I was facing it, this feeling became even stronger.

At this speed, even Miaomiao's preemptive move - Lightning Flash, probably wouldn't be able to break through.


Meow Meow, on the other hand, flew and rolled to one side, narrowly avoiding the lightning.

In terms of speed, the two are indeed not at the same level.

But the race of cat Pokémon also endows Meow with extremely strong reaction nerves and flexible body movements.

"Taking advantage of this time, Frozen Wind!!"

Miaomiao and Zhe also had a perfect understanding. The moment they got up, a cloud of blue-white ice mist spewed out of their mouths.

sizzle! !

However, Reggie Eleki's electric shock wave still easily broke through the ice fog and shot again.

This is a small move, Reggie Eleki as if he didn't want to PP, the current laser continuously flew out.


This left Miaomiao with no choice but to dodge in embarrassment between the electric shock waves.

Relying on the powerful reflex nerves of the body, the seven or eight electric shock waves in a row were all missed.

"This meow, so cool!"

"Meow, come on!!"

However, an attacker who could block Reggie Eleki's attack finally appeared, which made the surrounding audience excited.

Xiao Zhi and Dian Shenzhu, who are under absolute suppression, have become the roles of the Great Demon King.



Finally, after dodging several attacks in a row, the meow wearing boots seized the opportunity and jumped high, with a purple-black energy bomb condensed in its hand.


Without hesitation, Miaomiao threw it flying.

Shadow Ball!

Zizixiu...! !

However, Reggie Eleki's bouncing figure turned into a flash of yellow lightning, and disappeared in place instantly, easily dodging the shadow ball.

"Not only the attack speed, but the dodge speed is also very fast..."

Zhe was also shocked, it was the first time he had seen such a Pokémon.

"Beep beep~!"

And as Reggie Eleki's figure flickered, in the next moment, it had already appeared in midair at the same height as Meow Meow.

"Now, use the electric shock wave!!"

Xiaozhi still repeated this move.

But there is no way to borrow power in mid-air, and Miaomiao can't dodge at all...

"In this case, we use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Zhe also had no choice but to face Dao head-on.

Miaomiao understood, her body arched in mid-air immediately, and the next moment, bursts of yellow current burst out from her whole body, turning into a zigzag lightning pulse and flying out.

Boom! !

The two lightning bolts collided violently in mid-air, but after a short stalemate, Reggie Eleki's electric shock power would be stronger, and they pushed back Meow Meow's 100,000 volts and attacked together!

The characteristics of the transistor and the electric shock of this attribute make the power of the electric shock wave itself even if it is not as powerful as one hundred thousand volts, but at this moment the power is stronger.

"But it's a strange feeling..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing.


Pikachu, who was watching the show at the dining table, had the same expression.

The sky has changed, and I saw Miaomiao cast a hundred thousand volts? !

After all, Meow Miao of the Rockets is a smart general, and has never used any moves other than crazy grab... But Meow Miao in boots seems to be able to use any moves.

This is actually the most common appearance of normal-type Pokémon.

With the most average attributes and resistances, moves of various attributes can be easily mastered.

Boom...! !

With the help of its own reaction force of 100,000 volts, Meow in mid-air finally had the strength to roll and fall downwards, allowing the electric shock in mid-air to completely explode...


"I didn't expect to meet unexpected surprises when I returned to Zijin City this time...?"

Although he was being pressed and beaten all the time, Tetsuya showed an excited look, which was in contrast to his mature face.

Like Xiaozhi, he is currently traveling to collect eight gym badges to participate in the Fangyuan Alliance Conference.

Of course, Tetsuya's hometown is Zijin City, and it is naturally not the first time he has participated in an alliance meeting here.

But the use period of this regional badge is actually only 2 years, that is to say, it can be used to participate in two alliance conferences at most...

But Tetsuya has not been in the Yoshien area for the past two years, so he can only collect badges again.

A few days ago, I happened to pass by my hometown, so I wanted to eat a little magnetite from my hometown...

Of course, he completed the 15-game winning streak challenge early, so he can order whatever he wants.

Unexpectedly, I met Xiaozhi, a big fish!

"This boy, is he going to participate in this alliance meeting too, then he will be my strong enemy..."

Zhe Ye's eyes are bright, since he is a strong enemy in the future, let's defeat him here first!

"Meow, use the shadow ball!!"

Miaomiao understood, and her expression became fanatical at this moment, showing that cats naturally like to play with and kill their prey.

The dark purple energy bomb in his hand was thrown out.

"Use one hundred thousand volts!!"

This time, it seems that knowing that the electric shock wave will not work, Xiao Zhi finally changed his lines.

Boom! !

Dots flickered on Reggie Eleki's face, and in the next moment, an extremely thick lightning shock wave shot out.

Piercing through the air, the electric current was so powerful that it even blasted a ditch on the ground!

"Tsk tsk, it's said to be 100,000 volts, but this power is stronger than the electromagnetic gun..."

Xiao Gang couldn't help but speak.

The 100,000 volts of power of the electromagnetic cannon easily smashed Meow Meow's shadow ball into pieces, and it exploded in mid-air.

Boom! !

The castration continued, and then continued to bombard it!

Tyrannical power represents fierce speed...

Boom! !

In the next moment, Miaomiao, who couldn't dodge in time, was hit by lightning on the spot.

With a petite figure, bathed in the dazzling beam of lightning, the electric current is rushing wildly, and there seems to be a burning smell in the air.


Seeing this scene, many people even took a deep breath, secretly thinking that this meow was electrocuted to death on the spot, right?


However, Tetsuya, who was a trainer, did not have any waves on his expression.


In less than a while, "Meow Meow" in the turbulent lightning suddenly burst open, turning into a ball of white clay and falling down.



But the ground beside Reggie Eleki began to tremble out of thin air.

Whoosh! !

A petite shadow suddenly broke through the ground, and a blow from Thang Long hit Reggie Eleki's side hard.

The effect is outstanding! !

The powerful damage immediately caused Reggie Elecki to take several steps back in a row, and the dots flickered frequently on his face, obviously he had suffered a serious injury.

It's fast and high-attack... Naturally, it's also a super big crispy skin, the kind that shatters when touched.

"The classic stand-in and hole-digging combo?"

Xiaozhi also didn't dare to be careless. It seems that this guy in front of him is not a simple elite trainer...

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