He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1013 Heavenly King Bonnie

"Reggie Elegant, are you alright?"

Xiaozhi asked anxiously. Unexpectedly, he was suppressed all the time, but the other party could still find a strategy to deal with it.


Reggie Eleki jumped left and right and did not directly lose his combat ability for the time being, but he was also severely injured. "Extremely crispy, either defeating the opponent in an instant, or defeating yourself..."

Xiaozhi thought to himself, this is the first time he has cooperated with Dian Shenzhu.

"Meow, use the shadow ball!!"

On the other side, Tetsuya, who succeeded, launched another attack.

I saw the cat's paw condensed, and once again condensed a dark purple energy bomb.

Then he didn't attack directly, but held it high above his head, and finally smashed it to the ground in front of him.

Boom! !

When the shadow ball collided with the ground, it exploded into a wave of purple-black energy, rolling madly towards the surroundings.

Meow Meow's shadow ball played the déjà vu of Zoroark using the dark blast.

Taking advantage of the rising smoke, Miaomiao once again performed the trick of digging holes, and entered the ground completely concealed.

Whoosh! !

In the next moment, he broke through the ground from an extremely tricky position, and smashed hard at the target with a punch of Meow Meow's digging punch.

But Xiao Zhi, who has already suffered a loss once, how could he be fooled a second time.

"Reggie Eleki, use high-speed rotation!!"

Whoosh! !

Reggie Eleki's body spun on the spot at high speed, and instantly turned into a yellow phantom spinning top, directly bouncing off Meow Meow's digging fist.


Then the whole body of the pillar bounced into mid-air, and was directly above Meow Meow in a condescending posture.

"Now, use the lightning cage!!"

Xiaozhi waved his thumb.

Zizizi! !

I saw dots flickering frequently on Reggie Eleki's face, and countless dense current branches flew out of his body, frantically rushing towards the ground below.

These currents are extremely small, like yellow silk threads.

The range expanded extremely wide, with Reggie Eleki as the apex, countless scattered and falling electric currents turned into a huge conical cage, completely entangled and bound everything within the lightning.

This also made Miaomiao, who had never seen this move before, had no time to dodge, and was directly hit by the lightning cage.


The electric current in contact with the body exploded, and the severe pain from the whole body made Meow Miao let out a miserable cry. "Meow, break free quickly!"

Zhe also shouted anxiously, what kind of move is this, he has never seen it before.

However, Miaomiao's body was completely stuck in it by countless branches of electric current, and she couldn't leave this cage at all.

Lightning Cage, this move is Reggie Eleki's exclusive move.

Don't look at it as if it is a series of moves with the power grid... But both the power and the effect are absolutely enhanced versions.

In terms of power alone, it already has a strength close to 100,000 volts, which can be regarded as an output skill.

What is different from the power grid is that the large net of the Thunder Cage has no rules at all, that is, countless currents fall like long lines, and the opponent is completely stuck in it.

Even in the next few rounds, it will continue to cause damage...

Miaomiao couldn't break free, her body was even stuck in the air with the branches of the current, and her feet were flying in the air.

"Hiss, is this the Lightning Cage..."

Even Xiaozhi couldn't help being secretly surprised, he also knew this move through the illustrated book.

I don't know if Pikachu can learn it, and by the way, upgrade its power grid...

"Meow, use the iron tail to insert into the ground!"

On the other side, Tetsuya's eyes lit up, and he finally had a countermeasure.

Crack! !

Seeing the eyes of the volleying meow, the tail at the end instantly turned into a long steel whip, and it just pierced straight to the ground.


The forcibly manufactured lightning rod completely guides the current cage all over the sky to the ground.


It’s just that Meow Miao gasped heavily after landing. Reggie Eleki has a big crispy skin, and its blood skin is not very thick, let alone ate a lightning cage with a power crystal bonus...


The battle between the two on the field became fierce.

At this time, there was also some movement from a dining table on the side of the court.

There were three figures surrounding the woman in the gorgeous dress who was drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.

All three of them were wearing tight-fitting blue and white striped clothing, black turban hats, and a pair of torn blue pants over the tight clothing. Their skin looked a little dark, and they looked like pirate soldiers.

On the headscarf, there is a symbol shaped like "A", which is the logo of the Ocean Team.

"Haha, I didn't expect to meet a beautiful rich woman today~!"

"Rich woman, please take care of me~!"

"Don't you rich wives like little milk dogs the most~ What do you think of me, can I be your puppy haha~!"

The three marine team soldiers smiled wretchedly, and made a tangling gesture towards the blonde woman in the purple skirt.

One of the little soldiers even licked his tongue again and again, pretending to be a katti dog.

This movement immediately attracted the dissatisfaction of many tourists around.

"This group of Marines..."

It's just that the three soldiers looked like hooligans, and there were three vicious coyote dogs beside them, making everyone afraid to go forward.

The Haiyan team is a big organization that cannot be offended.

"Rich woman, you should say something haha~ I really want to snuggle into your arms and act like a baby~!"

Bonnie: "..."

The teasing words of the three soldiers made her frown slightly, and her eyes with purple eyeshadow had a lazy and intellectual beauty.

It's just that these three people didn't get started directly, and they only used verbal harassment all the time, which made her not know how to deal with it for a while.

Bonnie, twenty-six or seven years old, one of the Four Heavenly Kings in the Fangyuan area, specializing in ice attributes.

Today, I also passed by Zijin City, so I stopped by this battle food court to have some snacks and relax.

"Ocean team again, really unlucky...!"

Heavenly King Bonnie frowned, apparently this wasn't the first time something like this had happened.

It's just that as the king of the alliance, the other party only verbal provocations and no other actions, if you make a move under the eyes of everyone...

However, before Bonnie could move, there was a burst of righteous scolding from the side.

"Hey, hey, hey! You three scumbags, what do you want to do to this beautiful lady!!"

I saw Xiaogang rushing up in a hurry, and just stopped in the middle of the three marine team soldiers and the king of Bonnie.

"It's so vulgar to say such vulgar words to a lady!!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Gang quickly turned his head and looked at the gorgeous woman in front of him.

I didn't expect to see such a beautiful woman today, especially after looking closely, the face with gorgeous makeup looks like a noble princess, which made Xiao Gang blush.

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