He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1023 Little Gulardo

Chimney Hill, southern foothills.

A long and narrow cave path from east to west, today there are three more figures.

"Is this the flame path next to the magma in the earth's core? It's really hot enough..."

Xiaozhi took the lead and walked in the front, and he and Pikachu kept sticking out their tongues and breathing hot air.

At this moment, they were already at the inner edge of Chimney Mountain, and the temperature was abnormally high. What they saw seemed to be covered with a faint red filter.

On the surrounding rock walls, white smoke steamed from time to time.

But this chimney mountain is also very weird. Although the temperature here is high, it is not like the desert they passed by before, and even stepping on the sand is unbearable.

"Well, this is the fastest way to get to Fuyan Town..."

Fuyan Town is on the other side of Chimney Mountain, surrounded by dense forests and mountains, as if isolated from the world, only the road of Chimney Mountain can pass through.

You can take the internal flame trail, or you can go directly to the surface mountain road...but the distance of the former is shorter.

"By the way, this volcano...will it really not erupt?"

Walking in the path of flames, watching the hot air that burst out from time to time made Xiaolan panic for a while.

I am afraid that the other end of the rock wall is extremely hot and tumbling magma.

"It's not a big problem. The geological experts here have said that there is no possibility of any eruption event at Chimney Mountain for at least 50 years."

Xiao Gang's words made Xiao Lan breathe a sigh of relief.

But Xiaozhi next to him frowned.

He remembered that when he was still in his hometown, some experts seemed to have said that the Red Lotus Volcano would not erupt within decades... As a result, the super-large-scale volcanic eruption even washed Gulardo, who was sleeping in the magma in the core of the earth, into the sky. .

Those experts seem to be from Nibi City?

But it's really not a big problem, he has the fire captain Yandi on him.

Even if the magma is really pouring back now, Emperor Yan can protect the three of them and leave safely.

"That's all right."

Hearing this, Xiaolan was completely relieved, and her pace gradually changed.

However, inside this Flame Trail, the cave tracks are intricate, and there are paths extending to both sides every ten meters.

"Just keep walking along this main road."

Xiaogang copied the map and said in a leisurely manner.

From time to time, a few figures crawled around. Even in this extremely hot environment, there are still wild Pokémon living there.

Most of them are of the fire attribute, but the six-tailed and strong chickens can't stand the heat of the flames all the year round...

There are more heat-resistant existences like lava snails, sluggish camels, and duck-billed dragons, which can even take a shower in magma.


The three of them walked for more than an hour, and there were still about a hundred meters before they reached the exit. The width of the cave also increased a lot, like a small square inside a volcano.

"Turbish ~!!"

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly heard a burst of crying from the front.

This voice appeared in the Flame Trail, and even echoed around it again and again, which seemed quite curious.

The three of them looked at each other and hurriedly walked forward.

It's just that the source of the crying is not a human being... but a turtle.

A black-shelled orange turtle.

Orange-brown body, with four limbs firmly on the ground, with puffy eyes that look like an old man.

The back is covered with a black-gray thick tortoise shell like fine steel, and hollowed out in it, forming five fiery red depressions that emit heat outward.


It's just that the tortoise didn't sense the approach of these people, and was still crying, with two jets of water falling from the corners of its eyes like a fountain.

It was the first time for Xiaozhi to see this kind of Pokémon, so he quickly took out the illustration book.

"Didi. The coal turtle, a fire-type Pokémon, also known as the little Gulardo, burns coal in its body and can produce powerful heat."

Xiaozhi: "?"

What does little Gulardo mean?

Hush! !

And the fountain tears of the coal turtle, the water output is more like a water attribute Pokémon.


Xiaozhi made a gesture to approach and ask the latter why he was crying.

When he walked in, Xiaozhi also noticed that on the back of the pitted turtle back of this coal turtle, the hollow marks were not the neat five pentagons in the official portrait given in the picture book.

In the middle, there is also a depression shaped like a beast's head... It seems to be a trace that was dug out artificially.

"And this look looks familiar...?"

I don't know if it's an illusion, Xiaozhi always feels that the hollow in the middle looks like...





It's just that Xiaozhi hadn't fully approached yet, suddenly there were several yelling sounds from the other side of the cave.

Xiaozhi took a closer look, but saw that there were already several wild Pokémon on the other side.

Lava snails, gas bombs... and a yellow, closed-eyed camel with a green hump.

Xiaozhi quickly took out the illustration book to investigate.

"Diddi. A dull camel, a dull Pokémon. Even if it is hit, it will not notice it. There is boiling magma stored in its body. However, a dull camel that has not evolved yet cannot trigger its own volcanic eruption."

In the center of several wild Pokémon, there is an upright flame Pokémon. Its yellow body is covered with red flame-like patterns, and there are a few strands of flame rising from the end of the slender tail and between the brows of its head.

"Duck-billed Charmander...?"

Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, and this Pokémon seemed to be the boss of this group of wild Pokémon.


"Hoo hoo!!"

The Duck-billed Charmander and all the Pokémon kept yelling at the Coal Turtle, and the latter cried even more exaggeratedly amidst the scolding.

The three of Xiaozhi: "?"

They couldn't understand Pokémon language at all, so they didn't know what they were cursing.

But from the looks of it, does it look like they are jointly crowding out a certain Pokémon?


Even the largest duck-billed fire dragon among them opened its mouth, spit out a fiery pillar of flame, and blasted straight at the coal turtle.


It's just that the effect of the flame is not good, the bombardment on the coal turtle just exploded and spread out towards the surroundings.

Coupled with the weight of the coal turtle itself, it only forced the latter half a meter back, and it didn't cause any serious problems.


This scene also made the duck-billed fire dragon completely angry, and immediately flew forward, a ball of flames was already ignited on the raised fist.

Flame fist! !

The duck-billed fire dragon punched straight at the coal turtle's head, but although the latter's movements were slow, the speed of shrinking its shell was still extremely fast.

The position of the soft head was empty, but the duck-billed fire dragon couldn't stop its movements, so it continued to move forward with a punch, hitting the hard shell of the coal turtle.



After making a blunt sound, the duck-billed fire dragon let out a rather tragic wail, clenched its fists and turned blue.

"Amazing durability...!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help admiring.

But why are these guys attacking the latter...

And this coal tortoise also looked hesitant, with half-closed eyes dodging.

Want to resist, but dare not make a move.


The coal turtle looked at the duck-billed fire dragon in panic and let out a low cry.

It really makes my head big...

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