He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1024 This Turtle Suffered Internal Injury

"Hey! You bastard, be bold and resist!"

Xiaozhi suddenly encouraged loudly from behind.

Although I don't know what happened, but no matter what, at least there is no reason to be beaten in vain.

Coal Turtle: "?"

It just returned Xiaozhi with a puzzled expression.

When was there an extra human being?

Like the dull camel, the coal turtle's nerves tend to be dull.

Whoosh! !

Boom! !

Boom boom boom...! !

It's just that at the other end, the group of wild Pokémon have already launched an attack together, and the three moves of venom, broken rock, and flame all greeted the coal turtle in unison.


The combination of moves exploded, blasting the coal turtle several meters away on the spot, and flung it violently to the ground.


When the coal turtle stood up again, its forelimbs could no longer support itself, and it just half-kneeled on the ground.

Being hit by multiple moves, not to mention the extremely effective rock-attribute moves among them, directly put the coal turtle into a state of dying candles in the wind.

Seeing that the duck-billed fire dragon, gas bomb and others were about to attack for the second time, Xiaozhi finally couldn't bear it anymore, and directly strode in front of the coal turtle.

"Hey! You guys, let me be your opponent!!"


The Coal Turtle, who was half down on the ground, just looked at Xiao Zhi who suddenly appeared in front of him with a puzzled expression.

The back of a human being who is not considered tall, but at this moment gave it a strange feeling that it has never had before.

But the wild Pokémon on the other end don't care so much, the fiery flames of the duck-billed charmander, the poisonous gas bomb of the gas bomb, the rock avalanche trick of the dumb fire camel and the lava flame rushed all at once again.

"It's up to you!!"

Xiaozhi quickly threw a poke ball in front of him.


A red light flashed, and there was already a red-shelled lobster in front of him.


The lobster soldier, who hadn't appeared for a long time, waved two large pincers, and proudly raised his head, looking arrogant.

Seeing multiple moves coming, Xiaozhi raised his hand and pointed:

"Use the Crab Claw Hammer!!"

The lobster soldier understood, the lower limbs of the six claws twitched wildly, and countless dust was swept up from the whole body and rushed up.

During the period, he even raised one of his large pincers, and the energy of the water flow converged into a blue-white water pincer, which was just like that and rushed in front of him.

Poof...! Poof...!

As if carrying a shield, several attacks collided with the invincible crab claw hammer, but they were bounced straight away, not even hindering the aggressive acceleration of the lobster soldier.

But the multi-stage attack also completely exhausted the energy of the crab claw hammer on the left arm of the lobster soldier.

"Hey hey!!"

However, the lobster soldier was still full of fighting spirit, and his short and lean body rushed up, jumping directly in the direction of the duck-billed fire dragon.

Capture the thief first and capture the king! !

At this moment, the force of the crab claw hammer on the other claw of the lobster soldier is still in a perfect state.

Double Claw · Crab Claw Hammer, one side is a shield, the other is a spear...

This is a move created by Lobster Boy and Xiaozhi together.

But this wild duck-billed fire dragon can become the boss of this group, and it is definitely not because of its height.


After it let out a roar, it also swung a powerful flame fist, and threw it at the lobster soldier who was rushing towards it.

Boom! !

The flame fist and the crab claw hammer collided head-on, and at the same time as there was a loud noise, the two diametrically opposed forces of water and flame collided, and countless steaming water vapor suddenly exploded at the point of contact.


The lobster soldier let out a low cry, and swung his fist for the second time, which actually extinguished the flame fist of the duck-billed fire dragon, and even threw the latter into the air.

The duck-billed fire dragon, which was several times its size, was knocked into the air by its petite body, and the scene was extremely vigorous.


After landing, the lobster soldier once again raised his head brazenly.

Xiaozhi, the lobster soldier, is characterized by adaptability. When using moves with the same attributes, the power can be greatly improved.

Now the lobster soldier is still pure water attribute, when it evolves in the future, it will get a huge increase in power when using water attribute and evil attribute.



Seemingly overwhelmed by the domineering water flow fist of the lobster minion, these wild Pokémon began to scream in panic.

To outsiders, the Crab Claw Hammer is similar to a series of moves of the Flame Fist...but in terms of power alone, it definitely belongs to the top version of the Flame Fist.

Da da da...!

Led by the duck-billed fire dragon, the group of wild Pokémon scattered like birds and beasts, and ran into the side branch path without a trace.


After solving the troubles in front of him, Xiaozhi turned his head to look at the coal turtle with a candle in the wind.

"Are you all right, Coal Turtle...?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help reaching out and touching the latter's flat head.

Different from the silky water turtle head like the Jenny turtle, the fire turtle's head is rougher... There is also continuous heat from the palm, which is quite hot.

In short, the feel is not good.

"Wu... wow!!"

But after seeing the kindness from a strange human being, the coal turtle burst into tears again.

Hush! !

Two streams of water from the fountain spewed out again, caught off guard, and covered Pikachu's face next to him.

But before crying for a while, the coal turtle wailed again, and its whole body just fell down on the spot, completely losing consciousness.

Obviously, before the attack just now, the coal turtle had already suffered quite a lot of injuries.

Xiao Gang quickly took out the panacea and sprayed it on the coal turtle, but the effect was mediocre.

"This turtle suffered internal injuries and must go to the elf center for professional treatment..."

Xiao Gang said seriously.

In the face of internal injuries accumulated over a long period of time, ordinary and convenient wound medicines did not have much effect.

"In that case..."

Seeing that it was not far from Fuyan Town, Xiaozhi didn't hesitate, and immediately sank his waist, and directly carried the entire body of the nearly 100-kilogram coal turtle on his back.

Da da da...!

Then the whole person started to run so fast, galloping towards the exit of the Flame Trail.

Xiaogang \u0026 Xiaolan: "..."

Outrageous, this coal turtle is as dull and heavy as a huge piece of fine steel, yet it can carry it on its back, and even walk like flying?

And how have you changed?

Xiaogang frowned, if it was Xiaozhi from before, he should have already pulled out the elf ball by now.

"No other meaning, I just sent you to the Pokémon Center more conveniently..."

But seeing Xiaozhi dragging the 100-kilogram coal turtle, it gradually disappeared from sight after a while, Xiaogang and Xiaolan could only resist the urge to complain, and hurriedly followed.

"Hey hey~!!!"

And the lobster soldier who hadn't eaten enough before even brandished its big pincers and sprinted ahead to open the way.

When encountering a wild Pokémon napping on both sides, the lobster minion will even smash it with a pincer provocatively...

The kind that hit and run.

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