He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1047 The Real Meteor Waterfall


At this time, there was a clear and crisp sound of birds chirping in the sky above everyone's heads.

Before he could react, he saw a blue and white shadow suddenly rushing down!

It is about the size of an electric mouse, and its speed is not too fast, but its movements are very sharp.

The few people who just ended the confrontation with the two teams have not slowed down yet, not to mention that Dr. Solans is still holding up the meteorite in a show-like movement at this moment.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity for this unexpected guest.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, Dr. Solance's hand was empty, and the blue-white bird had already grabbed the meteorite under its claws and hovered in the air again.

Xiao Zhi took a closer look, but saw that it was a very cute bird Pokémon, with a blue and chubby body, and the feathers on both sides were as soft as white cotton candy.

"A green bird...?"

The area around the Meteor Waterfall is home to many wild blue squirrels.

And the latter's small claws grabbed a meteorite that was almost as big as him, and his cotton wings shook, and he flew towards the Meteor Falls.

"Hey! Qingmianiao wait a minute!!"

Dr. Solans almost broke the defense, blocked the sniper attacks of Team Lava and Team Ocean, but was finally defeated by a bird?

"So why are you holding the meteorite so high?"

"Are you provoking others to grab it?"

When the three of them were chasing after, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang couldn't help but complain.

Dr. Solance: "..."

Isn't it because the two of you asked what is the use of the meteorite, so people subconsciously want to lift it up and show it! !


It's just that even though the blue cotton bird was holding onto the meteorite, its flying speed was still not slow, and it even flew over the lake. It seemed that it was going to the center of the cave, above the largest waterfall.

"It's up to you to ride the dragon!!"

Xiaozhi flipped his palm, and immediately sent his Chenglong to the lake in front of him. The three of them looked at each other, sailed on the surface of the lake and continued to pursue.

It's just that after that, the green cotton bird didn't jump over the waterfall, but... plunged directly into the water flow of the waterfall.


The water splashed everywhere, and the blue cotton bird that entered the waterfall seemed to have completely melted, and just disappeared from everyone's sight.

Driving Chenglong closer, all the way almost to the bottom of the waterfall, the splashing water has already slapped Xiaozhi's face.

"Is the waterfall empty?"

He couldn't help asking curiously.

Dr. Solance was also in a daze, but he still affirmed:

"No, the inside of this waterfall should be solid..."

It has been half a year since he came here to excavate special meteorites, the first floor of Meteor Falls, which is the height they are at now.

And the second floor... is above the waterfall, the height that can be climbed along the stairs, he basically studied it.

Of course, he had inspected the largest waterfall in the center. Inside was a thick rock wall, and a stick protruding into it couldn't penetrate it at all.

From the outside, Meteor Falls is a stretch of mountain roads covering a very wide area... But in the cave, there are surprisingly few places that Meteor Falls can explore.


Xiaozhi frowned secretly, but if this delay continued, the green bird would really run away with the meteorite in its arms.

"In that case, Chenglong, let's rush in too!"

He simply spoke directly.

The two people next to him didn't refuse, so the three of them looked at each other, and Dr. Solans also clenched the thrust on Chenglong's back, gritting his teeth and planning to charge.


Chenglong roared loudly, and when his limbs slid, his figure plunged headlong into the waterfall.

Waterfall Climbing · Horizontal Version!

In an instant, countless falling water hit Xiaozhi's head and body. Fortunately, the water of this waterfall was not too fast, and did not have much bombardment power.


But surprisingly, Xiaozhi felt as if he had penetrated a membrane, instead of hitting a solid wall...

After the feeling of the water running down his body disappeared, Xiao Zhi, who was drenched in water, slowly opened his eyes.

There is still a lake in front of him, and the land on the shore can be seen in the distance.

At the rear, there is a waterfall of water falling down, forming the appearance of a cave.

It seems that there is an inner cave hidden behind this waterfall?

Moreover, this place faintly gave Xiaozhi a rather strange feeling.

It seems that this place has existed for many years, giving people a vigorous and ancient ethereal atmosphere...

"Haha, we're coming in!"

Coming to a novel place, Xiaozhi immediately looked at the two excitedly.

It's just that the Pikachu on the shoulder is still there, and the Chenglong under him is still there, but...

Xiaogang and the doctor are gone.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He scratched his head and looked around, not knowing what happened.

Outside of this waterfall, Xiao Gang and Dr. Solans were not so lucky.

boom! ! boom! !

They only felt that they had hit their heads on a solid rock wall, and then they fell into the water with such a "plop", full of embarrassment.

"Hey, hey!! Xiao Gang, can you hear me?"

Hearing Xiao Zhi's shout faintly in the rushing water, Xiao Gang was even more confused.

It seems that the two have been separated by tens of meters.

"Are we repelled by this waterfall...?"

Confused, Xiaogang quickly released his boy with a lotus hat who is good at floating water, supported the two of them a little away from the waterfall, and suspended on the water.

Like Kedora, the lotus leaf boy he tamed has also completed evolution at this moment, growing slender limbs.


However, after evolution, his expression is like suffering from depression, his eyes are squinted all day long, and he can't get motivated to do anything.


buzz buzz...!

Inside the Meteor Falls, he was still hesitating whether to turn back, when Xiaozhi suddenly felt his trouser pocket tremble.

He took it out and saw that it was the dragon scale fragment called "Treasure".

"Is this the thing that let me in?"

Xiaozhi scratched his head, completely confused.

And on the other side of the waterfall, Dr. Solance's shout was also heard.

"Xiaozhi! Please, I must recover that meteorite!!"

The sound seemed to have come from another time and space, becoming extremely ethereal.

With the time delay of coming and going, the green cotton bird probably didn't know where it flew.

Dr. Solance guessed blindly that perhaps the most conspicuous waterfall is actually the entrance to the real Meteor Falls Cave... After all, from the outside, this is a very wide mountain range, not just the surface area.

Hearing that Xiaozhi could only hold the fragment tightly, his eyes fixed, and he looked in front of him expectantly.

"In that case, let's move on, Chenglong!"


Chenglong screamed loudly, slid his limbs, and continued to swim towards the shore ahead...

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