He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1048 The Village of Meteors

"Thank you, Chenglong."

Taking back the dragon, Xiaozhi took Pikachu and continued to step on the cave floor, walking forward slowly.

As for why there is no rush at all...

"Um, that green cotton bird is completely invisible."

Xiaozhi scratched his head. When he first entered the waterfall, he could still vaguely see a ball of cotton candy, but after flying all the way to the position in front of him, he completely disappeared.

It's no use rushing.

Not to mention that he and Dr. Solance just met by chance... and the meteorite looked more like something of no great use, so he was not in a hurry.

At this moment, in front of Xiaozhi, there are several large and small bifurcated caves, the end of which cannot be seen at a glance, and it seems that each of them is connected to a different end point.

"How do you say Pikachu, can your nose smell the direction?"

Xiaozhi looked at Pikachu on his shoulder.

And the latter just gave him a helpless look.

It didn't even touch the meteorite skin, even Emperor Yan's nose couldn't smell any trace.

Xiaozhi frowned secretly, in front of him there were five fork in the road, if one were to be chosen at random... Now that the shining talisman was lent to Xiaolan to exorcise evil spirits, he was a little unsure about his luck.

Buzz...! !

At this time, the dragon scale fragment trembled again.

Xiaozhi subconsciously grasped it in his hand, the trembling of the latter seemed to have a tendency to move, Xiaozhi thought of something, and quickly spread it in his palm.


When the dragon scale fragments trembled, the sharp corners of the frontmost fragments slowly pointed in the direction of one of the bifurcated caves.

"It seems that this scale is really related to this cave...?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he continued to move forward under the guidance of the dragon scale fragments.

Five forks...and then five more.

After walking for more than ten minutes in a row, Xiaozhi couldn't remember how many forked roads and caves he had walked through, which were completely intricately composed.

However, the interior of the cave path is still quite bright, and Pikachu does not need to use "flash" to open the way.

And this piece of dragon scale, like a compass, is always pointing firmly in one direction...


Da da...!

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly heard footsteps other than his own.


Pikachu also pricked up his ears, alert.

And when Xiaozhi walked all the way to the end of this forked path, a white-haired boy also appeared in front of him.

From the looks of it, it seems to have come from another fork in the road.



The two blurted out at the same time, they both recognized each other.

The boy in front of him wearing a cap shaped like short white hair was Yuki whom he had met several times before.

At the latter's feet, there was a brown and colorful long mouse...it was Yushu's high-level straight bear.

Not only that, but both of them soon found a fragment of a dragon scale that was held in each other's hands.

"How do you have this thing too?!"

The two couldn't help but speak in unison.

Xiaozhi's one was naturally obtained from Tianwang Genji, as for Yushu's one...

"Oh, I went to challenge the Chenghua gymnasium in Chenghua City before, and Mr. Qianli gave it to me as a bonus."

Yuuki explained with a smile.

His travel doesn't have so many side missions, it's simple and violent, so the progress is much faster than Xiaozhi's.

Not only that, but the information that Yuki knew was much more than the simple "Trial Token" of the Heavenly King Genji.

Seeing that Xiaozhi was confused, the two of them happened to be tired from walking, so they temporarily sat on a rock platform to rest and communicate.

The keepsake scales were sent out from inside the Meteor Falls... and it's been a long time.

At that time, Tianwang Yuanji, who got the token, didn't take the Meteor Falls token trial seriously, and forgot about the information sent along with the token.

So when it was finally handed over to Xiaozhi, there was only a simple sentence "Trial token".

But the owner of Chenghua Gym, Qianli, is a very strict man.

Although he didn't take this kind of thing seriously, it seemed that this was a trial exclusive to dragon attribute trainers, and it conflicted with him of ordinary attributes.

But Qianli instinctively wrote down the information of the person who delivered it that day.

"The location of the trial is in the meteor, and the time will probably start in the last few days..."

Seeing that there are not a few days left, Qianli has just returned from vacation, and has no time to go to the Meteor Waterfall again.

Just when Yushu called, his daughter had just been taken care of by Dr. Oda Maki, so Qianli simply gave this dragon scale fragment to Yushu as a gift in return.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi was taken aback for a moment, Tian Wang Yuanzhi didn't tell him the trial time, he came in completely randomly.

Could this just hit the clock too?

"As expected, I'm still the main character...!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Yuki: "?"

But he quickly regained his composure and continued:

"The place of meteors is probably at the end of these fork roads... As for the specific content of the trial, I don't know."

Meteor Falls has more than one entrance, and he didn't enter from Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's position.

Yushu has a very strong comparison mentality with Xiaozhi, who is the same age as him, but has become a king trainer.

Of course, the same is true for Xiaozhi.

He has already guessed that the latter is also an existence in the same shape as him... He travels and adventures more than a year before him, and there is no reason to lose to the latter.

It's just that the two of them haven't had any serious battles so far.

However, the two who are also going on the challenge journey of the gymnasium know that a real battle will inevitably take place between them in the Caiyou alliance...

"In this case, let's use today's trial to compete first!"

"I really mean it!!"

Xiaozhi and Yushu stood up at the same time, looking at each other with fiery eyes.

Immediately without further delay, holding the compass and dragon scale fragments in their hands, the two continued to move towards the end of the branching path...



After walking for another ten minutes, the countless forks finally came to an end.

Without the guidance of dragon scale fragments, it is estimated that people who have lived here for decades can rely on memory to enter and exit correctly.

The path also became wider in an instant.

"This is...?!" "Hiss...?!"

But what made Xiaozhi and the others stare wide-eyed and gasped was that there was a huge village in front of them.

This is a village of wooden houses surrounded by the surrounding rock walls. The architectural style seems to be quite old, as if densely arranged together.

And this cave...it can't even be called a cave anymore, it's completely a world, extremely empty.

At least a glimpse of the rock wall with no end in sight.

In the high sky, there are several sharp rock wall ceilings, which converge towards the middle, but there are gaps, exposing the normal sky sun above.

"Still in the open air?"

Xiaozhi touched his head, full of surprise.

In other words, from here, you can fly out of Meteor Falls?

At this time, a young man in a sackcloth robe, whose appearance was about the same age as the two, slowly walked up to the two of them, and said politely, "Welcome to our Meteor Realm."

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