"Three, please let me take a look at the tokens you have."

Hearing this, the three of them looked at each other subconsciously, and then each held their dragon scale fragment in their palms.

Seeing the reappearance of the three fragments, even the unsmiling old woman's eyes fluctuated.

"Then the three are representatives from the outside world for this trial of the Dragon God..."

She looked at the three of them expectantly.

One is a powerful alliance king, and the other two are young trainers whose names they have never heard of.

"Unfortunately, I didn't see the dragon attribute Genji, or the champion Dawu..."

The old woman regretted secretly, of course, she did not say this sentence.

This time, they sent out a total of three tokens from Meteor, all of which are suitable candidates...

Of course, at that time, the three of them were also told that even if they wanted to transfer it, they must transfer it to the right person.

Now I can only trust their eyes.

"Dragon God Trial has a total of six places. Besides you three foreigners, there are three of us locals... Oh, you can call us another way..."

The old woman paused for a moment, then said in a deep voice:

"People of Meteor!"

This new keyword shocked a few people, obviously hearing it for the first time.

The version of the game Yushu has experienced before seems to be the most original gem version, not a replica version of gems.

At this moment, facing the plot of the People of Meteor dlc, I am also at a loss.

"I'm the elder of this generation of Meteor People. As for the trial, I'm not in a hurry. Let me tell you about our history first. Of course, this is also the history of our entire Fangyuan region..."

The old woman turned her back, looked up at the huge mural behind her, her eyes were misty, as if she was contemplating something.

And the boy who led the way moved two small benches for Xiaozhi Youshu and the others.

The two looked at each other, and could only sit down and pretend to listen to a story.

There is really no rush.


Seeing this, Tianwang Huayue, who had just stood up, could only bite the bullet and sit down again.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost brewing, the elder woman spoke slowly.

"3,000 years ago, in our Fangyuan area, in order to compete for the plate resources of the land and the ocean, the original Gulardo and the original Kyoka started a battle..."

"Original Gulardo?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but interjected, and the remaining two also looked confused.

They are all locals, but they have never heard of these two ancient gods with the prefix "primitive".

The old woman just replied leisurely:

"Because the current appearance is not the most primitive form of Gulardo..."

As she said that, she also took out a full-screen mobile phone, which was the real-time live broadcast of Gulardo.

Still hovering in the sea area of ​​the Hezhong area, moving slowly with a hunched back, the fiery red magma-like armor body touched the sea water, and thick steam white smoke rose.

It seems to have been completely lost there.

Now that the ancient gods appear in the public eye, it is not known whether it is good or bad.

Well, although Meteor Village has no contact with the outside world, the people of Meteor will often go out to purchase, including purchasing high-tech electronic equipment.

Don't look at the crude technology information here, in fact, the average person has an iPhone.

Even at the recent press conference, the Meteor People are ready to buy their hands...

After all, there are a lot of dragon-type Pokémon living here, and naturally a lot of precious dragon-type materials, such as claws, scales, etc., are gathered here... These are very precious things in the outside world, and can be sold at high prices for enhancement.

Meteor Falls has always been rumored to be inhabited by precious dragon-type Pokémon like Baby Dragon, which naturally attracts many people to explore.

It's just that the two outer floors have been completely explored by people. It is true that one or two precious dragon-type Pokémon can be found occasionally, but there is no habitat for any baby dragons at all.

Because this part of the Pokémon actually got lost from the Meteor Land before getting out.

This has formed the phenomenon that dragons occasionally appear and disappear, but no specific traces can be found at all.


Seeing that the three of them were still confused, the elder woman continued:

"You can think of the original form as a mega-evolved posture."

Hearing this, the three of them nodded their heads and got a rough look.

However, Gulardo and Kyoka are already powerful ancient gods. On this basis, they will undergo mega evolution...


Xiaozhi's scalp tingled a little.

For the natural world, this level of struggle is naturally a catastrophe at the level of doomsday.

Just like the painting on this mural, countless volcanoes erupted, tsunamis rolled...

"At this time, a colorful meteorite landed in the center of the Fangyuan area, and the huge impact smashed the mountain soil into a huge hole... which is the current Meteor Waterfall."

Xiaozhi nodded. The illustrated book did mention the origin of Meteor Falls before.

It seems that this group of Meteor People know more history than the outside world.

"And with the fall of the meteorite, the Rift Seat also descended on this land. With powerful power, the battle between the two ancient god Pokémon was quelled..."

When she said this, not only did the old woman's tone become hasty, her expression also took on a very obvious look of admiration.

"That's why the Rift Seat has also become the belief of our Meteor People, and we respectfully call it the Dragon God."

Several people nodded, reasonable.

No wonder this mural painted the Rikongzao so big.

But what makes Xiaozhi curious is that since Gulardo and Kyoka have both mega-evolved, no, the original evolution...

No, the original form cannot be called evolution...

"Primitive return?"

Ash came up with a word.

So if Likongzuo didn't return to the original, how could he suppress the two ancient gods?

He has seen Gulardo's Cliff Sword before, and the lava spurs piercing through the sea, even thinking about it now, his scalp is numb.

"Then 1,000 years later, that is, 2,000 years ago, another meteorite landed in the Fangyuan area, forming the current Liuli City."

Xiaozhi didn't understand this sentence, but the two people next to him nodded their heads, which matched the history they knew.

"But the huge natural energy flow triggered by the impact of the meteorite awakened Gulardo and Kyoka again, and they fought again, and everything seemed to be back to the beginning."

Xiaozhi: "..."

Are these two ancient gods just idle, just hitting when they wake up?

Like Feng Wang and Rogia next door to them, they all live in harmony with humans, and they have never fought or killed at all.

"And the ancestors who were already living in Meteor Falls at that time used the first falling colorful meteorite to summon the Rift Seat, and once again quelled this catastrophe..."

"From then on, we called ourselves the People of Meteor and enshrined that colorful meteorite."

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