He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1051 Disaster Meteorite

After talking about the history that seemed to have nothing to do with them, the elder woman's complexion suddenly darkened, and she became extremely serious.

"Another 1,000 years have passed, that is, 1,000 years ago. This time, no meteorites have fallen, but the ancestors of our Meteor People came up with a prophecy..."

Maybe it was the colorful meteorite that landed on Meteor Falls back then, which gave a very few people among the people of Meteor an incredible ability.

The old woman's expression was certain, and under the expectant eyes of several people, she finally opened her mouth and said:

"In the future 1000 years later, that is, at this point in time, a huge meteorite will fall again in the Fangyuan area!"

Hearing this, the expressions of Xiaozhi and the three immediately changed.

You must know that meteorites that can form Meteor Falls and Liuli City... are enough to completely destroy half of the Fangyuan area.

Even if all the people are evacuated, the entire area after the meteorite falls, whether it is technology or economy, will be greatly regressed.

"Impossible, it's pure nonsense."

Tianwang Huayue was the first to retort.

Compared with the metaphysics here, he is more willing to believe in the science of the Green Ridge Universe Center.

This land has a history of falling meteorites, so the center of the universe is always paying attention to detecting the trajectory of meteorites from the sky, for fear that another disaster meteorite will fall one day.

But to this day, even he, who is the king of the alliance, has not received any inside information.

"Maybe they even hid it from your Pokémon League...?"

The elder lady just sighed with emotion.

Although 1,000 years have passed, the blood of the Meteor People has been continuously diluted...but as the elder of this generation, she has more or less inherited that part of the power of prophecy.

It can be said that when she took over the position of elder, she was already worried.

Because now is exactly 1000 years from the prophecy.

"One year... no, half a year at most, this disaster-level meteorite will definitely land in the Fangyuan area...!"

The elder woman said in a low voice, quite confident.

Tianwang Huayue and Youshu had solemn expressions. Although they didn't fully believe it, there was still a pimple in their hearts.


But Xiaozhi had a weird expression on his face.

Passing through Kanaz City before, he heard the word of catastrophe mentioned by the president of Devon Company, Zvqi.

Is this the big meteorite that is about to fall?

Even Mr. Dawu, the champion of the league, seems to be running around about this matter.

I don't know why, subconsciously, Xiaozhi still believes what the elder said.

"Because I came to the Fangyuan area, did you deliberately drop a meteorite?"

Xiaozhi couldn't even help thinking.

Saying this sentence may be regarded as a narcissist... But Xiaozhi always feels that this meteorite is not really here to welcome him, right?


Has this kid gradually understood the ultimate mystery of this world...?

But Chi didn't care much about meteorites.

Anyway, with Chaomeng in hand, other people have no time to worry about it, but their lives are not in danger.

As for the others... Even if it really explodes, these are the fate of the Yoshien area.

"So the purpose of this Dragon God trial is to counter that meteorite...?"

Chi Xin had secretly come up with a guess.

It's just that compared to these, he is more concerned about Xiaozhi going to the Hezhong area to touch the lost Gulardo one day, and dig a few scales from the latter...


"So after talking for a long time, whether it's history or prophecy...does it have anything to do with the current trial?"

Finally, Yuuki was the first to break the silence.

The memory in his mind does not have the slightest impression of any disaster meteorite.

"Naturally, there are. This is the way we Meteor People have come up with to counter disaster meteorites..."

The elder lady walked slowly through the three of them and walked out of the stone room. She looked at the gap in the ceiling and rock wall of Meteor Ridge above, and could directly see the clouds in the sky outside.

The position where everyone is at the moment actually has a barrier between them and the outside world.

So if you shoot down from the sky, you can't catch any traces.

Only trainers with powerful dragon-type Pokémon can freely cross the cave's waterfall...or fly directly out of the gap in the ceiling rock wall.

"We intend to follow the example of the ancients and use the colorful meteorite left on the earth to summon Lord Dragon God again."

Dragon God, of course he was talking about Likongzao.

However, this meteorite is not currently among their meteorites.

"With the incomparable power of Lord Dragon God, it may be possible to completely destroy the meteorite before it completely falls!"

The old lady's tone was full of piety.

This sentence made Xiaozhi's eyes shine.

He has already seen Gulardo, if he can see a stronger and more tyrannical one, he can even firmly suppress Gulardo's cracked seat...

"It's said that Rikakuza looks like his own armored chrysalis, but I don't know what it looks like in real life?"

Xiaozhi touched his chin, looking forward to it.

"And to accomplish this, there are two problems."

At this time, the elder lady suddenly raised two fingers at the three of them.

"First, how to summon Lord Dragon God."

"Secondly, how to let Lord Dragon God unleash all his power, achieve unparalleled super-evolution, and use that ultimate move... Only in this way can we completely destroy that disaster meteorite."

Hearing this, the three of them were shocked again.

That trick, which one is it?

And super evolution...do you mean mega evolution?

Can the Rift Seat also mega evolve? !

Xiaozhi has already begun to complain about Lugia and Feng Wang, and he is shaking with anger.

Why can the ancient gods in the Fangyuan area be so flashy, but the ancient gods in the Kanto Joto area can only be so simple and unpretentious? !

"If you want to suppress the original Gulardo and the original Kyoka at the same time, the Dragon God must also obtain new power..."

And the so-called Dragon God Trial is to select such a person.

There is a unique connection with the Rift Block, which can be called to help the Rift Block complete the mega evolution.

After all, the ordinary mega evolves in Meteor, which is actually not that special... This kind of method still existed in the ancient times in the Fangyuan area.

It's just that the outside world has gone through a period of information faults and has become scarce.

And Meteor Village still maintains a fighting style similar to that of ancient times.

"Therefore, there are three places in Meteor, and three places in the outside world. After passing the final trial, this hero who can save the Quanfangyuan area will be born."

The old lady said in a deep voice, her voice was sacred.

Since she took over the position of elder, she also knew that she would become the guide of the inheritor of the Meteor People.


In my mind, a dark-skinned, short-haired woman appeared subconsciously, an extremely aggressive woman.

"But the inheritor, it is no longer possible to be her."

Finally, the old lady sighed and looked at the three people in front of her again.

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