He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1052 Xiaozhi's Dragon Maid

After understanding everything, the three of them gasped, their expressions full of surprise.

Even Tianwang Huayue couldn't help secretly marveling that what the old woman said in front of her was a bit too metaphysical.

Now he wanted to go back to the outside world, go to the Green Ridge Cosmic Center, grab the director's collar and inquire carefully.

Don't look at him as an arrogant bastard on the outside, in fact, Tianwang Huayue still has a strong sense of justice, otherwise he would not take over the position of Alliance Tianwang.

Xiaozhi Youshu and the two also had different expressions.

I thought it was about the Dragon God Trial or something, but I just came here for sightseeing... But you said you wanted to save the world?

The first move is to buckle down a big hat, which is somewhat shocking.

"But such a trial..."

"It seems to be interesting!"

But at the next moment, Xiaozhi Youshu and his eyes brightened at the same time.

Let's not talk about saving the world... It's just a matter of inducting, summoning, and even making it super-evolve...! ?

Even a trainer would be excited! ?

As a native of the Hoen area, Rizoza's name has been heard since childhood.

And cold knowledge, starting from Xiaozhi to the present, in fact, the first legendary Pokémon whose name was officially heard...is Rikakuza!

They all have origins.

"Hmph, regardless of whether there is a meteorite or not, since it's here, I have no reason to lose to the two brats!"

Tianwang Huayue cocked her mouth with a fierce expression, and immediately expressed her participation.

Seeing that the three of them had aroused their fighting spirit, the old lady nodded in satisfaction.

But it's getting late now... After all, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang fought until night, and because of the sudden appearance of the crustacean, they came to the place of meteors.

"Then the trial is tomorrow... By the way, let me ask first, all three of you have Dragon-type Pokémon, right?"

the elder asked suddenly.

After all, it is about the trial of the Rift Seat, so naturally the trainer needs to have the "breath of the dragon".

That is, at least a Dragon-type Pokémon is required.


"I specialize in evil attributes."

Yuki and Tianwang Huayue shook their heads quite simply.

Yushu really wanted to catch a powerful dragon-type Pokémon, but he never met one along the way.

He originally wanted to go to the unnamed desert in the north of Zijin City to catch a mandible ant.

As for Xiaozhi...

"Dark Rogia should be considered a dragon attribute, but it seems to be still sleeping now."

Xiaozhi shook his silver feather pendant, and there was only a breath of the vast ocean coming from it. It was obvious that this young Rogia was still accumulating strength and was unconscious.

Faintly, Xiaozhi remembered that he still had a dragon-type Pokémon...

Boom! !

The next moment, a pink love ball around his waist suddenly opened out of thin air.

When the red light flashed, a woman in a gorgeous black and white maid outfit suddenly appeared.

The long brown-red hair falls in slender double ponytails, the top of the head is decorated with white beaded flowers, and a pair of mysterious amber eyes hang on the fair and delicate face, which is very agile.

It is Ladias maid form.


As soon as she appeared on the stage, she jumped on Xiaozhi's body and hugged him tightly from behind.

Ladias was half a head taller than Xiaozhi, and at this moment he really seemed like a big sister and maid who took care of the young master.

It's just that when other people were still wondering why a human woman suddenly popped up in the elf ball, Huayue, the king of heaven, was already furious.

"Hey, boy, you dare to subdue humans?!"

Taking such a girl into the poke ball, and even forcing her to wear a servant's costume, is this going to be set as a taboo? !

Don't look at him as the king of evil, but Huayue, the king of heaven, like the wind speed dog, has a righteous heart against evil.

He immediately stepped forward and was about to twist up Xiao Zhi's collar, intending to teach the latter a good lesson.

Subduing human beings is absolutely completely against the ethics of human beings all over the world.


It's just that his palm was already on Xiaozhi's collar, and Tianwang Huayue exerted strength for a long time, but he didn't let the latter move half a step.

What the hell?

Heavenly King Huayue's heart skipped a beat, Zeng Jin is also a gangster, his physical strength surpasses that of ordinary people... Why is it that he is caught on a piece of ten thousand catties of steel at this moment?


Xiaozhi just looked at Huayue with an inexplicable expression.

"Young man, if the old man's guess is correct, this little girl should be a dragon-type Pokémon, right?"

However, at this time, the elder woman next to her saw through the mystery at a glance.

Xiaozhi nodded.

Ladias understood, and when his figure flickered, he transformed into a red and white Airplane Pokémon.

The two little paws wanted to help Xiaozhi break free from Tianwang Huayue's hand, but they were a little afraid of this man.

To say it is fear, it should be said to be disgusted.


Ladias covered his nose with one small paw, and waved the other small paw at Huayue repeatedly, as if to drive away insects.

The evil attribute on him is too strong, which makes Ladias, who has super power attributes, instinctively dislike him.

Huayue: "..."

Knowing that it turned out to be a Pokémon with the ability to transform, Huayue blushed and loosened Xiaozhi's collar in embarrassment.

However, this makes the behavior of Pokémon transform into a human maid, which is somewhat curious.

"The legendary Pokémon, Ladias...?"

On the other hand, Yuki recognized the Pokémon in front of him.

He has also tamed one in the game, but there is no transformation ability at all.

Seeing this Ladias surrounded Xiaozhi so intimately at this moment, Yuki was quite envious.

"This is an incredible dragon-type Pokémon...!"

The old lady also looked surprised in the same way.

Unexpectedly, this ordinary boy has such a strong connection with Dragon's Breath...

Maybe this guy is the big fish among the three outsiders!


Seeing that everyone was focusing on him, Ladias blushed and became quite embarrassed.

call out...!

The figure emitted a burst of pink light, and transformed into the appearance of a human maid again, standing obediently behind Xiaozhi.

"It's not a transformation, but a transformation...?"

The people present were not weak in observation, and naturally they all saw that Latias was not arbitrarily deformed like Ditto... but an illusion of naked eye vision.

The elder lady calmed down a little and turned her attention back to the trial.

Seeing that it was getting late, she slowly opened her mouth and said:

"The trial requires you to have a dragon-type Pokémon... Let's rest for a night now, and for the whole day tomorrow, you will first choose a dragon-type Pokémon around Meteor Village as a partner, Note that each person can only choose one."

The Land of Meteor is an empty outer world, there are not only baby dragons, carapace dragons...

Even precious dragon-attribute Pokémon in other regions have habitats.

Hearing this, Yushu's eyes lit up.

Even the Heavenly King Huayue next to him couldn't help but twist his mouth, as if he had already taken a fancy to something.

Saying that, the old lady looked at Xiaozhi again.

"Of course, you can also choose one. As for who you will use as your partner in the end, that is your own wish."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi's gaze also became hot!

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