He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1065 Dimensional Teleportation

Kanaz City.

Going around, the three of Xiaozhi returned to this big city full of classical charm, and they could still see the Kanaz gymnasium covered with rock shells in the distance.

Autumn Leaf Town is just north of Kanaz City, but there is a huge Meteor Falls Canyon in the middle. It is difficult to go directly to Autumn Leaf Town from the south.

But coming down from Qiuye Town, it's much easier.

Now that they have all come to this city, Xiaozhi naturally walked to the headquarters of the Devon company immediately, intending to inquire about it.

In the dark, he always felt that this disaster meteorite event had been completely entangled with his travels in the Fangyuan area.

If this problem is not resolved, the next Fangyuan Alliance competition will not be able to concentrate on playing.

Come to the headquarters building.

"Three, President Zvoki is already waiting for you up there...!"

Xiaona, the secretary who had met once last time, was already standing at the door waiting for everyone.

A tight-fitting employee uniform fully displayed her good figure, with a wheat-colored complexion and black-rimmed glasses on her face, looking meticulous.

"Miss Xiaona~! Let's meet again~!"

Xiao Gang's eyes lit up immediately, he pushed aside Xiao Zhi and jumped up, grabbing the latter's palm.

This action made the secretary Xiaona feel a little cramped, subconsciously took a few steps back, but soon recovered, and led a few people into the company building.

Before coming here, Xiaozhi had already contacted President Zvoki through the illustrated book.

Following the elevator all the way to the top floor, the three of Xiaozhi came to the spacious reception hall again.

President Zvoki, who was dressed in a neat purple striped suit, stood up from his seat with a smile and greeted him.

"How about the three, can you use mega stones?"

Hearing this, the three of Xiaozhi touched their heads in embarrassment.

Although they already have the keystone, the Pokémon hasn't fully evolved yet.

Oh, and Big Pitt is an exception.

Even though Xiaolan's big-mouthed baby has met the hard conditions, the two are still working with each other tacitly to improve their bond.

In addition to the hard conditions, mega evolution naturally includes software...that is, the bond between the trainer and the Pokémon.

If the bond value is not enough, maybe the Pokémon will go into berserk mode and lose its mind just after the evolution is completed.

Even if it is not violent, the degree of bond tacit understanding is closely related to the level of combat power that can be improved after Pokémon Mega evolves.

Of course, Xiaozhi's bondage power is a special case.


After some reminiscence, everyone returned to the topic.

"I went to a place called Meteor Village..."

Xiaozhi told everything about what he had seen and heard in Meteor Falls, prophecies, and the trial of the Dragon God... There is nothing to hide.

"Is there such a thing...?"


Both President Zifuqi and the secretary standing behind him had their eyes wide open, shocked by Xiaozhi's words.

This adventure seems a bit unbelievable.

"So you, Dewen Company, have already known about the meteorite?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

This time, President Zvouchi's face tightened, but he didn't continue to hide anything.

Whether it's Xiaozhi's own strength, or the incident of being involved in the Meteor...he is already qualified to intervene in this matter.

Thinking of this, President Zifuqi sighed, and then explained in a deep voice:

"It's different from the scientific data of the Green Ridge Cosmic Center, or the inheritance of Meteor Village... Our Devon Company got this news from a prophecy from an ancient mural."

Speaking of which, this is the same as the prophecy of the Meteor People, but it does not belong to the same system.

There are many myths in the Pokémon world. It can only be said that not only the meteorites have a premonition that a meteorite will land thousands of years later.

And their Devon Company had already got the news decades ago... Even the president of Devon Company at that time was Zvokki's grandfather.

Based on the current low-probability meteorite impact report from the survey of Luling City.

No, in other fields, less than 5% may be a small probability... But in the astronomical field, this is already a dangerously exaggerated number.

These days, their Devon Company has been in contact with the Green Ridge Cosmic Center.

As the largest company in the Fangyuan area, they naturally have to make preparations on the premise that "the meteorite will hit the planet 100%"!

"Summon the Rift Seat and rely on the power of the gods to destroy the meteorite...?"

Listening to Xiaozhi's remark, President Zvoki nodded.

Using the power of ancient god-level Pokémon is indeed a strategy with room for manipulation.

At least... much simpler and more crude than their methods.

"Since it's your words, then I won't hide it anymore, Xiaona."

So Zvokki sat back in his seat and winked.

Xiaona next to her quickly regained her composure and began to tell a few people about their strategy.

"This is our Devon Company's joint plan with the Green Ridge Space Center..."


The principle is also very simple.

When the meteorite is about to fall, the Green Ridge Space Center will launch a rocket in advance to intercept it.

Of course it can't be directly facing...

"The rocket will carry a device from our Devon company, a dimensional transmission device."

Hearing this word, the three of Xiaozhi were shocked.

I don't know what it means, but it sounds like an incredible high-tech...

"This dimensional teleportation device can create a space wormhole and completely teleport and disappear that meteorite, as if nothing had happened."

President Zvoki took the words and continued.

And to drive such a device far beyond the level of modern technology, the energy required is also extremely majestic.

But energy is exactly what Devon is best at.

"Infinite energy, also known as living energy, is my choice...!"

In fact, this plan was not initiated by President Zvoki.

As far back as decades ago, the grandfather of President Zvoki traveled to the Kalos area to investigate local myths and legends, and he also knew about this life energy that can be extracted from Pokémon.

The energy contained in it is enough to activate the dimension transmission device...even if the object is a huge meteorite!

Now that the day is approaching, and in the generation of President Zvoki, the infinite energy technology has finally moved from theory to reality, and can be realized in reality.

That's all they planned.

Science has never been the strong point of the three of Xiaozhi, but they can still understand the key points in it.

"Extract energy from Pokémon..."

"Do you mean to squeeze dry?"

"Um, isn't that too cruel?"

Hearing this, President Zifuqi just shook his head.

"Squeezing dry is a bit exaggerated...but this method is bound to have irreversible consequences for Pokémon."

President Zvoki sighed, and there is no such cruelty in this operation.

Because once you let that meteorite fall... Humans, you can move and take refuge.

But on this land, there are countless wild Pokémon, and it is impossible to transfer them all in a short time.

No matter what the cost...at least the situation will not be worse than letting the meteorite fall.

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