He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1066 This Meteorite Can't Work

Hearing this, the three of Xiaozhi were also shocked by this plan and were speechless.

They wanted to denounce the cruelty of Devon's method... but they couldn't refute it.

This is a confrontation between rationality and sensibility, whether it is justice to sacrifice the few to protect the majority...

There will never be any right or wrong answer to this question.

"So do you have to use this kind of living energy? Is there no other substitute?"

Xiaolan couldn't help but asked anxiously.

This method is not squeezing dry, but it is no different from squeezing dry.

"Our Devon company is an expert in the energy field. If there are other energy sources that can be replaced, we know better than anyone... But for now, I can only say that there is no second alternative."

President Zvoki said quite seriously.

Pokémon's life energy potential is limitless. In the mythology of the Kalos area, the ultimate weapon powered by the life energy of Pokémon ends the war in an instant.

Of course, the price is exaggerated... Carlos' ultimate weapon is to sacrifice the lives of countless Pokémon.

He can already predict that if the plan succeeds, or if the plan fails...

No matter what the situation is, one thing is inevitable.

The reputation of their Dewen company will be completely smashed by all walks of life.

It's a thankless task. President Zvouchi can't tell how much pressure this burden has.

"Not only that, the life energy of ordinary Pokémon has no meaning, at least in the state of mega evolution, the life energy of Pokémon can complete the support filling...!"

That's why Devon has collected so many mega stones, and it also has the purpose of allowing more mega evolution phenomena to appear.

Once the mega evolution is completed, the vitality of the Pokémon will be greatly improved, regardless of the combat effectiveness.

At least there will be no scene of being squeezed to death on the spot...



After listening to the other party's explanation for a while, Xiaozhi's expression also became dignified.

On the one hand, a handful of Pokémon are being squeezed dry...

The other side is disaster for most wild Pokémon...

The constant entanglement in his mind made Xiaozhi's body and limbs tremble again and again.

But this also made him extremely firm in his belief.

Summon Likakuzao, and let Rikkakuza completely crush that disaster meteorite!

"I want both!!"

Xiaozhi suddenly shouted loudly, and slapped the desk suddenly, so startled that the cup of President Zivqi, who was drinking tea and aftertaste, almost dropped.

There is no rationality and sensibility in Xiaozhi's mind...

Anyway, neither the majority of wild Pokémon nor the few mega Pokémon that have been sacrificed can be harmed!

That's right, as long as he successfully summoned the Rift Seat, then there is no need to choose this matter!

If you said that you agreed to the mission of the inheritor before, it was because of your duty as a justice trainer.

But now, it must be completed!

"Cracked seat, I almost forgot..."

Understanding Xiaozhi's meaning, President Zvoki began to think about it.

Well, he subconsciously thought that what the two said before was not the same thing...

There are no substitutes for energy...but the whole program strategy, there are substitutes.

This is the predestined area that belongs to all of them, and it is true that all responsibilities should not be placed on the shoulders of Devon Company and Green Ridge Universe Center.

Maybe it's not just the people of Meteor, but other people of the world also have their strategies.

In the end, President Zifuqi fixed his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"No matter what, this dimensional transmission plan will continue to be carried out. Even if it does not need to be used in practice, it is still a backup plan."

You can't completely pin your hopes on Xiaozhi and a group of people who have never heard of meteors.

But there can be a sequence... Once Xiaozhi fails, then use their plan.


President Zifuqi breathed a sigh of relief, and the weight on his guts unknowingly lightened a lot.

The plan of the Meteor People is a good thing after all.

"It would be nice if this meteorite fell 20 years later... At least I will have retired by then, and the next generation will have numb scalp."

President Zifuqi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.


It was getting late, and the next Xiaozhi and the other three did not rush to leave Kanaz City, and went directly to Chenghua City where the Chenghua Gymnasium was located.

After all, there is a large forest inhabited by a lot of bugs in front of it, which is not a good place for camping.

"So Xiaozhi, I'll go to Ms. Du Juan to exchange feelings, ahem, exchange rock Pokémon~!"

After dinner, Xiao Gang was the first to slip away, and ran directly to the Kanaz Gymnasium.

The smiley expression didn't seem to have any interference because of this incident.

"It's fancy, anyway, Xiaozhi can solve it, and I'm still worried about a hammer!"

This is Xiaogang's psychological lines.

This disaster-level meteorite didn't fall sooner or later, but why did it fall when they came to the Fangyuan area?

This foreign meteorite can't do it. I guess I haven't experienced the power of "Speaking of Wisdom".

Although the current Xiaogang is not as sure as Chi, he more or less already knows the original rules of this world.

Now that the meteorite is about to come to this planet, then obediently circle around Xiaozhi!

"Hey~Miss Dujuan, here I come~!"

Seeing Xiao Gang bouncing around, gradually blending into the night, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Lan looked confused.

Is this person insane because of being too surprised?

"No, the amount of information is too much, I'm going to sleep too..."

Xiaolan simply went back to the elf center to sleep.

She doesn't have the same understanding as Xiaogang, and she will probably enter the period of teenage depression in the past few days.

Soon there was only Xiao Zhi left around.

"Come on Pikachu, let's go for a walk."

Xiaozhi exhaled and said softly.

Although he was so arrogant as he said in Devon just now, the pressure from the meteorite that may fall from above his head at any time is still enormous.

If he really pulled out the dragon god scroll by fate, Xiaozhi would be fighting slowly now...

But he relies on brute force!

Don't even be able to do the first step, summoning the Rift Seat down.

"I don't know, Boss Chaomeng, is there a cracked empty seat...?"

Xiaozhi began to look at his own thighs.


"Niu Niu~"

At this time, at the intersection in front of him, a pink Pokémon like a bunny suddenly jumped out.

The legs are upright, the eyes are blurred, and there are a pair of far and wide ears on the top of the head.

"This is...?"

Xiaozhi subconsciously took out the illustration book.

"Didi. Gu Niuniu, a cowardly Pokémon, has a timid personality. When frightened, she will make a loud scream, but she will also be frightened by the scream, and then burst into a louder scream, but she Also startled by the screams and then burst into louder screams, but also..."

Xiaozhi: "..."

He directly turned off the sound for the illustrated book.

I haven't come out for a long time, so when I come out, give him an infinite loop, right?

"So this is a wild Goonuniu?"

Xiaozhi looked around suspiciously, there were occasional pedestrians passing by on the street, but none of them looked like its trainer.

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