He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1069 Xiaozhi vs Xijiana!

"Indeed, what was I panicking just now?"

Xiaozhi's expression suddenly became confident.

It seems that it has been too long since he has encountered such a direct attack on the trainer, which made him unable to react for a while.

But on the other side, Sigana's expression is not so simple.

With the skin of a human body, how could it be possible to block the bloody wings of his Tyrannosaurus.

Know that these sharp wings can cut through even hard rocks with ease.


Is my tyrannosaurus acting?

As for its own wings, the latter can easily control the hardness and even curl up.


Seeing the doubtful look cast by the trainer towards him, the face of this majestic Tyrannosaurus also appeared extremely innocent for a moment.

Tyrannosaurus Amity -10.

And realizing that nothing will happen to him at all, Xiaozhi became more courageous.

Just wanted to say something.


There were repeated explosions behind him, and the movement was extremely loud. Obviously, the battle between Pikachu and the monster jaw dragon had entered a fever pitch.

"In that case, let's kill your dinosaur first!"

With a fixed gaze, Xiaozhi turned his attention back to Pikachu.

No matter what kind of overlord you are, just kill it!

"Alright, let me see what level the so-called people who can pass the Dragon God's trial are!"

Seeing this, Sijana jumped off the back of Tyrannosaurus and temporarily focused on the battle between dragon and mouse not far away.

I didn't expect an electric mouse to be comparable to my own monster jaw dragon. The picture has a strong sense of impact...



During the battle, facing the rock-type monster jaw dragon, Pikachu tried to use the extremely effective iron tail move again to give the latter a hard blow.

Knock! !

However, this time, the monster jaw dragon opened its mouth wide, resisting the blow with the same hard teeth.

While Pikachu was still unable to move in mid-air, his hill-sized body leaned forward, and his big mouth snapped together.


The next moment, Pikachu's tail was firmly bitten by the monster jaw dragon.

The latter shook his head and swung Pikachu like a windmill, making Pikachu dizzy for a while.

It's just that his most flexible tail was completely wrapped, and Pikachu could only wait for death for a while, unable to break free.

Played with like a toy.

"Pikachu, maintain this action and use the electric ball!!"

At this time, Xiaozhi's voice came in time, which gave Pikachu a backbone.

The body is tense in mid-air, and the electric sac is flowing, and an electric energy bomb is rapidly condensing and forming in the mouth of the invisible eccentric dragon...

Boom! !

The mouth of the strange jaw dragon suddenly swelled up, and then exploded violently! !

This is an attacking move from within the body, and it makes the flesh and blood of the entire mouth feel burning pain, and the teeth can't help but loosen a little, and a steady stream of black smoke floats out from it.


Only then did Pikachu seize the opportunity and quickly pulled away.

"Since that's the case, Strange Jaw Dragon, use the double-bladed head hammer directly!!"

Sigana spoke suddenly, her voice tinged with coldness.


The completely enraged Ogiagnagnathosaur raised its head violently, let out a trembling roar, and the surface of the reddish-brown body began to roll with terrifying energy.

Double-edged head hammer, this is a rock-type big move... the effect is probably equal to Pikachu's high-voltage electric shock.

But the damage is higher, and as a price, the retaliation suffered by oneself will be more exaggerated.

In less than a while, the rich gray-brown rock-like energy has covered the whole body of the monster jaw dragon.

The tip of the head even extended a pair of sharp corners like blades.

Immediately, it aimed at Pikachu, and its power reached its peak for a while!

Faced with such an attack, this time Xiaozhi did not choose to use high-voltage electric shocks to fight head-to-head. The physical attack of this monster jaw dragon was too powerful.

I saw the corner of his mouth raised, and suddenly said: "Pikachu, use the straw knot!!"

Pikachu also showed a sly smile immediately, and a strange green light flashed from the black eyeballs.

Sigana, who felt bad, had no time to stop it.


As Pikachu raised its small claws, green vines suddenly extended upwards from the ground under the feet of the monster jaw dragon.

And the energy of the double-edged head hammer of the monster jaw dragon has been accumulated, and the heavy lower limbs slammed towards the ground, and the terrible force caused the surrounding stones to collapse violently.

But... that's what grass knots are made for.

I saw that the eccentric dragon kicked out one step, and the second step was just raised.

The vines had been entangled into a tough twist, firmly hooking the ankle of the eccentric dragon.

The harder you punch...the harder you fall.

The power of knotting is not only related to one's own weight.

Before the start of the battle, the monster jawed dragon lost its center of gravity on the spot and fell to the ground.

The incomparably terrifying double-edged head hammer slammed into the ground in front of him obliquely!

Rumble! ! !

The terrible earthquake caused the ground within a few meters to collapse in an instant, and the smoke and dust billowed.

This also allowed the monster jaw dragon to suffer the powerful counter-injury of its own double-edged head hammer before hitting the opponent... like a failed flying knee kick.


With such an attack, even Xiaozhi couldn't help but take a deep breath... If he hit Pikachu directly, he would have to die on the spot if he didn't die.

The turbulent attack turned into a funny wrestling scene in an instant, which made Sigana's face change.

But Xiaozhi didn't give the latter a chance at all, and pointed his finger at the sky.

At this moment, above the jungle, a yellow electric flying squirrel jumped into the air at some point.

The limbs are completely spread out, falling rapidly...

"It's now, use the flying body to press!!"

Xiaozhi roared loudly.

Since there is going to be a fight, he will not be merciful.

Although the eldest old woman made herself think that peace was strange, but facing such a fanatical and bewildered person... it is the most direct way to beat her up!

"Hurry up and hide!!"

Hijana shouted quickly, caught off guard by Xiaozhi's offensive.


The strange jawed dragon was dull for a long time, and just got up from the ground, and there were whistling sounds in its ears, making it raise its head subconsciously.

And a yellow electric mouse has infinitely magnified in its eyes...

Boom! !

Pikachu swooped head-on and hit the head of the monster jaw dragon! !

Flying body heavy pressure! !

The strong force made the head of the chrysalis drop suddenly as if it had been hit by a giant hammer, and hit the ground hard.

The body that just got up fell to the ground again.

The surroundings were already messy gravel ruins, and countless smoke and dust debris were stirred up again, making it extremely messy.

The effect is outstanding! !

The heavy pressure of the flying body with the fighting attribute, the damage to the monster jaw dragon is extremely considerable!


And Pikachu followed the reaction force, leaped backwards, performed two backflips in the air, and landed firmly in front of Xiaozhi.

Although the body is also covered with dust at the moment, but the appearance is very arrogant.

Hmph, the era of dinosaurs has long been extinct, and the final winner belongs to the small mammalian rodent Pokémon!

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