He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1070 Can't win the championship in 20 years?

The smoke cleared.


This strange jaw dragon slowly raised its body from the rocky ruins.

It's just that at this moment, he no longer has the aura of a king at the beginning, his figure is staggering, and he is constantly panting heavily.


Sijana's expression changed for a while, but in the end she took it back into the poke ball with a silent face.

The fighting came to an abrupt end.

She already wanted to leave here...

It doesn't matter if you fail to attack the trainer directly.

This guy is really as powerful as the data says.

This Pikachu alone is already very difficult to deal with, and now Xiaozhi reacts and frees his hand. The other Pokémon carried by the latter cannot be ignored.

Thinking of this, Sigana's expression became certain, and she finally stopped hesitating.

Supporting the back of the Tyrannosaurus beside him, he jumped up nimbly, as if he was about to fly away.

Seeing that the opponent was about to leave suddenly, Xiaozhi's fighting spirit was also slightly withdrawn, and he suddenly asked:

"So you secretly pretended to be President Zvoki's secretary, just for their strategy to solve the crisis?"

This woman also said just now that she wants to use her own method to save the planet... Maybe she fell in love with Devon's method?

Sijana is a bit fierce, but the purpose is to deal with this disaster crisis.

Xiaozhi seemed to have no reason to arrest him justly, and turned him over to Miss Junsha.

However, this sentence made Sijana sneer, with an undisguised mockery and disdain on her expression.

"Dewen's plan is doomed to fail!"

In fact, there is no problem in this plan, and there is no problem in actual action...

But she will take action to stop this plan, which will definitely make Devon's plan come to naught!

"Why? Are you worried about those Pokémon that are being drained?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

So, this is still a fanatical Pokémon lover...

However, at the next moment, Sigana just said in such a deep voice: "In the face of a huge disaster, some sacrifices are inevitable. I don't think there is any problem with this operation."

These words made Xiaozhi's face change.

The misunderstanding was resolved, and it turned out that he was still dazed.

After all these years of ambush in Devon, Sijana is already very familiar with this plan.

The first half of the plan was fine, but the problem was at the end.

Dimensional teleportation device...

It's not a dimension disappearing device!

No matter how you do it, the disaster-level meteorite will not disappear out of thin air, and it will still be there.

It's just a teleportation.

"It's just right, anyway, my goal has been achieved, so you can go back and bring this sentence to the old man."

Sijana stood on the wide back of the tyrannosaurus, her expression suddenly became extremely serious.

Now that her identity is exposed, she didn't intend to return to Devon's company and continue to work as a secretary in peace.

Sijana's own plan to deal with the meteorite crisis also needs to start making final preparations.

Hearing this, Xiaozhi raised his ears, curious about what Jenny would come out of the other party's mouth.

"With their plan, it is indeed possible for this planet to escape this crisis...but there will inevitably be another planet that will pay the price for us."

"Another planet?"

Xiaozhi was at a loss, and had no idea what this guy was talking about.

However, Hijana just looked at Xiaozhi with a solemn expression.

With Devon's technological level, the invention of the space-time teleportation device is already very impressive... As for the control of the teleportation point, it is simply impossible to realize.

"Everything in this world is inseparable from cause and effect."

Sijana's words suddenly jumped from science to metaphysics...

Cooperating with the gray shabby robe behind her, Xiaozhi finally realized that the Meteor People are a group of metaphysical people.

"Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, in this world, you have become the winner of the alliance conference in just one year...and even became the king trainer."

Sijana obviously knew all about the origin of Xiaozhi's information.

"But have you ever thought that in another world, everything is the same as here...but you may travel for twenty years, and you can't win a championship?"

Sigana's words came out slowly.

The nonsense that seemed completely unreasonable, for some reason, made Xiaozhi shudder in confusion.

What a scary world...!

"And in that world, there is no meteorite crisis, and everything is developing comfortably and naturally..."

Sijana changed her words and turned her focus back to the meteorite disaster at the moment.

"And we randomly send a disaster-level meteorite in this world, maybe it will fall on them! It may even directly kill another Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town!"

They are freed from worries, but the Pokémon and humans on another planet will suffer disasters for them.

Rounding up is equal to doing nothing.

Therefore, Sijana will definitely intervene to stop Devon's plan.


Xiaozhi was still immersed in that terrifying world for a long time.

Maybe in that world, he didn't meet Brother Chi on the first day of travel...

"Wait a minute, it is also possible to teleport to a deserted place!"

Xiaozhi's body shook, and he blurted out a question.

How could there be so many coincidences that he just happened to smash another self to death?

"It's a gut feeling...my instincts are always right."

Sigana explained in a deep voice.

This is her character, as long as she decides on something, she will not hesitate in the slightest.

These words made Xiaozhi fall into a tangle.

Unexpectedly, Devon's plan, in addition to the initial price of "squeezing out the Pokémon", now has a saying that "may smash another self to death".

In this way, it seems that the only way without any risk is to rely on the power of Rikuza...?


"That's all. If you want to continue to help Devon do such stupid things, go ahead."

Seeing that Xiaozhi lowered his head and got into a tangle, Xijiana made a gesture to command the Tyrannosaurus to take off and leave.

It doesn't matter, the dimensional transmission device relies on absorbing the life energy of Pokémon after mega evolution...

But before she left, she had already taken all the mega stones from Devon Company.

See what you experiment with!


But just when the tyrannosaurus was about to take off, there was a sudden sound of birds chirping on the heads of one person and one dragon.

Sigana raised her head subconsciously.

Tyrannosaurus has its own intimidating characteristics, and ordinary birds would not dare to fly over its head...

When I saw it, I saw a brown-gray bird.

This is a Bobo that only appears in the Kanto region.

It's just that the habitat is not important, Sijana suddenly discovered that the face of this Bobo is not the face of an ordinary bird Pokémon.

Smart big eyes, delicate nose slightly turned up, small red lips...

This is a face with human features!

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