He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1074 Chenghua gymnasium, Xiaosheng

"Parallel universe..."

The speaker had no intention, but the listener had the intention, and Chi, who had been eavesdropping secretly, also had something extra in his mind.

When they passed through the cave of the ultimate, apart from capturing a few local ultra beasts, Zeng Jin also went to a new world.

Thinking about it this way, it is completely a parallel universe in the Alola region.

Different from the bustling tropical island beaches and tourist attractions in the original Alola area...the Alola area on the other side of the ultimate cave, there is no big difference from the map.

But it has been completely reduced to a doomsday ruin, and the entire sky is shrouded in black clouds all day long.

It was a completely deserted island, with no human beings, and even wild Pokémon rarely lived there.

Only the dilapidated buildings on the island prove that this place was once inhabited by humans.

The concept of parallel universes is by no means groundless.

Maybe there really is a Fangyuan area, where there are no people of meteors, and there is no meteorite crisis.

There may be a Xiaozhi in that world, but he doesn't have himself...?

After all, I was possessed by Xiaozhi because I accidentally leaned too close to him when I was watching the show. As a result, Pikachu's first lightning burst sucked me in.

It should be a coincidence, right?

There are many thoughts in Chi's mind.


In reality, President Zvoki is also thinking about it.

According to Sijana, there is indeed a possibility of this risk.

But this is not a reason that can prevent the implementation of the plan...

Unless Sijana can find evidence that this dimensional teleportation plan will indeed destroy another Fangyuan area, Zvokki may stop.

"But she seems to have stolen a lot of keystones and mega stones... Can your plan still go ahead?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

Key stones and mega stones are both very precious props, one is less than one.

Speaking of which, he forgot to ask Big Brother Bilan to steal back the stone that Sijana had stolen.

A thief steals a thief, not stealing.


It was said that although President Zifuqi's complexion sank, he did not sink to the bottom.

As the person in charge of the largest company in the region, he naturally knew that he had to keep a hand in everything.

"It doesn't matter, I also privately hid nearly 25% of the total number of keystones and mega stones, which is enough for all the shares of this plan."

This was left unintentionally by him as a backup, but he didn't expect it to come in handy now.

But at this time, President Zvuch looked at Xiaozhi with a solemn expression.

"Little Zhi, no matter how you say it... the plan to summon the Rifting Seat is the most reliable now, and my plan will only be used as a last resort."

After knowing about Sijana, Zvokki's worries increased.

Xiaozhi nodded, naturally knowing this truth.

Let's not talk about Devon.

The plan that the bewildered woman could come up with is probably some kind of incredible bewildered plan, and the cost is probably not much less than Devon's...


next morning.

After the three of Xiaozhi regrouped, they did not continue to stay in Kanaz City, but embarked on the road to Chenghua City.

But today, Big Brother Bilan has turned into a haughty swallow with a human face, standing on Xiaolan's shoulders with vigor and vigor.

"It's a pity, Xiaozhi, you didn't follow up to watch last night, I beat that woman until she called her daddy...!!"

Her mouth was like running water, constantly talking about yesterday's battle.

Damn it, it's obviously my own big show, but no one is watching and cheering, deducting 666 beside me...

It was somewhat disappointing.

She already somewhat misses the scene when she and Xiaolan were twin souls.

Every time she appeared in a big show, Xiao Lan would not hesitate to praise her and make her feel comfortable...


Hearing this, Xiaozhi could only laugh apologetically from the sidelines, passively listening to Big Brother Bilan's magnificent life.

But from what it sounds like, that guy Sigana was really educated a bit miserably...

"Yo ha~!"

When leaving the city, the gentleman old man who passed by next to him became interested in the arrogant Yan who was chattering on Xiaolan's shoulder, and couldn't help leaning over to ask:

"Cute little girl, where did you buy this parrot~? I'm willing to pay ten times the price!"

Bilan: "..."

She used her pecking trick to make this gentleman run away in a hurry...



After passing through the Chenghua Forest, Xiaozhi and his party returned to Chenghua City again.

Familiar with the road, the three came to the northwest of Chenghua City...

In the eyes, it is a rather retro-style wooden dojo. It is built squarely, and the black and blue wall surface looks very solemn and serious.

But this time, the outermost gate fence was completely open, instead of being tightly closed like when Xiaozhi first came.

Seeing this, Xiao Zhi didn't delay, and walked directly into the yard.

Seeing that the door of the dojo was closed, he simply knocked on the door.

"I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, I'm here to challenge your Orange Gym!!"

He growled loudly, expressing his position.

Da da da...!

After a while, there was a rush of footsteps inside the dojo, the sound of feet stepping on the wooden floor quickly.

The next moment, the door opened.

However, Xiaozhi slowly moved his gaze that was originally level-up.

The one who opened the door was a 7 or 8-year-old boy, wearing green short sleeves and brown shorts, a head shorter than Xiao Zhi and the others.

A head of thick short hair growing obliquely, a face as big as a kid, and a pair of big black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose.

"Wow!! Are you the legendary Zhenxinzhen Xiaozhi!?"

As soon as the eye-eyed boy came out, he leaned in front of Xiaozhi, pushing his body forward again and again, and exclaimed shrillly in his mouth.

There was no concealment of admiration and fanaticism on his face.

"I'm your number one big fan, Xiaosheng!! I have followed your Quartz Conference and Silver Conference all the way!!"

Xiaosheng's mouth was full of eloquence, and he didn't give Xiaozhi any time to interrupt.

But I finally met someone who knows me...or a big fan? !

This made Xiaozhi feel happy immediately, and he put his arms on his hips carelessly, accepting Xiaosheng's attention gift.

"So can you touch your mega fire-breathing dragon?! Oh, and the legendary dark Rogia?!"

Xiaosheng looked at Xiaozhi expectantly, and then noticed Pikachu on the latter's shoulder.

"Wow!! Is this the Pikachu that defeated Tianwang Lihua?! It turns out that it is so small at close range!!"

Xiao Sheng was delighted to see Lie Xin, and he made a gesture to pick up Pikachu and look at it carefully.

There are no reports of wild Pikachu inhabiting in the Yoshien area, and this is the first time he has seen a living Pikachu.


It was just that he was picked up by a stranger suddenly, and Pikachu's ears flicked immediately, and the current flowed on his cheeks...

"Wait a minute Pikachu..."

However, before Xiaozhi could finish his words, a thick bolt of lightning had already burst out.

Boom! !

Xiao Sheng and Xiao Zhi who were closest were both affected by the success, shrouded in golden lightning, and even pale bones could be seen in the flashes.

Xiaogang and Xiaolan in the rear had expected it and kept a safe distance.


After a burst of electricity, Xiao Sheng fell to the ground with his whole body scorched black.

But when he saw Xiaozhi standing in front of him even though his whole body was scorched black, he couldn't help but raised his thumb tremblingly.

"As expected...Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town...such electric shocks have no effect at all..."

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