He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1075 Xiaozhi vs Qianli!

After recovering from the strong electric current, Xiao Sheng led the three of them into the dojo of his own mansion.

"I'm over 7 years old, and I still have a few years to become a formal trainer..."

Walking on the plank, Xiao Sheng was still chattering about his situation.

He's an avid Pokémon battle fan, and it's just a few years away from his official trip.

Days are like years, which makes Xiaosheng can only soak in front of the TV on weekdays, watching wonderful Pokémon battles in various places... This also caused him to wear glasses at a young age.

"Damn it, my sister is really real!"

Along the way, Xiaosheng seemed to have found someone to vent, and began to complain about his sister.

It was Xiaoyao who Xiaozhi and the others had socialized with before.

He originally planned to take advantage of Xiaoyao to go home... After all, when he went to Weibai Town, he always wanted to return to Chenghua City.

When the time comes, he will take the opportunity to cut off the beard and forcefully follow Xiaoyao to go on a trip.

At that time, even his father would not be able to say anything.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, Xiaoyao was never seen.

The latter chicken thief bypassed Chenghua City ahead of time... Anyway, there are more than eight gymnasiums in the Fangyuan area.

However, the rest of the gyms are not well-known. Except for the experienced locals who know about them, outsiders will basically only challenge the eight gyms on the surface.

Old Sister and Brother Kindness...

"Talk about Master Xiaozhi! Which Yusanjia do you think I should choose as the initial Pokémon in the future!?"

Xiao Sheng asked expectantly, and even used an honorific title.

He won the championship in the first year of his debut, and even challenged the king of the alliance to succeed...

Xiaosheng has watched so many trainer videos, and only the newly promoted king of the ghost attribute in Fangyuan area can rival Xiaozhi.

It's a pity that there are no Charmanders in the Fangyuan area. Seeing Xiaozhi's fire-breathing dragon Xiaosheng is very eye-catching.

"Hehe, just call me Xiaozhi..." Xiaozhi replied with a dry smile:

"As for which one to choose, it's up to you. Others can't give you an opinion."

"Then Xiaozhi, you are already a Heavenly King trainer, why do you still come to participate in the gymnasium and the alliance meeting?!"

Xiao Sheng asked in surprise.

Even if it is the winner of the conference, there is still a long distance from the king of the alliance.

Generally, it takes three or four years of hard work to become a winning trainer in the tournament before officially entering the capital of the alliance king...

However, Xiaozhi took it one step at a time and became a trainer of the king of heaven, but at this moment he was still repeating the challenge of the gymnasium, which made Xiaosheng quite puzzled.

"Becoming a trainer, of course, is to see more of the outside world."

This question, Xiaozhi's mind is a little sure.

Indeed, now that he releases the Big Eagle to find other alliance kings on a fixed-point basis, his strength may improve faster.

But his purpose has never been simply to become stronger.

Meeting new Pokémon, new things, new trainers, new worlds... These are the goals of Ash.

So now, Xiaozhi doesn't think it's a good idea to fly directly to the destination with Bi Diao.

"But after finishing this trip to the Fangyuan area, we can change the way."

Xiao Zhi secretly made up his mind.

thinking too far...


At this moment, under the leadership of Xiaosheng, the three of them have come to a spacious and open indoor training field, and the thick wooden floor is still under their feet.

Surrounded by thick wooden walls inlaid with thick pillars, it looks like it should be able to withstand a powerful attack.

And from the inner door, a person came out slowly.

This man is not tall, wearing long pants and short sleeves for daily training, and a red coat.

She has short black short hair with a fringe of bangs on her forehead.

Talking about the shape, it is more like a physical education teacher in a certain school...

But his face is serious, his eyes are full of spirit, his facial features are deep and resolute, and he stands there with his arms folded, giving off a very aggressive feeling.

"Dad!! Let me introduce you! This is Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town, and also the Heavenly King trainer from the Kanto region!"

Xiao Sheng introduced quickly, as if he was introducing himself.

"Heavenly King Trainer...?"

Qianli raised his eyebrows and stared at Xiaozhi.

He has heard of the title of Heavenly King trainer...but it is extremely rare for such a young trainer to appear.

Then Xiaosheng jumped to Qianli's side and introduced his father to Xiaozhi.

"This is the owner of the Chenghua gymnasium, and he is definitely the strongest existence among all the gymnasium owners!"

His tone still seemed to be introducing himself.

"And my father was able to fight Master Mikli once before, so he won't lose the wind!"

Xiao Sheng pushed his glasses like a treasure.

These words were interrupted by Qianli.

"My name is Qianli, and I'm the trainer of Chenghua Gym...As for Mikley and others, it's just an entertainment sparring before, and it doesn't make any sense."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi came back to his senses.

Dawu is the former league champion...and the current league champion in the Yoshien area is this man named Mikri!

Didn't expect the middle-aged man in front of him to compete with the league champion?

Xiaozhi doesn't believe in any entertainment.

"So today you come to our Chenghua gymnasium..."

Before Qianli had finished speaking, Xiaosheng had already answered for Xiaozhi:

"Oh dad, Xiaozhi is coming to challenge our Chenghua Gym!"

If it was someone else, Xiao Sheng would naturally wish that his father would defeat him with overwhelming force, showing the strength of Qianli.

He can see that he can't lose a thousand miles...

After all, most of the badges issued by Chenghua Gymnasium were actually sent out by Qianli deliberately.

But at this moment, the opponent is the legendary Xiaozhi.

Xiaosheng simply chose to become a neutral person. No matter which side wins, it will definitely be a wonderful game!

"Are you going to challenge the gymnasium?"

Hearing that thousands of miles away, Xiaozhi looked up and down for a while...Generally, people who become king trainers will rarely continue to participate in the alliance meeting.

Come to the fish pond to fry fish?

But it looks like I can exercise my muscles and bones today.

Qianli's gaze suddenly became sharper, and his whole body became tense, making it difficult for people to take their eyes off him.

This is the momentum exclusive to the strong!

Da da...!

Without checking whether Xiaozhi had enough badges for four, Qianli walked directly to one end of this spacious indoor dojo.

"Then the challenge rule of Orange Gym is 3v3. Only the trainer can freely change Pokémon... Once the three Pokémon on one side are fully capable of fighting, the winner will be determined!"

Xiao Sheng stood between the two and acted as the referee.

Although he is not a trainer at the age of a little ghost, there is nothing more exciting than becoming a referee and participating in Qianli's Gym Challenge!

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