He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1076 Strong Chicken vs. Shaking Banner!

"Is it finally time to fight!?"

Xiaozhi also stood in front of Qianli with fiery eyes, already holding a poke ball in his hand.

The two men looked at each other from a distance, and they both sensed each other's strength, it was not easy...


With a flip of Qianli's palm, he dispatched the first Pokémon first.

This is a brown upright bunny Pokémon, different from Gu Niuniu's chubby figure, more like a slim version of Pikachu.

There are irregular red dots on his body, and his eyes are already in a spiral shape before they start fighting.

"Didi. Wiggly, a toddling Pokémon, with general attributes, each Wiggly has a unique order of spots on its body, and the random swaying steps can confuse and dizzy the opponent."

Listening to the introduction of the illustrated book, Xiaozhi also sent out his Pokémon.


A red light flashed, and the strong chicken stepped on the floor, swung its arms, and its eyes sparkled.

A strong chicken with fighting attributes can undoubtedly deal with opponents with general attributes very well.

"Shaking Ban and Lizhuang Chicken..."

Xiaosheng has already stepped aside at this moment, watching the game immersively.

It seems that in this first match, his father chose the tentative Dang Shaban.

On the other hand, Xiaozhi sent out the newly conquered Pokémon in the Fangyuan area, and it can be said that they are all testing.

The battle begins!

"Strong chicken, use jet flames!!"

At the start of the match, the Lizhuang chicken opened its beak, and a beam of fiery flames was already ejected first.

"Shaking Madara, use the wave of water!"

Qianli, on the other hand, maintained his arms folded over his chest, responding unhurriedly.

I saw that this Shaking Ban raised his two short hands in the air, and after a long time, he had already condensed a water flow energy bomb, and just threw it flying towards the flames.


The power of the water flow was even greater, breaking through the flames and continuing to bombard the strong chicken.

Most Pokémon with general attributes can master moves of various attributes, and there will be no embarrassing situation of no skills available.

"Strong Chicken, use Bounce!!"

Xiao Zhi commanded suddenly.

The strong chicken understood, and immediately took off on the spot to avoid the fluctuation of the water.

Jumping up into the air in an instant, Qianli couldn't help being a little taken aback by the powerful jumping force.

But at this moment, the ceiling of the indoor arena is only seven or eight meters, which is not the limit height of the strong chicken...

thump! !

After the strong chicken reached the highest point, its hind legs slammed against the ceiling without any delay, and it swooped down again with this force.

This time it's a fast-starting second-stage, bouncing move!

Whoosh! !

With a powerful flying kick, Dang Shuangban was immediately kicked out.

"Your strong chicken is really good..."

Even Qianli couldn't help admiring this move.

Xiaosheng, who was watching the battle, also had his eyes brightened, and he made up his mind to choose such a handsome and strong chicken when he set off on a trip in the future.



But soon, this Wiggly Banner got up again.

Since its eyes have always been circled, it can only rely on its small body that is still standing, which proves that it has not completely lost its fighting ability.

After all, the jumping move is a flying move, not an effective fighting move.

"Shake Mada, use Shake Dance!"

This time it was Qianli's turn to attack first, and spit out a move that Xiaozhi had never heard before.


This wobbler was swaying on the spot without any rules, like a drunk man staggering.

With a magical dance, Li Zhuang Chicken subconsciously pays attention to it.


After a while, the strong chicken also started to stumble along with Dang Shaban, unsteady on its feet.

Shake dance, which can make the target who sees this dance enter a state of confusion.

But the dizzy spot is a false dizziness, while the strong chicken is a real dizziness.

"Now, use the stun punch!!"

Hearing this, he stopped his wobbling movements, and rushed towards the strong chicken.

Around the raised small fist, there are all kinds of confusing energies of vortex stars...

"Strong chicken, use the oath of fire!!"

Xiaozhi responded quickly.

In the chaos, the strong chicken had no distinction between friend and foe at all, and the fist condensed with flame energy directly smashed to the ground.

puff! ! puff! ! puff! !

The next moment, countless pillars of lava rose from the ground around his body, and one even burned him.

But the turbulent oath of fire around him also forcibly stopped Dang Shaban's movements and froze outside.


The self-burning of the oath of fire also made Lizhuang Chicken withdraw from the chaotic state in the first round, and his eyes became lively again.

With a small self-injury damage, while hindering the opponent's attack, it can also erase the chaotic state.

"It's really not easy..."

With this command alone, Qianli confirmed that Xiaozhi's strength is not simple.


Immediately afterwards, a surge of red light appeared out of thin air on the surface of Li Zhuang Chicken's body.

The acceleration feature is activated, which makes the Lizhuang Chicken move very quickly, running and flashing around the shaking spots.

Seeing Qianli, his eyes lit up, and he said in a deep voice:

"We use impersonation tricks!"


Shaking Banner was determined, and after a long cry, there seemed to be a faint strange light connecting a rabbit and a chicken.


The next moment, the same turbulent red light also appeared on Dang Shaban's body.

"This is the acceleration feature?"

Xiaozhi stared blankly, and the illustration book also gave a prompt in time.

"Didi. Acting: be able to imitate the characteristics of the other party."

This can be regarded as a one-sided feature exchange move.

At this moment, the characteristic of Dangshaban has also become acceleration.

Da da da...! !

Shaking Ban's movements suddenly became equally swift, and Li Zhuang Chicken flicked back and forth on the field, no one could do anything to the other.

"Stunning Punch!!"

"Flame Fist!!"

The next moment, the two trainers issued similar commands.

One rabbit and one chicken kicked their feet and rushed to the center of the arena at the same time. On one side was a raging flame fist, and on the other side was a dizzying strange fist.

Boom! !

When they collided with all their strength, they were evenly matched.

Li Zhuang Ji and Dang Huang Ban took a few steps back at the same time, feeling their arms tremble slightly.

But at this time, Xiaozhi pressed his hat a little bit, with a confident expression:

"In that case, let them see your new moves!!"

The strong chicken nodded, and his eyes were as hot as a flame.


The next moment, it stomped on the ground and rushed towards Dang Shuangban again.

One fist retracts the waist to store energy...


Seeing that he was going to confront the boxing head-on, Huang Huangban naturally wouldn't give in, and walked out vigorously, and the stun punch was also ready to go.


Just when the figures of the two were about to meet, the strong chicken suddenly disappeared in place with a ghostly flash.

In the next moment, it appeared under Danghuangban's body, at a slightly lower position.

"Yan Hui?!"

Qianli raised his eyebrows, this action looked very similar to Wang Yan's Yan Fan.

But soon, Qianli's expression suddenly changed.

Because one side of Lizhuang Chicken's fist was already flickering with white light... This is not Yan Fan.

"Now, use the Sky Fist!!"

Xiaozhi pointed his finger high and roared loudly.

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