He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1080 Sword dance, fetter connection!

The terrifying Frozen Fist strikes...

"Forest Lizard, use Grass Knot!!"

Xiaozhi immediately called out this panacea move.

The eyes of the forest lizard glowed with green light, and then pointed forward lightly with its fingers, making a hook in the air.

Green vines suddenly appeared in the most inconspicuous corner, firmly hooking the target's ankles.


Losing his center of gravity, Wang Wang's whole body crashed and fell miserably.

This is Pikachu's specialty move, and the Oath of Grass move that can easily manipulate grass-attributed energy, the forest lizard can naturally master it easily.

"Tsk tsk, is there another trick?"

Qianli raised his eyebrows, but still commanded calmly:

"Use the lazy trick!"

With the lazy yawn of the leave king, the huge damage caused by the straw knot disappeared again in the flash of green light.

In terms of the situation, it was completely determined by Qianli.


This made Xiaozhi clenched his fists, feeling a little more anxious.

If his 002 Froggrass is fighting at the moment, he can use the sleeping powder, poisonous powder and parasitic seed consumption moves to attack the opponent with force.

But the forest lizard is a grass-type Pokémon that tends to attack, and moves such as parasitic seeds and photosynthesis are difficult to master...

"Use Ultimate Shock!!"

But this time, Qianli launched a more violent move.

The huge body of the leave king was covered by a yellow-purple energy coat, and it turned into a powerful impact, which suddenly bombarded.

With incomparable strength, the grass knots under his feet were directly broken away.

It can be said that destroying the dead light and the ultimate impact are the most suitable moves for the leave king.

Not to mention the bonus of this attribute, just the negative effect of being stiff for one round can also overlap with the lazy attribute.

Anyway, you have to be lazy... Rounding up is equivalent to casting the ultimate impact without side effects.

"Forest lizard, use see through!"

The offensive is too strong, Xiaozhi can only choose to use this move to avoid.


The eyes of the forest lizard flashed a strange green light, and its figure shifted slightly under the huge shock wave...


It's just that even so, the part was still rubbed by the terrifying ultimate impact, and the whole body was also affected by the powerful air wave, sweeping and thrown away.

Fortunately, it wasn't a frontal hit, and the forest lizard still had enough reaction ability.

"Leaf Blade Slash!!"

The figure swooped down, facing the leave king who was in a stiff state below, and slashed with a sharp blade!

Whoosh! !

This time, the forest lizard slashed twice in a very short period of time...

Whoosh! !

Second Stage: Leaf Blade Slash! !

"Roar Wu..."

This time, the king who asked for leave lying on the ground finally let out a wail, which seemed to have hit the nail on the head.

"Use laziness."

But then, Qianli's plain words made the faces of Xiaozhi and the forest lizard, who had just shown joy, sink down again.

In the healing green light, the leave king recovered most of his injuries in an instant.

Undoubtedly, Qianli is good at torturing people's mentality.

"Just right, just right!!"

This battle even caused the forest lizard to break its defenses. It jumped around in place and started waving the leaf blades on its arms indiscriminately, as if it was losing its mind and being unable to vent.


Seeing this, Qianli just secretly smiled.

Although he is a king trainer, but the mentality of Pokémon is still not good...

Whoosh! ! Whoosh! ! Whoosh! !

However, as the forest lizard waved the leaf blade indiscriminately again and again, the sound of the blade cutting through the air gradually became sharper and harsher...

It seems that these two energy blades are constantly being sharpened by the air.

"It's a bug...!!"

rub! !

The next moment, following the furious roar of the forest lizard, an unusually turbulent red light appeared on the forest lizard.

Then it concentrated on the blades on both sides of the arm, faintly, the originally crystal clear green sickle was dyed with a dangerous red light...

Just when everyone didn't know what happened, Xiaozhi's illustration book made an automatic broadcast sound.

"Didi. The forest lizard has mastered a new move: sword dance!"

With the addition of the sword dance, the attack power of the forest lizard has been greatly increased, especially on the leaf blade at this moment.

Qianli: "?!"

He trembled slightly, his eyebrows furrowed.

Thousands of miles have tortured many challengers in gymnasiums, and in the end they either surrendered and pulled out the line to admit defeat, or their mentality collapsed and they lost their minds after being tortured by their own leave king...

In the end, you were lucky, you broke the defense, and you also learned a new move? !


This time, even the leave king's eyes became serious.

Looking at the green knife leaf in the forest lizard's hand that was faintly glowing with blood, it didn't dare to repeat the old trick this time.

"Good job Forest Lizard, now use high-speed movement and look for opportunities!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi also changed his face instantly, and immediately commanded in a happy mood.


The forest lizard's expression also changed from the previous runaway to the usual coldness, even with a hint of cunning.

Da da da...!

The figure began to circle around the leave king, moving back and forth in this dojo, dazzled.

Now that its strength has been greatly improved, it is not in a hurry to attack anyway.

The current mouse has become the big monkey on the opposite side!



Sure enough, this time the leave king looked around in a panic, worried about the opponent who might attack at any time.

But it didn't dare to take the initiative for a while...

It's okay to hit, once the move fails and it enters a lazy state, it will undoubtedly become the best target.

Wow! !

However, the next moment, the forest lizard took the initiative to attack and rushed towards it!

The speed of the two of them is a lot higher than it, so they can take the first step.

Whoosh! !

A green slash with a faint red light flashed, and the forest lizard slashed directly on the back of the king asking for leave with a flick of sword dance · leaf blade slash.


This caused the latter's figure to take a few steps backwards quickly, excruciatingly painful.

Hit the nail on the head!

At this moment, the forest lizard has entered a state of extreme concentration...

This greatly increased the probability of the latter's moves hitting the key.


Not only that, but the forest lizard could even feel Xiaozhi's emotions at the same time, making a sound of surprise.

This made its mind and brain become extremely open and cheerful for a while, as if it could do everything.

Boom boom boom! !

And the fearful leave king once again launched the ultimate attack, intending to tell the winner at once.


However, the Lizard King, whose five senses and physical fitness have been greatly improved, can see through it with one blow, and easily evade the latter's ultimate impact.

Then came a green light blade that could cut through everything, infinitely magnified in the eyes of the leave king...

Leaf Blade Slash! !

This time, the forest lizard criss-crossed its double blades, and slashed fiercely at the head of the leave king with a cross-leaf slash.

The latter, which cannot move, allows the forest lizard to find the best attack angle...

Hit the nail on the head! !

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