He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1081 Electronic Badge


Ye Renzhan slashed down, and the huge body of the king who asked for leave froze for a while, and finally fell down.

"Please... leave the king to lose the ability to fight, and the forest lizard wins!!"

As the referee, Xiao Sheng was completely dumbfounded, and the voice he blurted out was a bit broken.

How could the originally one-sided situation be reversed in an instant?

After watching so many game videos, he claims to be a professional, but at this moment he has no idea what happened.


For the first time, Qianli was moved.

Why does this forest lizard's overall quality seem to have been greatly improved in an instant?

This has nothing to do with the skill bonus of Sword Dance.

Looking at the forest lizard standing up again in front of him, no matter its movements, breathing, or demeanor... for a moment, it seemed to be the same as the trainer behind.

Like a fit?

Qianli looked at Xiaozhi behind him, looking up and down.


After the latter exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, he took a few breaths, and this weird sense of connection ended.


And the forest lizard, who entered the bonded state for the first time, looked at Xiaozhi belatedly after the battle.

Was it Xiaozhi who gave him this part of his power?

The forest lizard's eyes were fixed, and a fanatical desire for his new power suddenly rose in his heart.

Sure enough, it was the right choice to follow Xiaozhi when he ran out of the research institute!

Forest lizards have +50 amity.

Xiaozhi: "?"

He just rubbed the back of his head in bewilderment.

For some reason, at this moment, he looked at the forest lizard again, as if the latter's brows and face...had become more friendly?

"Is it the trainer's special ability...?"

Qianli also understood something, showing a look of sudden realization.

It seems that it can greatly improve the ability of Pokémon's all-round quality, which is undoubtedly a top-level ability for a trainer.

Similar to the mind power of a person with superpowers... it is forbidden to use it in battle, so there is no such thing.

But like Xiaozhi, in regular competitions, there is no express rule.

After all, generally speaking, the louder a Trainer roars, the more likely the Pokémon will be able to continue fighting.

Rounding off, the ability to connect with Ash's bond is actually no different...



After the battle, Qianli handed Xiaozhi a gray-black badge that looked like a small dumbbell.

The scales emblem that symbolizes general balance!

"Is this the scale badge?!"

Xiaozhi carefully squeezed a large amount of them in his hands, and now he only has the last three badges left!

Not only that, Qianli took out his mobile phone and showed Xiaozhi a picture of a QR code.

Xiaozhi: "?"

Does this mean adding a friend?

"This is what I concluded by myself, about the moves and skill machines that are gradually broken."

Qianli explained unhurriedly.

No one has created a skill machine that can be copied on a large scale for this move, it is considered a special product.

Hearing that Xiaozhi's eyes were curious, he also took out the illustration book and scanned the QR code in front of him.

"Didi. Break through .avi step by step and save it locally."

Listening to the notification tone of the illustrated book, Xiao Zhi was greatly surprised.

In the past, he thought that the move and skill machines were all recorded discs, good guy, now they have become QR code scan codes.

The power of technology is really great!

"It's nothing to be surprised about. It is estimated that badges will become virtual electronic badges in a few years."

Qianli saw the latter's doubts and said with emotion.

It seems that gymnasiums in several areas have already started to implement, using electronic badges to replace the physical badges after defeating the gymnasium.

All for environmental protection.

"There are even fans of bad Pokémon, who think it is too cruel to let Pokémon fight, and suggest canceling..."

Qianli seems to remember something, this seems to be a rising trend in the Hezhong area.

After all, in today's world, Pokémon is the center of the world, and Pokémon battles are the top priority.

But some fanatical guards call on everyone to virtualize their own Pokémon with electronics, and then conduct simulated battles on the machine...

In this way, future trainers don't even need to face each other, they can fight the champion of the Four Heavenly Kings while lying at home!

Xiaozhi: "?"

Isn't this a common video game?

Because the mobile phone has to be charged every time, so the landline was invented to replace the mobile phone?


"Xiaozhi Xiaozhi, can I go on a trip with you!?"

At this time, Xiao Sheng who was next to him mustered up his courage and finally came up.

Unable to bind sister, it is also a good thing to bind Xiaozhi! However, Xiaozhi refused without thinking about it.

After all, there will still be occasional crises on his journey. Xiaogang and Xiaolan are all 10-year-old+ trainers, and they can take care of themselves.

But Xiaosheng, Xiaozhi started from the beginning, and even forgot himself, let alone Xiaosheng.

Of course, the most important reason.


I'm not very familiar...


Hearing this, Xiaosheng lowered his head, full of regret.

Will he stay in the gymnasium for two or three years before he can go out...

After watching today's game, Xiao Sheng felt as if something in his body couldn't hold back, and it was about to overflow.

"Xiao Sheng, then from now on, you can practice with me."

However, at this time, Qianli suddenly threw a poke ball to Xiaosheng with a serious expression.

"I will lend you this serpentine bear temporarily, and use it to hone your trainer strength."

It's not a good thing to hold back blindly. Qianli knows that his son should not be seen as rash, but the basic theoretical knowledge and vision are far superior to those of his peers.

It is indeed possible to start training early.

"Dad!! I love you to death!!"

Xiaosheng tightly held the elf ball in his hand, with tears in his eyes, and after a scream, he swooped and hugged Qianli.

This picture of father's kindness and son's filial piety also made Xiaozhi and the three next to him moved and applauded...

"Then your next step should be to go to the Yin Yu gymnasium."

Before parting, Qianli also pointed out the way for several people.

The remaining three gymnasiums are all in the eastern area of ​​the Fangyuan area... The sea area on this side is much larger than the land area.

Even two of the gymnasiums are located on two separate islands.

"Now that the Kalu Tunnel has been opened, where can I get to Zijin City the fastest?"

Zijin City belongs to the central city of the entire Fangyuan area. After crossing the eastern sea area, it has officially reached the eastern area of ​​the entire area.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Qianli!"

The three of Xiaozhi quickly nodded their thanks, and then left the Chenghua gymnasium.

After three fierce battles, although all the newly conquered Pokémon were used...

But Xiaozhi has also successfully beaten his fill, and there is no need to start any real battle with Qianli.



(An update today.)

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