He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1082 Pokémon Ring Contest

After a few days.

The three of Xiaozhi returned to Kanaz City, and then went straight through the Kalu Tunnel in the east without stopping.

This is a long, narrow and straight road, without any forks... But the surrounding rocks are still broken, and it seems that it has just been opened up not long ago.

There are no other Pokémon in this cave, but there are a lot of Guniuniu living there.

It seems to be a Pokémon that was attracted by the blasting noise made during construction in the past few months.


This reminded Xiaozhi of Hijana's Goonuniu, which seemed to be a Pokémon that used sound to fight.

However, seeing a group of Gouniu girls snoozing comfortably, the three of them didn't try to catch them, but chose to tiptoe quickly through the cave.

This is a matryoshka Pokémon, frightening and screaming can give infinite positive feedback...

Walking out of the cave, a gentle breeze blew on the faces of the three of them.


Xiaozhi couldn't help taking a deep breath, only feeling that the air outside the cave was very fresh.

To the eye, it is even more green all over the ground, and the vegetation coverage is extremely high, which is very eye-catching.

Not far away, surrounded by a wild lawn, is a small town that doesn't look too big, and the head can be seen at a glance.

There are only Bailaihu households, which are even 1/2 smaller than Zhenxin Town.

Even the ground in the small town is soft lawn.

"Didi. Lusha Town, famous for its fresh air, is known as the most livable town in the Fangyuan area."

Arriving at the new map, the illustration book issued an automatic broadcast.

The three of them suddenly became curious, and hurried forward, officially entering this small town...


Clap! ! Clap! !

At this moment, in an empty square on the edge of the town, it seems that some kind of celebration is being held, and ribbon fireworks are constantly being sent into the air.

And in mid-air, there are still many flying Pokémon shapes, flying rapidly, doing all kinds of fancy flying stunts.

Especially on the elevated elevated roads that can be seen everywhere here, the top line has bifurcated hook angles.


And these flying Pokémon are holding a small ring in the corner of their mouths. When flying, they finally put the ring firmly into the hook corners, making a crisp sound.

"This is...?"

The three of Xiaozhi showed curiosity. This looks like some kind of Pokémon movement?

There was even a dog fighting competition on Chimney Hill, and Xiao Zhi didn't think it was strange if there was any strange flying competition now.

"This is the Pokémon Circle Contest, which is held every year in Green Town."

At this time, a rather familiar voice suddenly came from behind.

The tone was soft and weak, which made the three of them subconsciously turn their heads.

When I caught my eyes, I saw a green-haired boy with a thin figure.

He was wearing light-colored long-sleeved trousers, but the clothes looked roomy and baggy.

On the shoulder, there is also a chubby blue bird, with snow-white cotton-like wings folded on both sides.

"Isn't this full?!"

Xiaozhi said in surprise that he recognized the boy who had met once in Chenghua City that day.

The latter even made a bet with his parents whether he could go out on a trip with his own strength alone... However, the latter's energetic appearance seemed to be nothing to worry about.

"Hehe, long time no see you three."

Manchu smiled gently and greeted the three of them.


The blue cotton bird on the shoulder took off, circled for a week and landed on the top of Man Chong's head.

He had already completed the mission and successfully reached Greenshade Town within a month.

It's just because of the Pokémon Circle that will be held in the local area soon, Manchu wants to participate once, so he stays in this small town for the time being.

"But I've already collected three badges!"

Manchu proudly showed Xiaozhi his own badge, which was of the same type as Xiaozhi, except that the badges of Chenghua gymnasium and martial arts gymnasium were missing.

Although he waited for a long time in Lusha Town, Manchu simply used this city base camp to challenge the three surrounding gymnasiums together.

Such a day of travel and adventure as a trainer, a few months ago, Man Chong could hardly have imagined.

"Oh, then we will be opponents in the upcoming Caiyou Conference!"

Xiaozhi said without hesitation.


Hearing the words, Manchu blushed and became nervous.

After that, he tried his best to keep himself calm, and looked at Xiaozhi seriously, showing high fighting spirit.

"Yes, we are opponents!"

But now he only has three badges, and after the ring competition is over, he must start conquering the gymnasium without stopping, otherwise he may not even qualify for the alliance conference...


Manchu took the three of them to the local elf center, and introduced the Pokémon Ring Contest to several people.

"It's a coincidence that you are here. The ring competition will be held tomorrow. The participating Pokémon are not limited to flying Pokémon, as long as they can fly smoothly."

Pokémon similar to the three-in-one magnet monster can be played.

If there is a three-in-one magnet monster with steel + electric attributes, it will indeed be the most difficult existence in the audience.

"As for the rules, it is very simple. When the game starts, a hot air balloon with a ring will rise in the sky, and the contestant's Pokémon will compete for that ring in the air, and then throw it into a specific elevated hook Go up, even if you win."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi immediately became interested, which meant that he could have an air battle with other Pokémon!

His Proud Swallow can fight well!

"It's not that simple. In the outskirts of Greenshade Town, strong air currents will blow up from time to time, affecting the movements of flying Pokémon..."

Explaining seriously, he can be regarded as half a person from Lusha Town.

These airflows are naturally formed and irregular...only a few seconds in advance can be predicted through subtle details.

Especially at this time of year, the frequency and intensity of random air currents are the highest.

That's why Green Shady Town holds this kind of Pokémon Ring Contest every year at this time.

"Is there still such a saying?"

Xiaozhi nodded repeatedly, and then looked at the other two beside him.

"How about Xiaolan, Xiaogang, do you want to participate too?"

Xiao Gang refused without even thinking about it.

"My crossbat didn't bring anything, and now it's covered with floor-flow Pokémon."

And as far as he knows, the occupation with the highest proportion in Greenshade Town is not a trainer... but a breeder.

It's just a good time to communicate with the locals about the experience of cultivating Pokémon.

On the road just now, he has already seen several cultivator big sisters...

"A flying Pokémon?"

Xiaolan frowned slightly, her mind spinning for a while.

She is carrying a flying Pokémon with her now, so she is completely eligible for the competition.

But use the flame bird to participate in the Pokémon ring...

Is there a problem?

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