He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1083 Team Rocket Team Building!

The next day, the three of Xiaozhi and Man Chong met and came to the square on the outskirts of Luyin Town again.

At this moment, a wrap-around spectator seat has been set up here, and the spectators are taking their seats one after another.

Looking at the heated discussions around, it seems that the popularity of the ring contest is not low.

"Then everyone, please do your best~!"

Xiaogang gave some encouragement at the end, and after smelling the scent, he rushed into the crowd and disappeared.

The breeder big sisters around are really everywhere!

And the three of Xiaozhi arrived at the place where the contestants were seated smoothly, waiting for the start of the competition.

Last night, Xiaozhi and Xiaolan had completed the registration for the buzzer competition.

"Your long-winged gull can't do it. You haven't been taught a lesson yesterday, but you still have the guts to compete today~?"

But at this moment, a rather arrogant voice came from the waiting area.

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, and even felt that the voice was very familiar...

"Hmph! Yesterday was just a mistake. Today my long-winged gull will get back all the pocket money I lost yesterday!!"

The boy in shorts just said unwillingly.

Pokémon battles with pocket money as bets were the rule back in the day...now, it doesn't happen that often.

"Hmph, then today I'm going to win all your underpants~! Ahaha!!"

The man with blue hair like kelp laughed loudly with his hips akimbo.

He has a pretty handsome face, a white uniform, and a big purple "R" logo on his chest.


Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out.

The arrogant man was a member of Team Rocket's trio, and he even competed grandiosely without any disguise.

Kojiro: "!"

Xiaozhi's voice made Xiaojiro startled, and the wild laughter stopped abruptly.

Immediately, he looked around as if he was facing an enemy, as if he was afraid that a few Miss Junsha would pounce on him at any time.

It took a while for Kojiro to react.

Today he is here to compete seriously.

"Yeah, why am I panicking?"

That's bloody muscle memory!

Today, he neither steals nor robs, he is a pure and good citizen.

Not to mention that the Rockets were originally in the Fangyuan area, which was a neutral npc, and was not on Miss Junsha's blacklist.

"Little ghost? And little girl, do you two also want to participate?"

Kojiro's gaze suddenly became fierce, and he scanned the two people in front of him condescendingly.

He received a family-style aristocratic education since he was a child...one of which is the training of Pokémon rings.

In this field, Kojiro is full of confidence!

"Hmph, this time I will beat you upright!!"

After finishing speaking, Kojiro turned his head away arrogantly, ignoring Xiaozhi and the others.

Over the shoulder, there was a big colorful moth flying lightly, it didn't look very pleasing to the eye.

This is a Pokémon called Poison Mely, which is roughly equal to the Big Needle Bee in the Hoenen area.

Xiaozhi \u0026 Xiaolan: "?"

Why is this person so angry today?

It's just that they haven't seen the Rockets trio for a long time, and they came up to say hello.

Rounding off, it can be regarded as a person in a foreign country, and the fellow villagers meet the fellow villagers...

"By the way, where did Musashi and Meow Meow go?"

Xiaozhi looked around curiously.

I always feel that these three people did not snipe his Pikachu with high intensity, but instead... it seems that his Pikachu has begun to drop in price?

"Pickup, pickup..."

Pikachu nodded approvingly.


As for the moment, the other two members of the Rockets trio...

"Come, come, come~ This is the care center for flying Pokémon~!"

Among the specialty stores around the arena, a red-haired woman was yelling at the door of one of the rather humble storefronts.

On the small high platform in front of him, there is still a "long-winged gull".

It is to add a pair of white wings to Meow Meow, and a camouflage after wearing a beak mask.

Since the ring competition has not yet started, the traffic in the shopping street is not low.

"The next Pokémon ring, trainers can watch it with confidence~ As for the flying Pokémon, you can temporarily store it with us, and you can enjoy the best quality massage service for free~!"

Musashi said cheerfully, while Miaomiao fluttered her wings in cooperation.

When everyone heard that it was free, they immediately became interested.

The ring contest will be held for a day, which is just enough for the Pokémon to relax.

"Don't have the slightest burden, we are an official store here~ guaranteed~"

Musashi was still fanning the flames.

It's really official, the Rockets' official camouflage shop!

"Oh~ Even if it's not a flying Pokémon, you can keep it for free~"

Seeing that only flying Pokémon were delivered, Musashi said that she wanted them all.

Hmph, with the ring contest, I took the opportunity to collect the trainer's Pokémon outside...

When the game is halfway through, sell the bus directly!

The days after they came to the Fangyuan area were still too comfortable, and even Boss Sakagi didn't send any follow-up instructions.

Must be disappointed in them!

So this time, catch a lot of Pokémon, pack them all up and mail them back to Team Rocket headquarters!

Kojiro is fighting for his dream, and Musashi Meow is working hard on team building!

"Oh~ I'll leave my Proud Swallow to you!"

"My carp king is too!"

People around gave out their Pokémon and Poké Balls one after another.

The two of Musashi Meow and Miao are naturally Xiao He who can't agree with each other, and the guy behind him is helping to accept the Poké Ball...


As for the main arena, after a while, the ring competition has officially started.

The order of the competition is decided temporarily and randomly, and there is no such thing as a first-come, first-served basis.

Didi Didi...!!

On the big screen in the center of the arena, the four heads began to rotate and change rapidly.

There are not a lot of participants in the ring competition, so at the beginning, four people form a group, four enter one... After that, it is a 1v1 single-handed knockout match.


Soon, the screen was fixed, and the heads of four contestants appeared.

"Oh, I'm the first one?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he noticed his profile picture, which appeared in the upper right corner of the screen.

They waved hands with Xiaolan, and under the guidance of the staff, Xiaozhi and the other three boarded a hot air balloon.

The Pokémon fight at high altitude, and the trainers stand on their respective hot air balloons and command the battle at high altitude.


It wasn't until Xiaozhi and the three opponents were completely lifted into the air that a smaller hot air balloon began to rise slowly in the center of the arena, and finally rose to a height of 20 meters higher than the others, and then stopped driving. Hovering high in the air.

Below the hot air balloon, there is still a small ring.

"Is that the goal of this competition?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he threw the poke ball at the same time as the three people around him!


Aoguyan's small body appeared in the red light, flapping its wings flexibly, and was the first to rush to the high circle target!

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