He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1088 Copy Master

The knockout round of the first round came to the last round.

"Come on, Xiaolan!!"

Watching Xiaolan board the hot air balloon, Xiaozhi cheered loudly below.

It seems like it's been a long time since the peak duel between the two heroes of the new town. With Xiaolan's strength, it shouldn't be a big problem to reach the final.

But I don't know what she will send?

Flame bird?

Soon, the four hot air balloons lifted off vertically at the same time, reaching a height close to a hundred meters above the ground.

"Hmph, I didn't expect my uncle to appear at the end, what a disappointment!"

Kojiro was wearing the Rockets uniform, holding a thorny rose in his hand, sniffing lightly with an intoxicated expression...

Sao Bao's movements made the big screen close-ups focus on him alone.

"What does R mean?"

"It seems to be the Rockets over there in the Kanto area?"

"I heard it is a big organization with positive energy?"

The audience below talked a lot.

The Rockets don't have a very good reputation in the local area, but when they spread rumors outside the country, their image is surprisingly good.


While the four of them were waiting for the target ring hot air balloon to take off, Kojiro suddenly noticed a figure on the field below.

A meow is holding the small flag of the Rockets in both hands, and it keeps making regular movements.

This is the encrypted semaphore commonly used by the Rockets, and specific waving movements represent specific meanings.

Isn't this guy supposed to be in team building now?

Kojiro squinted his eyes, curiously observing Meow Meow's movements.

"The team building is over, and the things have been sent out, now hurry up and withdraw meow!"

There is still more than half of the competition, and now is the best time for them to evacuate.

This scene also made Kojiro anxious for an instant. Now all eyes are on him. It is the day when he becomes a flying attribute master. There is no such thing as a temporary exit.


Thinking of this, Kojiro also took out two small flags and started to move on the hot air balloon.

"You and Musashi are watching my performance below, and the automatic supporter used in the last gorgeous contest, turn up the volume for me!"

Hearing this, Miaomiao immediately became upset, and waved the flag in her hand again.

It's rare that today's team building went so smoothly, now we should leave this place of right and wrong, find a safe place, and celebrate with champagne. Instead of doing this ring contest...!

"Idiot, meow!! Hurry up, meow!!"

Seeing Miaomiao's dispirited look below, Kojiro also became anxious.

This time, he simply didn't make any flag language, and threw the two flags down, right on Meow Meow's forehead.

Immediately, he ignored the latter and focused entirely on the slowly rising hot air balloon in front of him.

"Damn it, this guy is hopeless, meow!"

Seeing this, Miaomiao could only return to have a round with Musashi.


High in the sky, the hot air balloon with the ring hanging on it had reached the top, and the players in the four directions also threw the poke balls at the same moment.

Kojiro's Pokémon is naturally the poisonous powder moth borrowed from Musashi, and his face is not so flattering.

The other two are armored birds shining with metallic silver light, looking very domineering.

And a proud swallow that is very common in the area.

As for Xiaolan...

"Please, little change~!"

This time she didn't send out the flame bird, it was too ostentatious.

In the red light, a ball of pink clay appeared, and it fell without wings.

Puff puff...!

In the process of falling, the figure of the figure squirmed and swelled continuously.


Ditto made a complete copy of the armored bird on the spot, and took off again while the steel wing flapped its wings.

Xiaolan aimed the copy target at the armored bird. The attribute combination of steel + bird held a strong advantage in this flying battle.

The three birds immediately chased towards the ring!


Aoguyan's speed is naturally the fastest, and her short and lean body is the first to hold the ring to her mouth.

"Armor bird, use metal claws!!"

However, just after taking the ring, the sharp claws shining with silver light on one side have already covered it.


This proud swallow fluttered its wings frantically, barely avoiding this attack in its extreme state.

"Armor bird, use metal claws!!"

Xiaolan Houfa preemptively opened the mouth and said.

However, it escaped the genuine armored bird... The metal claws of the pirated armored bird were equally strong, and even slashed at Aoguyan's body head-on.

The Proud Swallow let out a wail, was sent flying out, and the ring in its mouth also fell.

"Get the armored bird!"

"Get the armored bird!!"

Xiaolan and the male breeder commanded at the same time.

The two identical armored birds rushed towards the ring immediately, and there was not much difference in speed.

"Use metal claws!" "Use metal claws!!"

The two silver birds were in the air, their wings flashed white light again, and their sharp steel claws kept tearing towards each other.

Bang! ! Bang! !

Metal hit metal, and several blunt metal explosions erupted in midair, sparks flying everywhere.

Xiaolan, a Ditto monster, belongs to the 6V high-quality variety, and has been trained under Bilan's men.

The transformation of a normal Ditto can actually only display 5 layers of the original target's strength...but this one can display at least 8 layers.

"Then use the steel wings!!"

"Then use the steel wings!!"

The breeder of the armored bird: "?!"

Is this girl trying to imitate him on purpose? !

"Use the pecking drill!!"

"Use the pecking drill!!"

As soon as he changed the order, Xiaolan also changed on the spot, even at the same speed, and finished the lines almost at the same time as the other party.

The old master of copying, Xiaolan herself has also been trained by Bilan.

The exact same command can undoubtedly torture the will of the opponent's trainer.

When the opponent's will is worn down and a flaw appears... that is the best time for her to attack!

Bang bang! !

Bang bang! ! Bang bang! !

The sound of metal collisions from the armored bird caused the eardrums of the audience below to vibrate, and many people even started to plug their ears.

The armored bird whose whole body is made of steel, at this moment, the claws, wings, and beak of the bird have all turned into hard and sharp steel fronts, and they all attack the opponent.

For a moment, they were evenly matched in mid-air, and no one could do anything except bursts of metal explosions.


Seeing this, the Proud Swallow who had missed his hand cast a flash of lightning, and wanted to intervene again.

Whoosh! !

Whoosh! !

However, there was Metal Claw Double Attack, the two armored birds, real and fake, flew out of Aoguyan's petite body together.

The latter didn't even react at all, and his consciousness was completely blurred, unable to fall.

Ao Gu Yan lost the ability to fight.

The battle between steel birds is not something that a proud swallow can touch porcelain.

Not all proud swallows are Xiaozhi's birds.

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