He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1089 Kojiro vs Xiaozhi! !

After a civil war between the real and fake armored birds, it turned out that the fake armored birds were even better.

Bang bang! !

With one blow of the metal claw, the genuine armored bird was directly swept away, and the Diversified Monster successfully grabbed the ring.


This cultivator mentality has completely broken his defenses. He is not a professional combat trainer, and he is still far behind Xiaolan in Pokémon battles.

And the flapping of the Divers armor bird's wings is about to completely end the game.

"Hey, little girl, did you forget me~?"

However, at this time, a rather sinister voice sounded, and Xiao Lan suddenly came back to her senses.

By the way, there is another Kojiro? !

Just now she was completely hilarious and forgot about this person.

And the poisonous powder moth was carefully hidden on the hot air balloon. The colorful skin color and the hot air balloon skin behind it seemed to blend together, no one cared at all...

"Now, use phantom light!!"

Kojiro let out a loud shout.

The big speckled eyes of the poisonous powder moth immediately shot out a beam of colorful energy, hitting the Ditto monster head-on.

This is a move that has been ambushed for a long time. While repelling the Variety Monster, the ring also fell out.

"It's now!!"

The poisonous powder moth immediately flapped its wings, held the ring firmly, and then did not continue to talk to the other party, turned around and flew towards the target end position.

This is a ring contest, not a fighting contest...Heads are not important, the ring is the most important thing.

"Damn it... small change!!"

The Variety quickly chased it away, but unexpectedly, when the poisonous powder moth was flying, it would also emit eye-confusing powder along the way, hindering the movement of the armored bird.

Seeing that she couldn't catch up, Xiaolan could only choose to use long-range moves.

"Use Gale Storm!!"

The wings of the armored bird flapped, and a strong wind howled out immediately.

However, seeing this scene, Kojiro's eyes brightened.

"It's now, ride the violent wind!!"

The poisonous powder moth understood, and immediately stretched its wings to the maximum.

Hurrah! !

With the help of the strong wind blowing from the back, the flying speed was raised by a notch, and he was separated from the Variety Monster in an instant.

Behind the poisonous powder moth, there is a tailwind!

In exchange for taking a little damage from flying moves, the battle can end as quickly as possible.


Not only that, the poisonous powder moth reached the finish line very easily, and easily threw the ring into the hook angle, announcing the end of the game.

This time Kojiro slowly closed his eyes, sniffed the rose again, and signaled the surrounding cameras to quickly take a close-up of his face.

Xiaolan: "?"

Wait a minute, something doesn't seem right? !


And Ditto returned to its original appearance, landed on the railing of the hot air balloon in front of her, and sighed helplessly.

Xiaolan: "..."

She grabbed the shining talisman on the neckline again, didn't it mean that this thing can become more lucky! ?

She went out in the first round of the dogfight...

Now is the first round of the Bird Fighting Contest? !

In the end, Xiaolan rides the hot air balloon and descends slowly with a sense of loss.

Well, I will not participate in these flashy competitions in the future... Or the gorgeous competition is more suitable.

At least you can win.

"This guy, you did a good job meow..."

And in the stands below, Musashi and Miaomiao also showed amazement.

He completely controlled the situation and even killed that little girl!

Sure enough, today's Rockets, whether it's the two of them or Kojiro, is very lucky!

"That's right!! Kojiro is like this, just to be able to promote our big rocket team!!"

Musashi also noticed the screen at this moment and gave Kojiro a close-up shot, especially a big "R" on his chest.

After completing this vote, you can take the initiative to contact Boss Sakagi to receive the reward! !



The ring race is still going on.

In the next game, Xiao Zhi relied on King Yan to fight all the way, and easily reached the semi-finals.

The competition system at this moment has become 1v1 instead of four melee.

Relying on the evolved Tanabata blue bird and Kojiro relying on the poisonous powder moth, they both easily reached the semi-finals.

Clang~! !

The evolved Qixi blue bird was very powerful, and the wave of the dragon swept the audience, easily throwing the ring into the target hook, making Manchong the first to enter the final.

"Xiaozhi, then it's your turn...!"

It was the first time to walk so far, and now Man Chong even spoke with a strong sense of tension.

"Then leave it to me!"

Naturally, Xiaozhi boarded the hot air balloon, and seeing Kojiro not far away with a flirtatious face, his fighting spirit suddenly rose.

Although I don't know why today's Kojiro looks so brave...but don't even think about touching himself.

"Little devil...today I will let you see what a flying attribute master is!!"

Kojiro seemed very confident, and even planned to use today to avenge his shame.

"Come on, Kojiro~!!"

"You are the best!!"

"Long live Team Rocket~!"

Off the field, there were even jubilant shouts, and the public opinion even overwhelmingly favored Kojiro.

It's an auto responder! Miaomiao turned on the automatic support device!

Surrounding stereo sound, the audience will have the illusion that everyone around is cheering for Kojiro, and then assimilate themselves.

"Give me Kojiro!!"

Musashi is also cheering up his throat, maybe he can really blow the little devil's head today!

"Musashi, meow...I will wash him away!"

Knowing everything, Kojiro on the hot air balloon was very moved, and then looked at him firmly.

The strength of the poisonous powder moth is much inferior to that of the king swallow, so it must be outsmarted.


As the ring hot air balloon stopped rising, the two threw the poke ball at the same time.

Naturally, it is the king swallow and the poisonous powder moth.

"This game is about the ring, not the fight..."

Kojiro looked serious.

"Great Wang Yan, use Lightning Flash!!"

However, Xiaozhi ignored the ring and directly attacked.

It can be seen that Kojiro is a brother of the ring contest... If so, then he will forcefully change this ring contest into an air battle of flying Pokémon.

As for Pokémon battles, this is his absolute domain.

Whoosh! !

The evolved King Yan was extremely fast, and his figure turned into a black afterimage, which rushed the poisonous powder moth away in the blink of an eye.

"Use Yan Fan next!!" King Yan whirled around and rushed forward again.

"Use the reflective wall!!"

Kojiro didn't dare to be careless, and quickly defended.

The sharp swallow pierced through the reflecting wall, but its own power also dropped a lot. Although it hit the poisonous powder moth, there was no winner.

"Now, use the poison!!"

Kojiro's eyes turned cold, and he commanded.

Hmph, in this battle, he will definitely lose in a head-on battle...then it must be dragged on.

Although the poisonous powder moth is ugly in appearance, it has mastered a lot of super power attributes and poison attribute moves, which can torture the latter.

Puff puff...!

Purple poisoned bubbles appeared on Da Wang Yan's body.

However, the next moment, Xiaozhi's expression was as if he was looking at a fool.

The ferocious attack boosted the red light, which soared on Da Wang Yan's body, even covering the poisoned purple light.

The characteristic of Da Wangyan has changed into perseverance... If poisoned, the attack power will be greatly increased.

Kojiro \u0026 Poison Powder Moth: "?"

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