He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1090 Xiaozhi vs Manchu! (superior)

"Shadow Clone!!"

In an instant, the entire arena was covered by the figure of King Yan, and the poisonous powder moth was surrounded by a black mass.

At this moment, Kojiro has faintly felt a bad but familiar premonition...

Often once this premonition appears, Pikachu's 100,000 volts will follow within the next minute.

"Poison powder moth, use fantasy light!!"

Kojiro was still trying to resist.

The eyes of the poisonous powder moth swelled with light, and the aroused wave of thought power roared out, smashing one of the shadows of the king swallow.

Sizzling! !

Immediately, he flicked his head, and the explosive energy of the phantom light swept away a large area of ​​Da Wang Yan.

However, for the shadow clone that is almost full of the screen, it is only shattered by 1/10.

After completing the evolution, King Yan, the effect of the shadow clone is really powerful at this moment.

And Xiaozhi just pressed his hat, showing a familiar look.

As expected of the Rockets, this smell is so right!

"Use Yan Fan to get rid of it!!"

The next moment, the full-screen King Swallow's wings turned into a sharp arrow and shot towards it. The beak at the front was covered with sharp white light, as if even the air had been pierced.

The poisonous powder moth still wants to use the phantom light to resist, but under the addition of the characteristics of high toxicity + perseverance, at this moment, Da Wang Yan's power has also reached its peak.

Whoosh! !

The colorful rays of thought power were smashed apart.

In the end, Wang Yan's sharp impact hit the poisonous powder moth's abdomen head-on, causing a burst of explosive black smoke in the air.

The effect is outstanding! !


Da Wangyan uttered a loud cry, and the figure that broke through the smoke flew high again, with a domineering posture.


On the other side, the poisonous powder moth just fell vertically from the black smoke, obviously unable to fight anymore.

"Poisonous powder moth..."

Kojiro's expression changed suddenly, as if the sky had suddenly fallen.

He could only stare blankly at the handsome King Yan, who easily picked up the ring and reached the finish line unstopped.

"My dream of being a master of flying attributes is here..."

Kojiro sighed, a childhood dream was just broken.

Musashi and Miaomiao, who were watching the battle below, looked at each other, as if they were facing an enemy.


run now!

Sure enough, this little devil is still their nemesis!

With Kojiro's ability, without this guy, he would have won the championship no matter what!

"Before we are sure, we must not run into meow with this child..."

Meow Meow said seriously.

"Indeed, if you find a chance in the future, you must rob this kid!"

Musashi echoed, and the two quickly and quietly left the auditorium, disappearing.

Today, it is not appropriate to confront each other.


Successfully advanced to the final, Wang Yan, who returned from victory, hovered in the air for a while, and finally landed on the basket under the hot air balloon.

With its current size, it could no longer stand on Xiaozhi's shoulders.

When one person and one bird landed, Man Chong had already been waiting beside him.

Not only that, the Qixi blue bird beside him has also been released, staring at Da Wang Yan full of fighting spirit.

"Next is our match, Xiaozhi!"

"I won't lose!"

Xiaozhi also looked at the latter with high spirits.

I thought it was just a novice trainer I met by chance on the side of the road, but I didn't expect that he was not an ordinary person, and his combat power had improved so much in a short period of time.

"Isn't there an old grandfather here?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help muttering secretly.

After all, there are three grandpas in the Kanto area and Chengdu area...

Now in the Fangyuan area, only Yushu and Xiaoyao are very suspicious, and they haven't seen any third parties.

Maybe this guy in front of him is the third grandfather?

"never mind."

Soon Xiaozhi shook his head, no matter if it was a grandpa or a grandma, he didn't intend to give up in the next finals!




Xiaozhi and the fully charged hot air balloon have climbed to the top. Similarly, the target ring hot air balloon has also hovered high in the sky.

The two confronted each other tightly, colliding with each other for a long time before throwing the poke ball together.

boom! boom!

The King Swallow and the Tanabata blue bird that appeared high in the sky belong to the category of raptors, unlike the birds pecking each other in the previous show.

"It's recovering well..."

Looking at the Tanabata blue bird, Xiaozhi nodded.

Unlike his King Yan who crushed violently all the way, every battle of Qixi Blue Bird is more troublesome, and the accumulated damage is not light.

There is no elf center here to replenish mana on the spot, only the emergency medicine prepared by the trainer himself.

"Didi. The characteristics of the Tanabata blue bird, natural recovery, when the poke ball is retracted and played, the abnormal state will be restored, and the physical strength will also be restored a lot."

The illustrated book automatically broadcasts the report.

Coupled with the move of Yuqi, rounded up, it can be regarded as a small perpetual motion machine.

And the two birds that appeared on the stage were not in a hurry to chase the target ring.

They are all trainers, not ring contest enthusiasts. Now that they are facing each other, they naturally want to use fighting to really decide the outcome.

"Preemptive attack, Tanabata blue bird, use white mist!!"

Manchu glanced at him, and it was rare to be the first to launch an attack. "Aww~~!!"

After the Tanabata blue bird flapped its cotton-like wings and uttered a pleasant chirp, a large cloud of thick white smoke was sprayed out, overwhelming the king swallow.


However, Da Wang Yan only raised one wing, and a strange white light lingered on the top and bottom of the black and white wings.

It is not as strong and thick as the flapping of wings, and the energy is even quite weak, with a healing and refreshing breath...


However, when the wings swung down, Da Wang Yan easily split the white mist, as if the latter had never appeared.

Clear the fog!

After all, Da Wang Yan is a bird who has studied with his big brother Dabi Bird for a period of time.

Although it doesn't have the talent to be a tool bird, it can't master moves like the tide spin that birds can't practice...

But the tool move of clearing the dense fog was copied by the way.

"Then, let's use Thor's armor directly!!"

Xiaozhi waved his thumb and suddenly took the initiative to attack.


Da Wang Yan even tensed her body in the sky, arching her back.

Zizizi! !

The crackling electric current began to flow through Da Wang Yan's body, and finally covered the whole body, as if Pikachu was about to activate a hundred thousand volts.

But in the end, the ball of electric current did not come out of the body, but condensed and condensed back, turning into a dark gold armor shining with dazzling light!

Thor Armor!

For a moment, Da Wang Yan's aura climbed to the top!

"It appeared again!"

"Golden King Yan!"

"It's as if it's fried!"

The reappearance of this weird scene caused an uproar from the audience below.

Many people even blindly guessed that this King Yan was probably struck by some kind of lightning when he was still an elf egg, and that's why he has such an affinity for electric attributes...?

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