He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1091 Xiaozhi vs Manchu! (Down)

"Next, use Yan Fan!!"

Xiao Zhi commanded, attack in two stages.

Thor's armor, right? This is not a direct attack move, but a physical move with the effect of the power-up attribute attached.

Sizzling! !

The Golden King Yan fluttered his wings and rushed out. This time, his own speed increased a lot, and he turned into a golden arrow in the air.

In the sound of breaking through the air, there is also the sound of electric current bursting, which is really penetrating.

"Is it finally here? This move...!"

The eyes of the full-feathered Tanabata blue bird were filled with strong fear.

Although the Tanabata blue bird has a bonus of the dragon attribute, and the electric attribute moves are only double the effect, but this kind of offensive...

Anyway, try this trick first.

"Qixi blue bird, use cotton to defend!!"

The Qixi blue bird landed on the ground, and quickly swelled the cotton on its body several times, turning its whole body into a cotton ball.

rub rub rub! !

The red light keeps appearing, and the defense of the Tanabata blue bird has been greatly improved!

In Pokémon, moves that can achieve a huge increase in ability are not uncommon. Basically, they are special moves that need to use the unique structural organs of the body to launch, and not all Pokémon can master.

Puff! !

Yan Hui, who had an electric attribute bonus, plunged into the cotton defense.

The impact force was added to the maximum, and half of King Yanda's body sank into it.

However, in the end, the power still came to an end, and with a sound of "duang", Da Wang Yan was actually thrown out.

This scene is the same as the fast dragon that appeared at the beginning.

"Damn, is it even close?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, secretly feeling sorry.

It's not that Wang Yan's strength is weak, it's that the defense power of this Tanabata blue bird is outrageous!

"It's now, use the wave of the dragon!!"

Taking advantage of Wang Yan's distraction, the Qixi blue bird suddenly poked its head out from a ball of cotton, and spit out a ball of purple dragon energy from its mouth, roaring out.

Rumble! !

Caught off guard, Da Wang Yan had no time to dodge, and the wave of the dragon directly exploded on its body!

It's just that after the smoke cleared, Da Wang Yan didn't suffer any serious injuries, and looked at her body with lingering fear.

"Huh, fortunately."

This also made Xiaozhi heave a sigh of relief. The Thor armor on the surface can passively reduce damage and resist attacks.

However, this attack and defense made the color of the golden armor on the surface of Da Wang Yan a lot lighter.

"Is it only effective for three rounds...?"

Xiaozhi secretly estimated.

But now I have just mastered this trick, and I should be able to continue to improve and increase the number of rounds in the future.

Or it's okay to let Pikachu and Dian Shenzhu, electrotherapy...?

However, the full attack has struck again.

"Use Freezing Light!!"

Xiaozhi didn't have time to think about this guy, whether he temporarily used the move learning machine of freezing light, and quickly instructed Wang Yan to use the shadow clone to dodge.

Sizzling! !

The strong ice-blue electric current wiped away more than half of the shadow of Da Wang Yan in an instant.

However, the rest of the Great King Yan were all covered with thunder light, and launched the swallow back to charge again, making people completely unaware of where they really were.

"In that case, use cotton to defend!!"

Man Chong simply became a tortoise and defended in all directions.

Puff~! !

The white cotton around the Tanabata blue bird's body swelled again, completely hiding its body, and remained motionless on the ground like a mountain.


However, this time Da Wang Yan did not continue to plunge in, but circled around the latter for a few times, and then slowly landed beside the Qixi blue bird.

Whoosh pound! !

Then he hit the bird's claw and kicked, directly kicking the whole big cotton ball into the air.

Shooting down is shooting someone down from the air...then this trick should be called knocking into the air!


Manchu's face changed, he didn't know that he could still fight like this.

You must know that when the Tanabata blue bird uses cotton to defend, the body hidden in the cotton is tightly hugged...

However, at this moment, he was kicked into the air. If he continued to hug his body, it would mean that he would fall vertically.


The Tanabata blue bird hastily spread its cotton wings to maintain its flight, but this also allowed it to release the cotton's defense at the same time.

Just as he poked his head out, a dazzling golden light came from the corner of his eyes, and electric currents crackled in his ears.

Da Wang Yan took advantage of the last bit of power left by Thor's armor bar, and launched the strongest Yan Fan!

Boom! !

The lightning and the impact exploded, bombarding the body of the Tanabata blue bird without hindrance, sending the latter flying dozens of meters away in an instant.

This is already a special version of Crazy Volt!


When the Qixi blue bird stopped and retreated, electric currents appeared on the surface of its body.

Tanabata blue bird has entered a state of paralysis!


After this blow, Da Wangyan restored the original classic color scheme.


Such a fierce battle not only caused the blood of the audience below to swell, but the fullness on one side almost caused a relapse of respiratory disease. It was necessary to hold on to the railing of the hot air balloon to stand and support.

"Sure enough, Xiao Zhi and Da Wang Yan are so strong...!"

This kind of offensive made him breathless... But this kind of battle also completely brightened Man Chong's eyes.

The life of constantly fighting with the strong to become stronger is what he really pursues!

"Qixi blue bird, use the power of the moon!!"

Manchu roared loudly, his handsome face even looked a little ferocious at the moment.

This is especially true for close-ups on the big screen.

"Full, you..."

At the moment, a gentle woman with the same green hair was sitting at the foot of the spectating seats under the stage, looking at the close-up picture on the screen, she was already speechless in astonishment.

She is the cousin who is full of green towns.

All along, my cousin has been a weak and sick child, but now he can burst out with such passion...?

This made her tearfully moved for a moment, secretly thinking that her younger brother had finally grown up.

"Beautiful lady, please don't cry~"

At some point, Xiao Gang had already come to the side of the woman, gently wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"In this case, let's add a friend first. The above two are my friends. I can take you to find them for autographs later."

Xiao showed her white teeth, and confidently pointed her QR code at her.

He thought that this tearful woman was Xiao Zhi or Man Chong's match mother fan.


Who are you?

As for the arena, watching a pink energy bomb take shape, Xiao Zhi was also not to be outdone.

"Use air to chop!"

When Da Wangyan flapped its wings, sharp blue and white blades whizzed out!

Boom! !

In the end, in mid-air, it collided with the power of the moon and exploded, exaggerated smoke filled the air...




In the end, Xiaozhi and Dawang Yan surpassed each other and successfully defeated Man Chong and Qixi Blue Bird.

The battle process can be omitted.

As for the prizes of the ring competition, it is still the same as the dog food in the dog fighting competition, which is a year of bird feed.

Xiaozhi naturally distributed it to all the contestants again, and countless birds who had just finished the battle just ate their fill.

Of course, there is also the title of honorary champion of the ring competition, which is not a big name.

"Xiaozhi, at the Caiyou Conference, I will completely decide the winner with you!"

Man Chong issued a formal challenge to Xiaozhi, and left the scene in a hurry after speaking.

After all, the current him still lacks a lot of badges, and the next journey can't stop and go...

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