He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1099 Xiaomao, the future is limitless

Without stopping on this long and narrow stream and valley road, the three of Xiaozhi continued to go north.

According to the map, Yinyu City, where the sixth gymnasium is located, is not far away.

But in the middle, there is a special institution - the Weather Research Institute.

At the end of this canyon, on a flat highland, a rather luxurious building also appeared in front of Xiaozhi and the others.

This is a small two-story villa, and there is a signboard of the Weather Research Institute above the door.

"Didi. Weather Research Institute, this is a place that specializes in the study of weather changes in the Fangyuan area. It is said that black technology is still being developed secretly, trying to artificially manipulate the weather..."

Came to a new place, Xiaozhi's illustration book automatically introduced.

This made Xiaolan next to her couldn't help tapping her illustration book.

Why doesn't her illustrated book have such fancy functions? !

However, before the illustrated book finished speaking, a burst of angry voice suddenly came from the side.

"Where is this strange information? Our weather research institute is a very good citizen!"

A middle-aged uncle in a researcher's white coat came over, with a serious face with Chinese characters, but a somewhat weird expression.

The tone of this illustrated book is outrageous, almost calling their Weather Research Institute some kind of evil organization.

But literally...he couldn't refute anything.

Seeing the gazes of "Are you?" from the three of Xiaozhi, the researcher uncle coughed dryly and introduced himself:

"Well, I'm the director of the Weather Research Institute!"

As he said, he did not forget to establish a positive external image for his research institute.

"The task of our research institute is to actively develop weather forecasting and broadcasting for the public, disaster climate warning and other things... As for man-made weather manipulation, this kind of thing will only be carried out when extreme weather occurs in a certain place, such as drought and floods .”

It is a positive energy organization that is convenient and beneficial to the people!

Xiaozhi also noticed a gray-white Pokémon floating on the director's shoulder.


Like a bubble, on the big head, there is a bunch of curly hair like hair.

"Hey. Floating Bubble, the weather Pokémon, has the special ability to change its body shape as the weather changes."

This time, Xiaolan's illustrated book was broadcast first.

"Changing appearance according to the weather?"

Xiaozhi showed a surprised look, this was the first time he had heard of such a statement.

After noticing that the director uncle was still watching them, the three of them hurriedly greeted each other while sitting upright.

"I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town..."

"I'm Xiaolan from Zhenxin Town..."


"Really new town?!"

However, after hearing the words Zhenxin Town, the director's uncle's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Then you should know Xiaomao from Zhenxin Town, right?"

"Xiao Mao?"

"Old and mature."

Xiaozhi and Xiaolan looked at each other and replied casually.

In this way, when we parted ways with Xiaomao, the latter came from the Fangyuan area.

It seems that the destination is the weather research institute? !

Xiaozhi subconsciously looked at the building in front of him, meaning that guy is inside now?

I haven't seen Xiaomao for so long, although Xiaozhi almost forgot about this person along the way...

But at this moment when it was brought up again, there was a slight feeling in my heart that I was eager to see each other.

"Oh, Xiao Mao is no longer here."

The director saw Xiaozhi's movements and said with a smile.

Seeing the dusty appearance of a few people, he led them to the research institute.


The light floating bubble followed up and down, and its brisk appearance attracted the attention.

"Xiao Mao, he is definitely the smartest boy I have ever met, and his future is limitless!"

Along the way, the director did not hesitate to praise Xiaomao.

"It can only be said that he is the grandson of Dr. Oki. Whether it is vision, knowledge reserve, or even courage, let alone peers, even researchers in their 30s and 40s may not be as good as him..."

The three people following behind heard the words of praise, and the corners of the mouths of Xiaozhi and Xiaolan also rose slightly without a trace.

I don't know why, but as long as I think of this guy's appearance in my mind, it makes people quite irritable.

But at this moment, hearing outsiders praise Xiaomao greatly, this feeling seems to be...

As if you are praising yourself?


Enter the interior of the Weather Research Institute, the lobby rest area on the first floor.

The front desk staff gave each of Xiaozhi a cup of hot tea. After all, the environment in this area is quite humid and cold, and there is nothing more comfortable than a cup of hot tea.


Drinking half a cup, sitting on the soft sofa, all three of them took a long breath.

Xiaozhi then continued to ask:

"So Xiaomao's house... my best friend, where is it now?"

Now that we're all here, we should meet each other.

Just let this guy see how powerful he is now!

It seems that these days of separation, Xiaomao's career as a researcher is in full swing...

But Xiaozhi is more concerned about the latter's Pokémon fighting level.

I don't know if I can still compete with myself now...?

Better fight on the spot!

"Xiao Mao has already gone to the Hezhong area with the team."

The director also held a cup of hot tea in his hand, and explained:

"It is estimated that you also know that our weather research institute recently launched an emergency activity..."

"Oh, I know this, it's the plan to lure Gulardo back to the Fangyuan area, right?"

Xiao Gang hurriedly replied.

Hearing that the director raised his eyebrows, the word seduce is somewhat inappropriate...

But that's probably what it means.

He nodded, his original smiling expression froze, showing a little more helplessness.

"Presumably you have come all the way, and you have already felt that there is a problem with the weather in the east of the Fangyuan area?"

The three nodded. They just experienced the strange sea yesterday.

Rainy days, sunny days directly cut them numb.

For weather research institutes that specialize in weather research, this phenomenon has undoubtedly become their most important research topic.

"However, this level is only the beginning... If this matter is not resolved, this phenomenon of rapidly changing weather is estimated to cover the entire Fangyuan area, and even the frequency and intensity will be even higher."

The current fast switching is just inconvenient, and it is not at the level of a disaster.

Even in the eyes of many people, they thought it was some kind of funny special phenomenon.

But if it's a giant thunderstorm, switching between drought and scorching sun... just thinking about it, the director of the Weather Research Institute feels a little bit numb.

"And there is only one reason for all of this..."


Xiaozhi quickly replied.

Gulardo, like his coal ghost, has the characteristic of having a sunny day when it comes out.

But the former is an existence at the level of an ancient god, and its own ability is enough to change the weather changes in the entire region.

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