He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1100 Vermilion Orb

But at this moment, such an ancient god who can influence the entire region is shopping in other places?

No matter how powerful Gulardo is, it is impossible to affect the climate of the Fangyuan area across thousands of miles of sea, right?

"In fact, our weather research institute has always had a proposition..."

The director paused and looked forward.

"Legends say that Gulardo and Gaioka are the gods who created the earth and the sea... and after the creation is complete, the weather changes in the entire Hoenen region are coordinated by the two ancient gods. "

The strength of the two ancient gods is evenly matched, and the ability to influence can be comprehensively coordinated, and they will live in peace.

But at this moment in the Fangyuan area, there is only one ancient god left, Gaioka.

It is surprising that the climate does not change.


Xiaozhi was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that there was the third person.

These days his focus is on Gulardo and Rift, forgetting that there is such a sea god.

Well, Lugia is the god of the sea in their Kanto and Johto regions... I don’t know if Kioka is also called the same god of the sea in this region?

"If this situation continues, the situation will only intensify, and eventually it will even become a catastrophe for the entire region."

The director's expression was extremely serious.

This word made the three of Xiaozhi look at each other.

Outrageous, another catastrophe!

Having said that, there are really enough catastrophes in the Fangyuan area. The above is a big meteorite that is about to fall... Now there is another weather catastrophe.


"So you've found a solution now?"

At this time, Xiao Gang suddenly asked.

After all, the Weather Research Institute had previously assembled a large group of experts from related industries to form a temporary special operations team.

The purpose of Xiaomao coming to Fangyuan area is to join this group.

At this moment, Xiaomao is no longer here...It proves that there is probably an actual plan here, and it has officially begun to be implemented.

Or there is no countermeasure, they all disband and go home...

"Little friend guessed right, we did come to a decision."

The director's tense face relaxed, and finally put on a smile.

But again not quite laughing.

"This kind of weather disaster is related to the two ancient gods, so the solution is nothing less than these two."

The director held up two fingers.

"Either, weaken Kyoka's power...or find Gulardo."

They don't plan to use some black-tech machines to artificially manipulate and change the weather, which will not solve the problem at all.

In the face of the power of the ancient gods, human technology is still much weaker.

"Weaken Gaioka?!"

The three of them were shocked, but they didn't expect to have such a saying.

"Hehe...Of course, this road is just talking, after all, we don't even know the location of Gaioka now."

The director laughed awkwardly.

If Gulardo hadn't appeared in the public eye this time, everyone's understanding of the ancient gods would only be purely literal legends.

"So you still want to lure Gulardo back?"

Xiaozhi hugged his chest and blurted out, and returned to the very beginning after going around for a long time.

But how to seduce is also a problem.

But there is one most important question...

"Why did Gulardo get lost?!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help but blurted out and asked.

Obviously, as a wise ancient god, when he was in the Orange Islands, Xiaozhi and Gulardo looked at each other a hundred meters away.

The will of God released by the former means that he has enough brains to think...

But still lost?

"Gods have their own unique magnetic fields in their bodies, generally speaking, it is impossible to get lost..."

The director nodded and explained.

With the unique induction of the magnetic field in the body, it is impossible for Gulardo to miss his hometown even with his eyes closed.

Still getting lost under this premise...then it can only be caused by human beings.

"After many days of research, we suspect that someone deliberately led Gulardo to the Hezhong area!"

The director's astonishing words made the three of Xiaozhi stand up one after another, with surprised expressions on their faces.

In other words, Gulardo was not lost without thinking, but was "lost on purpose"?

"How is it possible? Is there any special means to do this?"

"This is it..."

The director took out his mobile phone, and on the screen was an ancient mural about Gulardo.

In the mural, the position next to Gulardo and the existence of this bead are specially marked.

"We named it the Vermilion Orb... In many records about Gulardo, this bead appears, and it must have an extremely close connection with Gulardo."

According to their guess, there are three factors that can guide Gulardo's actual actions.

First, one's own will, that is, the brain.

Second, the special magnetic field induction in the body.

The third... is this scarlet orb.

"During this year, someone must have brought this vermilion orb to all parts of the world... This also caused Gulardo to follow behind, and it showed that he was walking randomly in the seas of the whole world, as if It's like getting lost."

The director said with serious eyes.

"Gulardo, gods like Gaioka don't like to think...they prefer to act according to the instinct of the body."

So even though I know that the Fangyuan area is in front of me, but the vermilion bead that guides my way home is in another place, comparing the two...

Gulardo resolutely chose the latter.

The three of Xiaozhi: "..."

It sounds like you're out of your mind, right?

I have already seen that it is pouring rain outside, but the weather forecast on the phone says it is sunny now, so you go out without an umbrella?

Isn't this short-sighted?

If this is the case, then everything makes sense.

So the key now is who is behind the scenes?

"A member of the Ocean team?"

Xiao Gang blurted out.

After all, taking Gulardo to go shopping outside, leaving only the Kaioka they believe in in the Fangyuan area... These people have a lot of motives for committing crimes.


"Heh heh heh~ Did you hear someone slandering our great ocean team as soon as you came in!?"

At this time, a rather fierce voice suddenly came from the gate of the Weather Research Institute.

Da da da...!

Then there was a burst of chaotic footsteps, causing Xiaozhi and his party to poke their heads over.

But I saw seven or eight members of the Ocean Team walking in, all wearing tight blue uniforms.

The leader is that muscular, dark-skinned man, the leader of the Ocean Team—Shui Wutong!

As soon as he came in, he looked at Xiao Gang first.

"Boy, how about it, if you join our ocean team, I can spare your slander just now!"

Shui Wutong let out a low drink, and fixed his eyes on Xiao Gang.

He took a fancy to Xiaogang's complexion and thought that the latter should be a member of the Ocean team by nature.

Xiao Gang: "..."

He couldn't help but take a few steps back... No appointment.

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