He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1111 Grass Dragon God

However, before Xiaozhi recovered, Naqi launched an attack again.

"Destroy the dead light!!"

The orange destructive beam struck again, piercing through everything!

"Use shadow clone!!"

Xiaozhi shivered, and quickly commanded.

Da Wang Yan imitated the example, and quickly turned her figure into countless shadows, trying to confuse and dodge.

Whoosh boom boom! !

However, this flashing King Yan twisted its head... This caused the thick beam of destructive death light to move along with it, sweeping away a large area, and instantly cleared 2/3 of the shadow clones.

"Now, use Brave Bird to attack!!"

Seeing that the attack that destroyed the death light dispersed, Xiao Zhi quickly instructed.

The remaining 1/3 of the shadows merged into one in an instant, and Da Wangyan turned into a big blue fireball again and blasted out!

Although it has the Thunder God Armor with restraint attributes... But for Wang Yan, who is not yet proficient in this move, he can basically only use it once in a battle.

However, just when the brave birds attacking all the way were about to hit the target, Na Qi's big Wang Yan's eyes suddenly became clear.

"Frozen again?!"

Xiaozhi was startled, this time the stalemate was shorter than last time? !

Whoosh! !

Yan Fan launched again, and the brave bird's onslaught only pierced through an afterimage.

However, this flashing King Yan didn't continue to use Yan Fan...just used Yan Fan's moves to perform a dodging movement of a swallow.

whoosh whoosh...!

Immediately afterwards, the whole body was covered with a layer of spiral energy...

"Use Ultimate Shock!!"

Today's Na Qi, making a move is a big move, and she doesn't hold back at all!

"Then let's continue to use Brave Birds to attack!!"

Xiaozhi also commanded.

Due to the failure of the move, Da Wang Yan's brave bird attacking move did not dissipate at this moment, and he still maintained the posture of a big blue fireball.

After circling in the air, it also charged towards the target!

Boom boom boom! !

The brave bird's onslaught collided with the ultimate impact again, and the power of the energy collision was even more violent than the first time.

The strong wind and waves aroused crazily blow away in all directions.

Especially Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi who were on the closest high platform, the air flow kept blowing their clothes, but their eyes were fixed on the sky.

And with the move collision ended.


A big king swallow finally fell powerlessly from mid-air and landed heavily on the ground.

And the other big king swallow was in the air, flapping its wings reluctantly.


Seeing this, Xiaozhi clenched his fists and took a step back subconsciously.

Because the body of the big Wangyan in mid-air has a pale golden light.

Then on the ground...

"Da Wang Yan can't fight, so this match is Da Wang Yan's victory!"

The referee woman gave the final result.

Seeing Wang Yan whose eyes were dizzy on the ground, Xiaozhi sighed with emotion, but had no choice but to take it back.

"Thank you for your hard work, Great Wang Yan..."

It seems that Wang Yan has just evolved, although he has mastered powerful and weird moves, he is still no match for this old Wang Yan.

The woman on the opposite side probably was beaten to a desperate situation by herself in the first three games, but she didn't hold back at all in this game, she used all her strength.

This is definitely an extremely powerful gymnasium owner, so Xiaozhi must concentrate on the battle.


But looking at the panting flashing King Yan in the sky, it seemed that even maintaining flight became extremely difficult.

"Forget it, it's already quite remarkable to be able to beat the opponent to death."

Xiaozhi made a gesture to send out the third Pokémon to harvest the remaining blood of the opponent, King Yan.


"Come back, Great Wang Yan, enough is enough."

However, at this time, Na Qi suddenly took her Da Wang Yan back.

Xiaozhi choked, because for the gym owner, once the Pokémon is taken back, it means...

"Big Wang Yan chooses to surrender...Since Naqi's four Pokémon can't fight any more, Xiaozhi's player wins this Yin Yu gymnasium challenge!"

The referee was also stunned for a long time before speaking.

On the high platform, Na Qi also breathed a sigh of relief, grasping the railing in front of her with her palm, and exhaled a little.

The face that was originally full of fighting spirit has also returned to an approachable and gentle face.

Enough is enough.

Although he won the internal fight of Da Wang Yan, but with his current physical strength of this Da Wang Yan, it would be useless to fight any more.

"He's really an incredible trainer..."

Na Qi only felt that fighting Xiaozhi was like fighting an alliance king, and she couldn't relax in the slightest.

"Are all the current trainers so unreasonable?"

In my mind, I couldn't help but see the figures of the other two trainers, both of whom seemed to be newcomers who had just started traveling this year.


She feels that Mickley's position as the league champion may not last long...



"This is the proof of defeating Yinyu gymnasium, the white feather badge!"

Afterwards, Naqi handed a delicate white badge to Xiaozhi, like a small curved feather.

"The sixth badge, finally got it!"

Xiaozhi put it in his hand and breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the other party surrendered in the end, it gave him a feeling that he was still unsatisfied...

But this battle, it is true that there is no point in fighting it any longer.

"Have you got the sixth badge? Then you can go to the Green Ridge Gym in Green Ridge City...that is a city built on a small island."

Na Qi introduced with a smile, then lowered her tone, as if struggling with something.

Xiaozhi: "?"

This appearance gave Xiaozhi a very strong sense of déjà vu.

It seems that when he was still traveling in the city area, after every gymnastics challenge, the gymnasium owner always had this look...

"Well, that, my King Yan happens to be female... If you don't mind, can I breed it with your King Yan?"

Na Qi blushed and stammered.

She still couldn't say the word breeding.

But this time, Xiao Zhi readily agreed.

On one side is the shining King Yan, and on the other is the King Yan who has a strange talent for electricity... He is also curious about what kind of offspring will be born if these two King Yans are combined.

"Really?! Great!"

Na Qi took the elf ball from Da Wang Yan with a pleasant expression on her face.

"Then let's relax in Yinyu City these two days, it's a very livable city~!"

Holding two poke balls in her hands, Na Qi hurriedly went indoors to operate them.

They have their own healing devices inside the Yin Yu gymnasium, so they don't need to go to the elf center.

"As for what to pay attention to... as long as you don't provoke the local grass dragon god~!"

"Grass Dragon God?!"

Xiaozhi was taken aback, what kind of new ancient god is this?

Just when she was about to inquire, she saw that Na Qi had already rushed downstairs.

"Miss Naqi, I'll help you~!"

Xiao Gang followed immediately, and the two disappeared from everyone's sight within a short while, so Xiao Zhi could only stop asking.

"It should be Likongzao, I remember that Likongzao is called the dragon god, and his body is also grass green..."

Xiaolan next to him tried to explain.

Xiaozhi shrugged, probably Naqi just said casually, how could Likongzuo appear here casually...

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