He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1112: Changing Hidden Dragon Brothers!

The second day after Yinyu gymnasium ended.

The four of Xiaozhi didn't act together today.

Xiaogang is assisting Naqi, assisting in the breeding and mating of two big king swallows...

Perhaps a Proud Swallow that was born wearing a golden armor with a strong electrical attribute could be born.

And Xiaolan found the ugly fish caught in the Kanto region from the computer, and happily ran to a pond and started skating the fish.

"Hurry up and evolve~!"

She propped her chin up like this, lying on the shore, imagining the beautiful figure of Menus.

But how does the ugly ugly fish complete the evolution of the magnificent reversal... Now the official does not have an accurate evolution path.

It may be that some kind of props or certain conditions are needed, so Xiaolan can only choose the most reliable way.

"Master Dragon God, please let my ugly fish evolve immediately..."

Xiao Lan respectfully bowed three times towards the sky.

If you ask God a lot, you will naturally have God's blessing.

I heard what Naqi said about the Dragon God before, so the one in Yinyu City should believe in the Dragon God Lie Kongzuo, right?

Do as the Romans do when you come to the countryside, first borrow a god to worship.

As for Xiaozhi and Xiangta...

Route 120 to the east of Yinyu City is still a vast jungle field.

Due to the frequent rainfall, the height of the grass seedlings on the roadside is even higher than Xiao Zhi and the two, and there are a lot of wild Pokémon inhabiting them.

At the moment, the two are in a flat open space, doing special training.

"Xiaozhi! Your battle is really exciting!!"

Shota said with a look of admiration.

The battle in Yinyu gymnasium opened his eyes. Such a trainer can't be an ordinary person...

So Xiangtai took the time to check Xiaozhi's information.

The champion of the Silver Conference, the trainer of the Heavenly King, the owner of the ancient god Rogia...

The words of these titles directly scared Xiangtai into a cold sweat.

The age of newcomer trainers in the Hoen area is usually 11 years old, and Shota is at this age.

And Xiaozhi spent a year in the Kanto area and the Orange Islands, and half a year in the Johto area... Now he is 2 or 3 months away from turning 12.

In other words, the person in front of him is obviously only the same age as him, and the achievements he has made are beyond Shota's imagination.

Even on Xiaozhi's shoulder, this seemingly lazy electric mouse...is actually a 50-50 existence that can compete with the king of the alliance? !

"Hehe...it's not that powerful..."

Xiaozhi touched his neck and smiled awkwardly.

Although it feels good to listen to the flattery, but I still feel a little uncomfortable after listening to it too much.

This guy kept staring at him with fanatical eyes, as if he wanted to strip himself completely naked, carefully inspecting every inch of skin with a magnifying glass...

But Xiangta is also a little outrageous.

"Your Pokémon are all pretty, spirited..."

Xiaozhi said with a dry smile.

Shota's wooden Shougong, the baby dragon, the lazy man...these are all powerful beings in the future.


"Xiaozhi! Please, please tell me how you are so powerful!"

Xiangta bowed again, holding the note and pen in his hand, looking at Xiaozhi expectantly.

As a rare teacher, Xiao Zhi's expression became serious for the first time.

His expression sank, and his eyes became flat...

Xiaozhi is imitating Brother Chi's demeanor, which will make him speak more confidently.

"As a trainer, you must remain calm at all times... well, you must know everything about your Pokémon..."

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, the logic of Xiaozhi's speech became incoherent.


However, Xiangta just recorded one of the treasures in his notebook.

Seeing that this is fine, Xiao Zhi felt at ease, and started to introduce again.

"The battle must be flexible..."

"The trainer and Pokémon need to establish a bond..."

"Believe in the power of Pokémon..."

Xiaozhi threw out all the brains he could think of.

"Oh, Xiaozhi, tell me how to establish a bond with Pokémon?"

Xiangta raised his hand and asked, this was the first time he had heard such a statement.

"Establishing a bond... is to fight with Pokémon with a bang!"

This feeling can't be described in words, Xiao Zhi used sign language, making a gesture of explosion.

"Then connect them together with a 'bounce', and you can become stronger in a 'swish' in battle...!!"

Shota: "..."

Although he couldn't understand it at all, he still wrote down the onomatopoeia.

Maybe in the future, he and his Mu Shougong will also feel a "boom"...


One dared to teach, the other dared to learn, and the two were training with enthusiasm.


Suddenly, the grass next to the two suddenly made a shaking sound, which attracted their attention.


The next moment, an emerald green upright lizard jumped out.

It has a flat mouth, red stripes on its belly, and a long, slender tail that curves into a ball...

"Change into a hidden dragon?"

Xiaozhi was taken aback. If he remembered correctly, this should be a Pokémon inhabiting the Johto area.

Shota took out the illustration book and checked it curiously.

This is the first time he has met the hidden dragon.

"Drip. The hidden dragon, the color-changing Pokémon, can change the color and attributes of the body according to the surrounding environment and the things it touches, but the pattern on the abdomen will not change."

There is no fancy introduction to his illustrated book.

From the looks of it, it should be a wild Chameleon.

With a kind and friendly smile, this hidden dragon jumped up and down in front of Xiaozhi and the two of them.


Then he hooked his hand lightly and re-entered the grass, as if signaling for the two to follow, there was something good to introduce.

"?" "?"

Xiaozhi Xiangtai and the two looked at each other, not knowing what was going on.

But it happened that I was tired from the special training, so I simply took back my Pokémon, and followed this wild chameleon up.


It is quite difficult to walk here despite the dense grass taller than a person.

After walking tens of meters in a row, the height of the grass decreased a lot, and it returned to a flat open space.

Not only that, but at this moment, in this spacious open space, a huge red silk cloth was spread out, which was more than ten meters wide.

"This is...?!"


Xiaozhi and Xiangta exclaimed at the same time.

Because on this huge silk cloth, there are all kinds of weird things!

Heart scales such glowing fragments, scales, large golden beads...

Evolution stones of various attributes...

There are also colorful move record discs...

Xiaozhi even saw a few amber fossils, which were extremely precious.

Of course, most of them are berries, accounting for 60%... These dazzling props are all neatly placed on the silk cloth at this moment.



And in the center of the silk cloth, two hidden dragons looked at Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi happily.

One is the green hidden dragon who just took charge of leading the way...

The other one is a purple chameleon, which is quite strange.

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