He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1115: True Gods Fight!


Chi, who has been watching the battle, didn't say much, but quietly watched more and more hidden dragons around him.

Obviously, the aura of this group of guys is not very strong, but they were completely immune to Pikachu's power before, and even killed them instantly... It is more or less shocking.

"This group of hidden dragons is weird..."

The first time I encountered such a scene, even Chi also became very interested.

But for Chaomeng, who has not appeared for a long time, his behavior is simple and rude.


One word · God's will!

The loud roar reverberated in the heads of all the hidden chameleons in an instant!

God's will, this is the unique ability of gods... Especially when they don't want to speak, they will radiate their will, forcing the target to accept it, which has a strong sense of oppression.

With just this roll, most of the targets under the ancient gods could be knocked back.



However, the hidden chameleons around did not show the slightest intention of dodging timidly, but roared in a hurry.

"The robber is also so arrogant?!"

"Hurry up and give the money!!"

"Smelly robber's!"

Chaomeng can still understand the words of Pokémon.

One robber at a time, pointing at his nose and scolding him... Chaomeng has never been insulted like this.


Veins popped up on his forehead, and the dangerous blue light visible to the naked eye even covered the surface of his super cute body...


And that special purple chameleon jumped directly in front of Chaomeng, with a fierce expression.

The rules of the rivers and lakes, heads-up.


Chaomeng was completely irritated, his arm muscles were trembling, and he dared to challenge his noble self to one-on-one? !

He raised his palm, only the three ball-pointing palms were slightly closed.

Buzz buzz! !

The dangerous blue light thought power completely engulfed the hidden dragon in an instant, as if it wanted to squeeze the target into a meat ball...

"Master Chaomeng, don't kill people...!"

Xiaozhi quickly reminded him later.

Although this group of strange hidden dragons touched porcelain first, the murder was still a bit too late.

He has seen Chaomeng displaying its power. I am afraid that this heterochromatic chameleon will be directly squeezed into a ball...


Chaomeng didn't answer, but the power of thought was still mobilizing.

Now it's only 30% of his strength...

However, at the next moment, it seemed that the protective color feature was activated, turning this chameleon into a super power attribute.

Buzz buzz! !

Its body also burst out a barrier of thought power from within, blocking Chaomeng's terrible thought power from the outside.


Chaomeng was even more angry, and dared to play with his mind in front of him? !

Buzz buzz! !

The high-frequency vibrating sound became more intense, and the space around this hidden dragon became even more gravitational...

Chaomeng increased his strength to 50%...

Then sixty percent, seventy percent...

Eighty percent! !

Rumble! ! !

At this moment, the whole world began to tremble, and even the originally clear sky was covered by dark clouds, like the end of the world.

Everything around at this moment, in the eyes of Xiaozhi and Xiangta, has been put on the filter of darkness and shaking, making people creepy.

Fighting between gods and gods? !

Who would have thought that going out for a walk would directly lead to a war of this level? !

But even with 80% of Chaomeng's power, the hidden dragon still resisted steadily.

Even when frozen...

The body of the hidden dragon suddenly turned dark purple.

This instantly reduced the power of the surrounding thought power a lot, and the hidden dragon even broke free from the shackles of Kai Chaomeng's thought power.

The hidden dragon has transformed into an evil attribute.

"Changing color?! Impossible, isn't this a trick of the super power attribute?"

Xiaozhi blurted out in surprise.

At this moment, he even forgot how outrageous it was for Chaian Yinlong to block Chaomeng's attack, but instead considered the rationality of its characteristics.

"Didi. The second characteristic of the hidden dragon: it can change freely. When you launch a move, your own attributes will also change accordingly."

The picture book automatically prompts.

It is a machine and cannot perceive coercion.

One of the characteristics of the hidden dragon is to change attributes passively, and the other is to change attributes actively.

You must know that the evil attribute is completely immune to the super attribute... Of course, this is a rule that only exists on the premise that there is no great difference in power.

Once the power gap reaches the extreme, even the goblin attributes cannot be immune to the dragon's roar.

Even Chaomeng was stunned by the sudden change of the opponent.

Seizing this opportunity, Changing Yinlong took the initiative to jump up, and his body turned into a strange black light.

Whoosh! !

Then came a fist, which hit Chaomeng's face directly, leaving a clear fist mark.

The effect is outstanding! !

This move is a surprise attack, which can be regarded as the evil-type Yanhui move.


And being punched in a real way, there was a clear pain on the cheek, and Chaomeng's rage had climbed to the extreme.

As if at this moment, 100 volcanoes erupted at the same time, the monstrous ferocity changed the surrounding situation.

Under the rage, Chaomeng completely lost the previous reminder of "don't kill".

He wants to destroy everything! !

Whoosh! !

A highly condensed blue light energy bomb rose in the palm of his hand, and was even thrown out by him.

As soon as this move was performed, Xiaozhi's whole body was shaken.

He has already felt that the power this time is completely the sword of the cliff, the power of blasting in the air... even higher!

And after hitting this blow, Chaomeng regretted it instantly.

Ten percent! !

This is already a full-strength attack on the premise that he does not undergo mega evolution!

Under this energy bombardment, not to mention a hidden dragon, even a towering mountain can be directly crushed into powder.

With this move, not only the hidden dragon will melt, but even Yinyu City not far away will be reduced to ruins...

"Tsk...!" Chaomeng cursed in a low voice, as if he was about to use teleportation to move in front of the hidden dragon, and blocked his full strength move.

"It's okay, you don't need to block it."

However, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind, causing Chaomeng to stop.

This is Chi's voice.

Chi can't be wrong...but it also aroused Chaomeng's great desire to win.

He wanted to see for himself, how could this Hidden Dragon block his 100% attack? !

Boom... Boom!

And as the mental energy bombarded the purple Hidden Dragon completely, the scene of the big explosion that Xiaozhi had expected did not happen.

This energy bomb comparable to a nuclear bomb fell on the latter, and then it gradually melted on the body of the hidden dragon like an ordinary water bubble...

In the end, it was completely absorbed and disappeared into nothingness.

That supreme coercion disappeared in an instant.

"Wooah, ohoo~!"

Changing Yinlong touched his chest, expressing that it was a little itchy.

Then he turned his dangerous eyes on Chaomeng again, raised his claws, and made a gesture of attacking.


This time, not only Xiaozhi and the others were paralyzed, but even Chaomeng froze in place, dumbfounded.




(Using an allusion from Norse mythology, but let's not talk about it.)

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