He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1116 The opponent is the whole planet

Xiaozhi \u0026 Xiangta: "???"

The mouths of the two of them had been opened to the widest from the very beginning, but they had never been closed, and their lower body was even weak like rheumatism and cold legs.

Who's going to tell us what's going on? !

Chaomeng's strongest blow just disappeared like this, as if it never appeared... This energy is not conserved!

And the thought power energy bullets that stared at him completely were completely ineffective, and even turned into nothingness.

This time, Chaomeng frowned, and unexpectedly put away the previous anger.

"So that's how it is... Chi, so you have already seen the details of these hidden dragons?"

He showed his original expression and asked slowly.

"Dream, I just recognized it too..."

Chi replied calmly.

In the end, Chaomeng did not choose to continue to attack.

"Hmph, such an opponent is really disgusting..."

He snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and he returned to his master ball.

It seems that he does not intend to continue to shoot.

This also made Xiaozhi, who stayed where he was, look at the dangerous army of hidden dragons in front of him, without any other obstacles in between.

"Hey Hey hey?"

With a dazed look on his face, Xiaozhi frantically shook Chaomeng's number.

Why did he suddenly run away halfway through the fight? !

Even the previous conversation between Chi and Chaomeng, Xiaozhi could hear it.

So, what the hell are you talking about? !

Can you stop being a riddle man! !

Seeing the appearance of the purple hidden dragon in front of him eager to try, the sharp claws were already lingering with a dangerous light, Xiaozhi was even more anxious, and subconsciously hugged Pikachu.

In the end, he could only bite the bullet and slowly raised his hands.

He chose to surrender.

"Wow!!" "Woo!!"

This group of hidden dragons screamed strangely, and they were about to fly over...


"Grass Dragon God, keep people under your claws!!"

A burst of sweet shouting suddenly came from the sky above the crowd, and the voice was somewhat familiar.

Xiaozhi raised his head subconsciously, but saw a tropical dragon hovering above his head.

Then three figures jumped down from the Tropical Dragon.

It was Naqi, Xiaolan and Xiaogang.

Na Qi was still holding a large money bag in her hand, blocking the group of hidden dragons and Xiao Zhi.

"This is the money they paid for your items... please forgive their recklessness!"

Na Qi handed over the purse and bowed to the army of hidden dragons.

And after the purple chameleon dragon took the money bag, his complexion improved a bit...but his appearance was still not particularly cheerful.

"Wooah, ohoo!!"

It screamed again and again, and pointed in the direction of Xiaozhi and Xiangta, quite dissatisfied.

Generally, they do not accept this kind of behavior of paying later...

Once identified as robbers, they will chase the target to the ends of the earth until they beat the latter until they are dizzy.

Then take away all the existence of this target except clothes and underwear, and it will be considered as an end.

But Na Qi is their old customer, so she can save face.

"Wooah, ohoo~!"

"Wooah, ohoo~!"

Finally, after the group of Hidden Dragons greeted Na Qi, they scattered and disappeared among the surrounding grass.

And the Hidden Dragon Brothers, who were green and purple at first, returned to their booth, waiting for the next wave of customers.



"Nearly dying..."

Seeing that the matter came to an end, Xiaozhi and Xiangta breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground.

So is this the Grass Dragon God?

Xiaozhi remembered Naqi's reminder... so it was about the hidden dragon.

It is indeed a grass-colored dragon just like Rikuza.

But Xiaozhi felt that such power could no longer even be called a god.

Any hidden dragon can perfectly block Chaomeng's strongest blow...

You must know that there were thirty Hidden Changing Dragons here earlier!

Rounding it up, they were surrounded by thirty Gulardos!

"The belief in gods on your side is really outrageous..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining.

"The Grass Dragon God is not a god..."

Na Qi shook her finger and said.

Thanks to Xiangta this time, taking advantage of Xiaozhi's attention, he secretly called her for help, and Na Qi rushed to the rescue with money.

"The hidden dragons are not gods, but messengers of nature."

Na Qi looked around and said curlingly.

"A messenger of nature?"

This made several people curious, even the local Xiangta heard this for the first time...

No, he seemed to have heard of the Grass Dragon God before, but he didn't know that he was talking about the wild Hidden Changing Dragon.

"It doesn't have to be nature. You can also refer to the word as the world, the planet... Well, they can be said to be the messengers of the planet we are stepping on at the moment."

Na Qi's explanation made several people even more confused.

Talking like this planet is alive...?

"Although there is no definite evidence...but no one can be sure that standing at the top of the world is a powerful ancient god, not the planet itself."

Na Qi introduced with misty eyes:

"Perhaps our planet itself has its own independent will."

These words made the world view of Xiaozhi and the others shake a little.

In their impression, the top existence in this world is the ancient gods like Gulardo, the god of the earth, and the dragon god Rikuza.

"And this group of hidden dragons are the emissaries of this planet... They collect natural gifts from this planet and exchange materials with humans..."

A long time ago, the hidden dragon accepted barter... but in modern times, only cash currency is accepted.

It is estimated that in the future it will become an electronic currency that only accepts QR code payment?

Although this group of Hidden Dragons are really eccentric, even the price of the props is about three times the market price...

But this can be regarded as an active communication between nature and human beings, so generally when encountering such "businessmen", most people are willing to pay out of their pockets.

"I made a deal with this planet!"

This sentence alone already has enough gold content.

"And they work for this planet, so they naturally gain the protection power of this planet... In our Fangyuan area, we call them Grass Dragon Gods."

This power, Na Qi estimated that Mikley came here, and it was given for nothing.

Then again, was Xiaozhi and the Grass Dragon God fighting just now?

She just felt a force of silence just now, as if in the next second, their Yin Yu City will be reduced to doomsday ruins.


After listening to Naqi's story completely, Xiaozhi and the others were still nodding in a daze.

It was so mysterious that they couldn't believe it.

But the power shown by this group of hidden dragons before.


Seeing the Hidden Change Dragon who was setting up a harmless stall not far away, Xiaozhi couldn't help shivering.

This group of guys even looked at Xiaolan and Xiaogang, rubbing their little hands together with expectant expressions.

"So that's why, is that why Big Brother Chaomeng chose to stop directly...?"

Only then did Xiaozhi understand why the always arrogant Chaomeng boss slipped away decisively.

The opponent is the entire planet...

This is also a hammer! ?

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